seems these people going at miHoYo mean some serious business
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I should give up for the pin
what has the genshin community come to-
all this yalping energy could've been better spent making an open community rpg that is modeble
I've met a lot of Lumine mains- Kinda random- But ig she is a good DPS/Sub-DPS 😛
It really is hard to kind of take this seriously when this sort of thing probably belongs to the bottom of the priority list amongst all other problems. If they haven't been able to produce unique portrait art for their recent characters I doubt making extra official art for Lumine is even on their minds. It is unfortunate.
It's such a waste of a rally, in my opinion
Forget about world issues, just pushing mihoyo to solve issues in the game itself rather than slightly more lumine art would be to the benefit of all
Rather than have a miniscule impact on a near trivial issue
But if this works, it'll set a precedent, that even something as silly as more lumine art mihoyo's willing to communicate
And I love lumine, don't mind more art, just don't care
Aether and Lumine suffer from the "Common MC Syndrome" where their personality is close to none.
That's the reason why the cutscene where they reunited was so good imo, they showed some kind of emotion and personality. Otherwise, they'd be expressionless like in any dialogue, where Paimon feels more like "us" than the Traveler.
They just ran out of Lumine hentai lmao
This is barely a problem compared to other stuff in game.
In short
"We will sincerely beat your a*s if you don't do it"
As someone who picked Lumine, it's pretty annoying for them to act like people who made that choice don't exist. It was bad enough for them to make their trailers and every birthday post star Aether, but when even the IN-GAME art acts like you picked Aether, it's just confusing. Especially considering that Aether is supposed to be the Abyss Prince for Lumine players, are we supposed to expect the Abyss Prince to make an appearance in the story?
The only thing I really want to see is more character skins they introduced this damn feature God knows how many damn months ago and they only have two fucking skins that are officially available to be purchased and it's only for Jean and Barbara why do they not have skins for the other characters they have had released since day one they only have two skins in total which is pretty damn sad there's so many people out there that can make so many different wild and insane and cool looking skins that people would definitely buy I mean why would you create a skin roster in the marketplace and justly have to pitiful skins on that entire roster the all the time that they've had since that update it added that feature they could have pumped out at least about 10 to 20 skins maybe more from the current updates that have been released up until now
Both Aether and Lumine are as important to the plot as everyone one and they are equal. Mihoyo simply chose Aether to be the traveler twin and Lumine as the abyss twin. They don’t have bias, it’d just be strange and confusing for newcomers to see one thing and see another. Within the community, Aether gets a lot of hate. Although he gets a lot of official art, Lumine is definitely more popular in the community.
I’d think it would be a good idea to get some official art of her, as long as people stop commenting hate about Aether being on official art.
Isnt Bennett the MC of genshin? im probably confused
there are just so many other issues 'that affects gameplay' than just "we want to see Lumine" like, what? you want to overwrite the planned story and break the flow of plot? they should've just focused on the bugs and gameplay issues instead.
I really dont get it. In my eyes Aether and Lumine are one and the same. I chose Aether because he has the better colour palette and fashion. Other than their appearance and gender, the two behave exactly the same, there is no difference in personality. I don't see how and why people would differentiate so much between the two by gender and looks alone.
Dont like 2 people main traveller?
I bet if they use lumine right from the start there’s will be no aether version of this
Start putting all this energy into actually building the twins like I know none of you are doing, jeez
Personally I prefer one of the twins being mainly portrayed as the hero and the other as the villain, regardless of which one it is, to keep up consistency. The trailers feel more smooth that way, like we're following one story throughout them. Same with the official arts. Now, have them both in official arts and obviously that would be more fair. Have two versions of the art to display to players in-game according to the sibling they chose? Also great.
I personally picked Aether because I prefer his design overall, and because I wanted to recreate the Vocaloid songs "Daughter of Evil" and "Servant of Evil" which are about two twins like the MCs.
If he started being portrayed as the villain more often, I wouldn't mind, but specifically because of their designs and colour schemes I think that role fits Lumine better in arts. Maybe if they finally got off their asses and designed an Abyss prince/princess outfits for both of them, I wouldn't care at all about that.
Honeslty according to mihoyo videos, Lumine is portrait as the evil twin so its understandable that Aether is featured in the official art, he's canonically the protagonist of Mihoyo videos (he's the good twin). EVEN so Mihoyo canonically said that both MC are protagonists. Lumine is also a fan favorite so i guess they are trying to balance things out.
Over all i think is kinda pointles? like i understand completly the reason but come on man you cant do a revolution for everything mihoyo does. Let's just enjoy the amazing artworks, speaking as an artist.
genshin player type
an official art of thoma and itto got edit: 'like'
an official art got edit with Lumine: 'mad'
Lumine is cute and all, but these people are just simps.
Besides, you can find a lot of very cultured👌Lumine art if you look for it in the right places.
if people didn't know, in china, there are little to no people who chose aether, most chose lumine and in fanarts, douyin, etc. its basically just lumine, basically no aether. So this might be just Mihoyo reminding cn people that aether does exist lmao.
I think the reason they're so passionate about this is because Aether is always on bday arts, trailers and all event official art making people believe that he is the canonical mc and harassing whoever plays as Lumine or makes content of her because "she's not canon". It sounds stupid but I've seen it happen a lot! I once just wanted to reverse search fanart of the twins and saw a bunch hate for lumine in the top links, and there are a lot of comments of users arguing over this on YouTube as well. I can't show proof here so you'll just have to take my word for it or search a bit, but im guessing those users had to go through such arguments? They may also be frustrated since we were promised more mc Lumine content and nothing happened for months. I'm not on twitter and I don't think I'd join something like this, but I guess it's good that they're not going too far like what happened during the anniversary
I'm glad at least you said you understand the cause. But from what I understand the project isn't harmful anyway so yeah it's just an organized harmless petition.
And to answer some question yes I use lumine and lumine is my favorite character in genshin I really don't care about other character as much as lumine.
Also people saying "lumine is canon antagonist". That is one of the reason we need more lumine on official art not just fanart. Because we who play as lumine don't feel as welcomed in game and it's often that the fanartist get harassed for drawing traveler lumine which they say not canon
And I thought this video was gonna be about something important.. 😅
i am convinced that initially aether was supposed to be the main character (judging from manga and official art) but they decided to make it both aether and lumine at the end
We're only approaching half of the regions, maybe we're not even half of Lore yet, MiHoYo already said that Aether is the main one, it's not belittling Lumine, it's just the way they handled the Genshin project, always referencing the MC as if it were Aether, and Lumine being just one more MC option, all testing and story was done considering Aether just because since for game code the twins are just skins, that would make work easier…
These people trying to make it look like Lumine's absence is prejudice or something like that are just dumb, we don't even know the rest of the story yet, and if later in the second half of the game the lore starts to explain more of the past , this is obviously going to give Lumine a huge screen time (who was the one who was awake in the meantime), and that would be even more amazing…
First half of the game being Aether's story, and the second half being Lumine's story…. Perfectly balanced
I get what their goal is but is it that big of a deal? I know that getting an in-game Aether art can kinda break the immersion of people who pick Lumine but these people make it sounds as if Lumine fans are an oppressed group.
Even if MHY listen, would it even be that much of a change? It would just be like "Hey! the dude that was previously featured in our art is a girl now. Hooray!"
I would really like to see Lumine in official trailers from MC perspective. But it's mostly understandable why Mihoyo use only Aether.
Marketing departments are literally RUINING the world. I would not trust someone in marketing whatsoever. There are SO MANY companies out there being absolutely trashed by their marketing departments.
People have way, way, waaaaaaay too much free time.
Aether supremacy
I had to google who Lumine even was to understand anything about this.
what if INSTEAD of MORE Lumine art, there's just significantly less art of the travelers as a whole.
Yo are they for real? These people have no problems in life, just ignore them, if they put so much effort in a bunch of pixels moving on a screen…damn..sad
Aether > Lumine
if aether didnt show up in art i honestly couldn't care less
1:45 Among us (Among us)
The one time I don’t want mihoyo to give in
I used geo Lumine as a battery for my Noelle. She’s pretty cool. I also built her electro version. The petition sounds a bit dramatic though, like how is it “harmful” exactly? I don’t think it’s that serious. Maybe they should tone down the speech because it’s a global warming movement.