This Genshin Impact Update Is Absolute Cinema | 4.7 LIVESTREAM REACTION

This is one of the BEST Genshin Impact Version updates ever cooked!

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This Genshin Impact Update Is Absolute Cinema | 4.7 LIVESTREAM REACTION

#GenshinImpact #Genshin #MurderofBirds


44 thoughts on “This Genshin Impact Update Is Absolute Cinema | 4.7 LIVESTREAM REACTION”

  1. I imagine that Lumine's journey is more lengthy and torturous. Left there to ruinated and ponder if the world around them as anything to offer. They don't try to invest the world around them. They're stuck as they're the remnants of the past.

    Comparing to Aether, who is taking his step slowly with Paimon and just taking his time to explore the world. Plus with how vague his time in Teyvat, it's probably short but memorable, so his feelings about it would be bias and filled with wonderful memories.

  2. I feel SO left behind cause I did not even finished Inazuma quest yet ;-; my computer can't take more genshim uptdates and I've been playing for 4 years (stopped right now cause yeah) and I feel just so sad cause I missed a lot of new characters and lore and aaaaa

  3. 4.7 is looking fantastic, but i do have one worry about it and that's the dain quest, ik a lot of people really enjoyed Caribert but imo i think it was the worst quest in genshin and didn't enjoy it so I'm really hoping things actually go down in this quest because nothing has really happened with dain since 1.4 , new lore and confirmation of things we kinda we're already assuming with caribet if worst comes to worst I'll have Clorinde and sethos to enjoy when i finish exploring the new area and the story quests

  4. I was literally in shock just in one minute, everything happening at once until the end of the stream and seeing the preview of Natlan I thought it was a pokemon sponsor ad 💀 I was like— “Since when did Hoyoverse do Pokémon?!” But then I once the preview of Natlan was posted I laughed.

    Who thinks that those dragons are cute? Because I surely do, especially the green one. Somehow it reminds me of that bird in the first croods. 💀

  5. Saying that Dain is a best thing that happend to Lumine is really bold consdering he dosnt seem like a persont that would know how to cheery on the person, he just seems really jaded and well mad at the gods comapred to Paimon who is as pure as they can go, if anything Dain comes off as menacing more then anything. Consdering that unlike her brother, She never got the clues to her slibling being out there and alive , neither did she have as happy go lucky companion as a Paimon.

  6. ARNOLD!!

    That is indeed boar princesss!!!
    Boar princess is all about her leading her companions to her wolf friend -》 WOLFIE!!
    This domain is either created by Andersdotter OR like simulated universe of HSR multiple mages have contributed, with the plot belonging to andersdotter

  7. You guys should stop using that volume gate. The constant fluctuations in music volume is really distracting and scuffed sounding. It would sound more pro to just pick a mix and stick with it. I mean this with love<3


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