This Hu Tao is broken in Genshin Impact…STUNNED!!!
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My hu tao is kinda like this but the crimson bitch artifacts man 🥲
Okay but that EM is dog shit though
me still at c0, but 90/230 crit.
It's amazing, but the em..
How do you see the world ranking stuff????
No way this airdropped into my shorts feed💀
Meh its good but not that good
Imagine her in C6 and R5 Homa…
Mine's at 59-254 I'm depressed I want those rolls sm
I literally have a top 1% diluc and still cant 36* every abyss rip diluc mains
mines got crit dmg for days and absolutely no crit rate
it’s 20/289 and it’s so bad-
Top 1% Hu Tao with only 54 EM. 😬🥱
Hu Tao finna get more clients now
What site did you go to see that it was the 1% ranking??
I mean crit is good and all but that EM is a bit low for a vape Hutao
never got above 30 CDM substat..
max at 27 😭
Can someone tell me where I can see the world ranking for all characters?
I was telling myself that i got better with 300% critdmg but 40% cr
needs more em tbh, tho pls give that circlet holy
I went from like 3 years of Summoners War to Genshin, and that’s why I have like no artifacts. I went from a game where you can reapp, grind, and reroll a specific substat. My perfectionist mentality kills me from having more than two teams
My Hu Tao is like this, obviously she isn’t as good but she’s still pretty decent. 90 over 190 cr to cd with 4pc crimson. And she’s C1
Why would I be recommended this trash
My hu tao is actually kinda close (50 rate 220 dmg)
Perhaps i should try to get homa
and when I thought my hu tao is strong, this guy came to the room and said «hehe crit rolls go brr»
seriously, I have 70/255, 32k hp and very low em, and this is with the staff of homa…
can someone tell me whats a top 1% charcater and how to check on my own charcaters pls?🥲
EM is more important especially when you have 50. CV is not an accurate describtion of a build
I don’t wanna be that guy but his em can be a bit higher
That crit ratio is nutty and all but where the em. Hu tao usually wants around 150-200 em for vape charge attacks
My Hu tao od better lol? 54 em with Crimson?
heya doro! i was wondering if u could react to mika’s character demo soon. i also wanted to share a theory about fontain, the theory is about the soundtrack, xinyan says that rock and roll comes from fontain, that lead me to believe that the soundtrack there will maybe be rock music. But i still dont know to 100% yet😅
Mid tao
Still weaker than C6R5 anyways, so that #1 doesnt mean anything.
Wtf just how many times did he farmed that pain domain that only gives def% and flat stats
Wait, what was that website that showed how good the Hu Tao was? The top 1% one
If she was c6 and her polearm was r5 then the world would just explode
How do you check rankings for characters?
Just wait until it's c6 r5 and we're all doomed
Rolls? That months upon months of gambling dog😅😅😅
it seems like they dont whale either.. im scared