This 1 Issue Ruins Aloy | Genshin Impact

#genshin #aloy #plsfix

pls fix this mihoyo

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43 thoughts on “This 1 Issue Ruins Aloy | Genshin Impact”

  1. I find it a bit funny that she is a crossover character which you would expect is to draw new players to Genshin from Horizon yet all her drops are in the latest island of Inazuma. A place where no new player will get to any time soon.

  2. Actually with sucrose i barely ever run into that issue one thing i dont like is how far apart the bombs are and how some enemies like the new one just float over the bombs and on water its worse
    I don't think the .1 sec ruins the kit i think it just takes way more work than we all anticipated like for example she gains coils off field so if u cc at a good time or around multiple enemies her skill actually is great but takes alot of skill to use i dont think she is bad just complex kinda

  3. Well, cant expect Kazuha Venti be too op supp for her, imo shes fine, thats why mihoyo intentionally put 0.1 sec proc. I think shes gonna be good, but abit clunky like Klee to use, with that bombs.

  4. I actually appreciate that you’re addressing an ACTUAL problem in Aloy’s kit that is really holding her back. I’ve went through a few videos of people just saying her gameplay is bad but they never address an actual issue to why her gameplay is bad. So it’s really nice to see that you took the time to see what others didn’t.

  5. Still trying to figure how to use her. But my own personal problem is. Her design. I love horizon zero dawn. I Use to see her being badass in Horizon Zero dawn and making her small here feel weird to me

  6. yeah the ICD was pretty disappointing. i think until the point where she gets fixed it’s not worth it to level up the normal attacks but i guess that’s ok because the less specters i have to farm the better.

  7. She's released to everybody in 2.2 so they have time to overview the numbers and skills and solve any problems that come along the way of the gameplay and mechanics I think this problem will be solved hopefully♥️

  8. Hmm now that I think about this, it's like her trap gameplay in HZD. The way you lure enemies to where you want them. I know this isn't optimal in genshin playstyle with all those time challenge they have, but maybe they thought of this for her skill. Food for thought, not defending Mihoyo 🙂

    I having fun playing as Aloy <3

  9. When i saw her kit i instanly thought that shes gonna be a cyro yoimiya with my kazuha skill! Now im super sad that this can't work and now im gonna be stuck without a cryo DPS till ganyu rerun!

  10. I think she ll get a banner and her constellations will solve her problems (like Childe's cons)

    With C1 her E may grant the cryo AA and the mini bombs extend the uptime
    C2 charge atk spawns mini bombs
    C4 burst spawns a shit ton of mini bombs
    C6 she becomes c0 Ganyu LOL

  11. Aloy height in Horizon is 169 and Venti is 161 but the fact that in Genshin Aloy is shorter than Venti just gave me a cancer, At least she should have had the same size as Rosaria or Beidou.


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