Yelan truly does fit onto a LOT of teams in the game, as we’ve all come to find out, but today I picked out two of my favorite teams (whether because of their very high damage potential or their relative accessibility to most players, including the fact that in both teams, Yelan’s own hydro application isn’t necessarily top priority), Yelunfire and Double HyPyro (National) teams.
So in this video, I’ll go over why and how the teams work, what builds I recommend, the rotation guide and a full damage showcase of each team.
edited by meeee
music: (
by tnbee
WHY Yelan and Xingqiu work so well together:
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0:00 Intro
0:53 Yelunfire Explained
2:44 Character Builds for Yelunfire
6:00 Yelunfire Rotation Guide and SHOWCASE
8:33 Double HyPyro Explained
9:20 Character Builds for Double HyPyro
10:39 Double HyPyro Rotation Guide and SHOWCASE
12:04 Final Thoughts
#genshinimpact #yelan #genshin
'two of the most insanely powerful teams in the game', team comping is pretty subjective considering how detailed the process is, so when I say this, I'm mostly referring to the teams' general accessibility and flexibility in relation to their very high team damage outputs.
ALSO a note about Double HyPyro:
It's actually pretty much always more optimal to swap Xingqiu and Yelan's place in the rotation order.
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Great video! These are crazy good teams that I have yet to try, but the thing with Yelan is that she opens up sooo many teams, so it's been hard to get to all of them. She's just so versatile. I'll be trying out these teams very soon.
For the reads notes … SIGH DOUBLE HYPYRO… I like giving Bennett Crimson Witch and having him be the driver. Both he and Xiangling can vape consistently. Also I think it's better to use Xingqiu BEFORE Yelan because of their burst durations/cooldowns (20s/18s vs 18s/15s)
LP reacted d ryt way, she is Sogrobartigg.Monster need of over drama, or over consider ations. She don't deserve *considerationsh. Lp പറഞ്ഞ പോലെ,, ജീവിതം തുടങ്ങിയല്ലേ ഉള്ളു, പഠിക്കട്ടെ.
To better optimize the rotation of "Yelunfire":
Raiden E
Yelan E-Q
Jean E (To swirl Electro-Hydro)
Bennett E-Q
Jean Q (Sunfire)
Raiden Burst Unga-Bunga (By then, the enemy would already be have all 3 elements resistance decreased for higher Raiden Nuke DMG)
I'm sorry dude but Pydro sounds much much better than HyPyro lol
well that yelunfire team with fischl and yelan on field seems like one bad bennett waste lol
You could have just call the second team Boiling Pot since Xiangling is a cook, and you’re trying to stay in a ring of fire that’s increasing the hydro damage.
I love the use of c6 Bennett in the double hydro and double pyro team because it boosts Bennets DMG and allows him to vape his normal atks and well as his skill and his dmg gets boosted from his burst, yelans passive, the 2 pyro atk buff, my mistsplitter and xianglings gouba
A fellow Sunfire envoyer, noice
Might try the onfield Bennett Team
I feel like if you have no jean or raiden for the yelunfire team you could probably use sucrose as a driver for a lot if swirl? Correct me if i’m wrong pls-
Good channel dragonfly, and good job overall…..
What if I don't have Jean and still want to run sunfire
I introduce to you ads enter HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA
HyPyro looks crazy
I have Jean in con 1 I wish I had more cons for her
I don't have Jean got the rest though 🙁
🌸😹It would be a setup so broken that the universe itself would criminalize it on account it would be eclipsed itself in power and majesty.😹🌸
In that case I name my tazer comp double hycro.
You are such a heavily underrated genshin YouTuber
I also rock a double HyPyro build, but I change Xiangling for Yoimiya. Its an amazing team for single target fights
What’s the name of the song at 6:50
Yelan and xingqiu together is really fun. Ive tried them with a bunch of different comps and my absolute fav is with c6 yanfei and diona! Theres so much melt and freeze and vaporize going on the numbers are insane!
the thing with raiden yelan bennett teams is that i dont know how can you people swirl both hydro and electro to get vv buff. Any rotation advices when including jean or kazuha?
Isnt this a better rotation? Here he double swirls electro and hydro
Yoo finally someone brought this up, i just tried the first variant, the yelunfire back in monday to do my weekly stuff, and my first reaction was : thank god i did not blink once KEKW 🤣😁
I can't stop thinking Yelan+XQ might be one of the best pairings in the game, which is really funny recalling how many people said to skip her easily because "she was just a worse Xingqiu C6"
Petition to rename Doyble HyPyro to HyRoller because of Yelan's dice motif
in the double hypyro team, wouldn't xingqiu Q then E better than the other way around cuz of his C4
I've been using the second team but instead of xiangling I've been using Thoma cuz he ma boi
The Double HyPyro logic works well with Pyro main DPS as well.
I used Klee/Yelan/Xinqiu/Thoma on my version, and got a 36 stars on abyss earlier.
I'm just really thankful for Yelan/Xinqiu because now, I no longer have to bench Klee on my account.
She no longer is just a mascot on my teapot HAHAH.
and C2 Thoma as well for keeping the baby bomber alive and providing the pyro resonance.
I actually ran double hypyro team this abyss rotation and they obliterated the abyss for an easy 36 stars.