These LEAKS are INSANE in Genshin Impact

Shenhe, Yun Jin, future events, banners, and regions are all leaked in Genshin Impact. Is it time to start talking about them? Or should I stay away from them?
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49 thoughts on “These LEAKS are INSANE in Genshin Impact”

  1. Since you are a big channel, and you are not directly involved, I'd go for it, but round them up with your experience, explaining if their are likely to happen, if they are good or bad for the game, etc etc.
    I'd love to make educated decisions, since I don't plan to whale on the game, but just make some targeted purchases here and there

  2. I have a good reason not to think you should not cover the leaks. Like right now we gotta either search for it actively or be in a community that watches so much genshin content that's impossible not to atleast be exposed to it (not necessarily watch or know what exactly) like some people might know leaks exist but not watch it still. so what I'm saying is if genshin leaks become mainstream again, then we might have another Leak Hunt Decree like we had one before. But if it's kinda not in the mainstream then most people would still know the kits at launch. And if there's another leak hunt decree the f2p/low spender community would suffer from a drought of primos.

    Then again leaks are fun and yes I do follow them as well I already have theories on who I want to pull and why. Although I gotta say I'm only gonna pull shenhe cause she thicc. anyway back to the topic …. yeah it's fun to see leaks because I can calculate their stats or whatever and set my sights on it. But having someone else explains the stats and scaling to me would become boring and unfun. Part of why I like leaks are it's like another gamble where they might change stuff like with ganyu but the part of me that likes to calculate their stats on my own says no to having leaks as mainstream content.

    That's just my take on it.

  3. tbh I hate leaks about future content.
    I'm down for leaks of new chars, but like, if you spoil what the fuck is gonna happen before it even happens, what the hell am I playing for?

  4. I would say yes tell us about the leaks of the characters and events but not the story or quests because it will help us decide weather to wish on current banner or wait for a leaked characters that will be more useful for our accounts

  5. What id like is you talking about the value of the new character, but not showing any footage, and nothing about the story or lore. This way we can get a pro players opinion about the new characters kit, and we could use that to decide whether to wish or not.

  6. im with you, mihoyo doesnt give two shits about a whale,f2p , anyone tbh other then themselves, its clear with everything theyve done as a company in the past 3-4 months, Fuck Em , there just another scummy company in the guise of a smile. I dont think the word "Ethics" is even in their vocabulary. You owe them nothing Tashman

  7. Great video mtashed. This really opened MIHOYO's eyes, leakers getting shut down left and right. Its sad to see genuine good content creators have to consider resorting to leaks because MIHOYO previously did not do anything about it.

  8. As long as someone hasn't signed an NDA then it's fair game to talk about. Just call them theories/predictions & that you should take some salt with them.

    & yes. 2 out of the 3 claims from when Matt was going to lose his channel were fake claims. I think the legit claim was due to misinformation he didn't correctly vet (He also didn't remove old misinformation videos)

  9. I just don't know if your visibility would make Mihoyo pay attention to you more. I wouldn't want you to be the one guy that get's in trouble for it. Don't go down the Mattjestic path. Just talk about it on social media and leave it off of your twitch and Youtube

  10. I would say do it. It rlly does help us free to play players and like you said it can help us decide whether or not to skip. In addition, OTHER PPL ARE LITERALLY PROFITING OFF OF THESE LEAKS SO SHOULD YOU.

  11. My personal opinion is that anything that helps to combat that FOMO-focused method of business and let people make more informed and thought out purchases, instead of spur of the moment ones, is ultimately good. Not so much for the corporation, I guess, but for the consumer it's helpful.

    Honestly, it's more unethical for these billion dollar companies to use predatory tactics, FOMO, and gambling addiction to drive their already massive sales. I feel no pity for them when it comes to character leaks.

  12. Datamine aren’t a lie true the character is in the data but people forget mihoyo is still probably working on the characters and they’re not finalized. Leaks are cool you know but not actual information from the developers so just be patient and wait till their kits are announced 🙂

  13. LOL don't ask your audience if you should be revealing leaks because of course most will be selfish and say "YES", because we're not on the hook. I don't think it's ever a good idea to share stolen information. I certainly understand why it's tempting to share and discuss, but it's up to the content creators if it's worth the risk. Also, there's only so much to discuss before official release. I prefer more thorough discussion when things are fully released than endless speculation that we have to take with a grain of salt.

  14. If you cover the leaks then they could just copyright strike it and it would be forced to be down for a period of time and they would still get their way. On the other hand, if you get a strike and you have no content besides what they've published and you claim everything is "heresay" and only talk (no resources shown), then they wouldn't have any ground and you would know if they are going after creators covering leaks. Another POV is that they secretly want the leak info to come out so they just let it slide. Also, what if you asked the channels that are showing leaks if they've been hit with CR strikes? That would tell you right away too. IMHO it's content to cover and I don't have the patience to look them up, I watch your youtube while playing so I'm informed! Keep truckin' bro

  15. I think it's okay to discuss news & leaks. But I think the one who leaks information is maybe pumping up the GI community players to go back & play some more hours to get the primos they wanted to wish for that new characters. It's like adding a gas into a small ember to fired up the players to came back again. At least that's what I observed in the past.

  16. You have the unique position of not being bound by an NDA like almost every other content creator and so if I were you, if you have that opportunity, you should go for it. The only caveat I have for that is don't do it if you're at all close to a 3rd strike. Don't go stacking 'em up and then suddenly poof! no more tash man.


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