Vishaps are annoying & Golden Wolflord is scary… hopefully this video helps you to get all 9 stars on every floor!
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The newest Spiral Abyss 2.5 is really interesting but I wouldn’t say it’s that hard when compared to past ones we’ve had. In fact, there’s a lot more freedom in teams and best characters you can use, not to mention the fact you can actually use some lesser popular characters like Geo Traveler to take care of a certain problem that a lot of players are probably going to run into 🙂
This video is basically the best teams in Genshin Impact that you can use right now as well as best dps characters but in reality – you can pretty much build any team and still fully clear this newest cycle of 2.5 Spiral Abyss since all you need to be aware about are few tricky mechanics.
Genshin Impact is an open-world gacha game that’s available on PC, PS4, PS5 and mobile devices (iOS & Android). Genshin Impact features fast gameplay with best RPG elements in an action packed setting.
Genshin Impact
All footage produced by Gacha Gamer.
We are in no way affiliated to the developers or publishers of the mentioned games. We use the audiovisual footage to create unique content that falls under the fair use rights.
Previous abyss was Honestly easier for me, the current 12-2 and 12-3 are fine but 12-1 second half was absolute cancer for me, took me hours to 36*
this abyss is a miss. too easy. I don't even feel like doing test on it. or recording a video to remember it by.
to think it'll take 2 months for it to change again… ugh.
I now realize that i prefer bullshit abysses with terrible stallers than ones that are too easy. can't we have one which is neither?
As a beidou main, I LOVE THIS ABYSS
My team are raiden ei jean xingqiu and eula zhongli bennett rosaria
This is the first time i use bennett on eula team since those damn vishaps have a lot of hp. I kinda worry about 1st team since it dont have much damage compared to raiden national but well its better than i expected, not to mention first half enemies are ez to kill
Meanwhile, i still haven't cleared any abyss yet (still at floor 6).
Ningwang can do the wolf boss 😆
Place aether e skill on that skull then spam just auto attacks faster way to send the wolf skull back at the boss since aether 5th hit on normal attack does geo dmg
Seeing how good raiden is in this video makes me regret getting yae miko
Can’t we use ningguang fr the shields??
I use barbara, Kaeya,And xingqui Cause bendoi macth with them so Much or maybe it just for me
I love how floor 3 surprised me of the reviving mechanic those vishaps have. I did not expect that they will do that unlike the world boss version. It brought me back that adrenaline on-the-spot revision of strategies and try to implement them real time and give my best to perfectly place my attacks then have that euphoric victory of beating it with one second left before minute 7.
People really do like to ignore that Eula has one of the highest normal attack damage. I literally used Zhongli qiqi Eula Fischl and easily face tanked everything in chamber 2 while hitting 25 to 40k normal hits.
As a person with a full geo team (Zhongli Itto Gorou Albedo) and a Beidou main, i feel like it's my time to shine!!
I swear the stupid wolflord stays for exactly 5 seconds on the ground for me before flying back again.
Imagine beating wolflord with taser team without geo and not bringing electro for the electro wolves
Couldnt be me, haha
Is it just me or are there way more ads in those videos than before? I get that this costs time and resources so I think ads are fine but please put them at the start and maybe at the end. But not three to four ads in the middle of the video. That's just no fun to watch anymore. And I like watching your videos a lot!
I’ve always avoided the abyss but today when I finally had enough courage to do,
I did pretty well and reached to floor 10
Thought it was always this something mega big thing but I guess not so much-ish
I hate the wolflord so much, he floats around so I can't use melee and his hitbox is pure shit so my ningguang just doesn't lock on him sometimes
thing is… was complete even before it begun……y'know raiden, hu tao, ganyu are just way too overpowered
Enemies with ER drain make Yae Miko even more difficult to use in the new abyss
I struggle a lot with floor 11 chamber 1 last second part
Those vishaps 😭
Seriously been a player, since the release i havent, gotten a perfect abyss, its always 2 stars on the last 3 stages in 12, and seeing it gets harder makes me depressed, ive been looking out for good team comps but the damn problem is, the artifacts, its hard to get a good one, but the most funny part is you're not even assured of getting a good stat upgrade, i know they gain money from those people who buys resins *shudders, but can we least enjoy our character without being weight down by bad stats, i really wish they at least increase artifact drops rates or implement an upgrade stat reset from 20 to 0, cause what makes it more painful is having a stupid set of upgrade from a good artifact that you finally acquired from investing 1- 2 mos of artifact farming
I wanna see how hard how hard players these days would slap version 1.0-1.1 version of Spiral abyss with what we have now.
This new abyss scycle is easier on floor 12, but the 11th floor is really stupid.
Brilliant advice! Hope you de the same for every new abyss, thanks!
I can likely 36 start this abyss, and that would be my first
I suspect Hu Tao can dodge the energy drain from the Bishap ?
small tip for when fighting the wolf lord while having traveller as your only geo character: instead of using your elemental skills twice to bring down the black wolfhead shield thingies, use travellers e one and then do a full normal attack rotation. The last hit of geo traveller's normal attack sequence does geo damage and is enough (in combination with traveller's e) to take down one of the three heads. It's faster since traveller's E has somewhat of a long cooldown.
Geo traveler can take care of the heads of the wolflord alone with one E and the 5th strike of their normal attack, but as always no one is paying attention to the traveler
A little thing to note about geo traveler is that the last normal attack can do geo damage.
Meaning you can probably break each wolflord's shield totem thing with 1 skill and the last normal attack
as a xiao main, i hate these lizards
I have a really sh*t time at the moment, so thanks for making me laugh again Rawfler❤️
Holy shit this abyss was aids. It's as if they never stop making these abyss rotations more and more annoying. Not only do they still refuse to remove rifthounds, but they also threw in the Wolflord boss, which was 100x more annoying. It literally just stayed in the air 90% of the time and I could barely even get my bursts up. The reason why abyss keeps getting power-spiked is because newer enemy types show up almost every patch. They always refuse to either make new floors, or balance them. I'm sorry but if this is Mihoyo's idea of good boss mechanics, then I've lost hope. Soon we can say goodbye to Zhongli shields as well if they decide to implement these upcoming boss types into the abyss lmfao
Ningguangg is also really useful against the wolflord
It's always Beidou. I absolutely hate her playstyle and I will never build her.
i hate that flying wolf