There's a BIG issue with Candace… Candace First Impressions: What is Candace Good At? Genshin 3.1

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0:00 Intro & Disclaimer
1:37 Basically, this is what Candace does
3:29 On-field Xingqiu
4:24 Candace Bloom?
5:33 Candace Vape, Vape with C6, Yoimiya Test?
8:18 Candace Freeze?
8:48 Her Problems as a DMG% Support
11:30 It’s Not ALL Negatives
13:31 Overall First Impressions

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43 thoughts on “There's a BIG issue with Candace… Candace First Impressions: What is Candace Good At? Genshin 3.1”

  1. Brro what was that yoimiya team? Obviously fix the hydro application by running Candace with Yelan or XIng. Yelan is better because then both benefit from hydro resonance. Last slot probably Zhongli who also benefits from hydro resonance. Super comfy team to play that absolutely destroys once Candace is built.

  2. I think people focus too much on single features on her instead of the whole thing, you need to utilize her personal damage, auto attacks and have a use for her aoe hydro application in general, i don't think she lacks in team damage compared to either yunjin or xingqiu aslong as you actually have a swap based team that also utilizes short auto attack windows, it's mostly an alternate way of playing right now, will be more intresting when we get more dendro options for controlled bloom creation i think
    Also her short onfield time is actually underrated as hell, her animation and delays are really short

  3. Yeah I don't like what your saying, not because I disagree with you but because I want to use her in a team without feeling like I'm shooting myself in the foot :/

    At least it's nice that they released their first shield character instead of the bubbles they call shields…
    I hope they get better at designing characters because so far this is the coolest character they have released since I started playing. Half the 5* are just re released 4* units absolutely killing my enthusiasm for them. (started playing after Miko's release)
    Personally the only character I see her fitting with is Razor, aka a character that you want on the field normal attacking that can use the infusion.

  4. Well Brax, thats dumb just do…..

    … I'm JK , I like her design very much and that'll be the thing about it thats wins me over because I'm more a casual player who just pulls characters that look cool and farts around playing domains when I don't even have resin .I mean I have got plenty META main dps characters like Yoimiya, Hu Tao, Eula and Xiao, but the only one I play consistently is Yoimiya just because i love her design , I don't even touch Hu-Tao anymore because I like Yoimiya so much better, and Xiao is cringey so I don't play him.

  5. Let's be real. She has a problem and a huge one. Well, I don't really care. I like her design and VA. Still gonna level 9 all of her talents like what I did with Kuki back then. Tho imho, Candace is in the worst spot than Kuki on her release.

  6. The Problem is that Miyoho created 4-5 badly designed characters and I am not talking about Candace, Thoma etc. I am talking about Bennett, XQ, XL, Sucrose (and Fischl). I think they did not quite understood their own system at that time and accidentally made these 4* op.

    Now every new character has to compete with these (Yelan, Sara) or find their own niche (Shenhe, Yun Jin).
    The solution would be a power creep to create a new and healthy baseline. Or maybe a major shift in meta which significantly lowers the character's benefits but this did not work in the past.

  7. Hey @Braxophone, i just got a weird idea, i don't know if this would work, but as you have some worthy artifacts on Candace, could you please try Raiden Shogun, Candace, Ayaka, and any other character in a team?? I mean its kinda fun to play with hydro infused Raiden Shogun/Ayaka, who can deal some nice damage😅 just now i tried with Raiden and i felt like she was dealing hydro with electro DMG😅😅

  8. Can someone tell me if her burst gives Razor hydro infusion during his burst? I have both characters but they’re under leveled and I’m not really able to test a hyperbloom team without potentially wasting materials 😢

  9. The problem with relaying in C6 nowadays for 4* is that getting constallations is really scarce, the first year of the game I consider it as the golden era of Genshin, I have C6 Bennet, Xiangling, Xinqiu, Sucrose, Diona, Rosaria. Right now its a pain to get those 4* without pulling for a 5* you don't want. The pool of poor niche 4* is increasing as a bait to struggle and pay more xD.

  10. I'm sorry if it's disheartening to see people coming for you because you look at characters from a completely objective standpoint, I can't imagine how rough that is as a content creator. It's unfortunate that she is the way she is but she definitely suffers from "Kuki Syndrome." Mhy's been doing this ever since Inazuma, and as annoying as it is it's very smart too. Artificially increasing a character's lifespan by shoving them in a very specific niche that may or may not be useful until a later date is more than likely what's going on here and I hate it, but it is what it is. Hopefully she'll get some much-deserved TLC down the road.

  11. These vids are my favorite, it´s important to know how good a character is in the meta, and right now Candence just isn´t worth it, doesn´t mean I won´t play her anyway since I love her design so much, but with this and your xinyan cirtique you just won a subscriber

  12. "If you're not doing high-end spyral abyss this video is not for you"
    I mean, I get 36 stars in Spyral Abyss with many comps that the theorycrafters and youtubers say completely suck xP
    It's not doing "high-end spyral abyss", it's min-maxing a gacha that has RNG everywhere, which honestly feels weird to me


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