The WORST Weapon in the Game | Genshin Impact

#genshin #kokomi #everlastingmoonglow

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44 thoughts on “The WORST Weapon in the Game | Genshin Impact”

  1. I don't agree. I get good results out of her for endgame, especially in my duo clears. Allowing your main dps to be hyper aggressive without wasting time switching to shield or press Barbara Q is a much better option for me. Having consistent damage during your main dps's downtime is much better than no damage (talking about extra 300K per kokomi Q) or tickling the enemy with bennet/xingqiu/barabara E xDD.

  2. Only reason why I pulled in this weapon banner was for the Jade cutter, on my 2nd 10 pull I got both the Skyward Atlas and the Moonglow,one after the other. And because that guarranteed my the Jade cutter as the next weapon I decided to roll further and got it on the next 10 pull, best weapon banner run ever, only beat out (in total wishes spent) by rolling for Amos bow durring Ganyu banner which was just a single 10 pull.

    But remember guys, weapon banner is still a scam, no matter how lucky I got, and you shouldn't roll, unless you are a dumbass like me. πŸ™ƒ

  3. I got the weapon because it looked pretty. Was pretty happy until I realize Everlasting Moonglow does not glow nor have any small animations like other weapons do when the special bonuses activates, they certainly did Kokomi and her weapon dirty :')

  4. I have kokomi and actually wish I could pull this weapon. I'm using a R5 Amber on her and her heals are insane for me, which is exactly what I expected from her. And her heal doesn't get me frozen or reacted on like with Barbara.
    This weapon may not be better, but damn, it would look so good on Kokomi.

    I think it is, besides Zhongli's and Baal's spear, the best looking weapon in the game

  5. You didn't even touched on the worst part of this weapon – this weapon is literally usless on every other catalyst user (it's even kind of meh for Barbara) so it was specifically made only for Kokomi. But still it isn't even that good on her.

    It honestly looks like they did smoke something good in the office while balancing this character and her weapon.

  6. The value of Kokomi's Constellation and weapon changes the moment you factor in attack speed increases, and also explains why Kokomi is not allowed to crit.

    That is basically what Mihoyo did, built characters around performing on attack speed, yet does not release attack speed as an accessible stat alongside these characters. (Yoimiya, Kokomi)

    Well SoBP and Jean C2 can be used to test out the effects of attack speed on these characters at least, but combat wise an artifact set would be easier to manage.

    Hu Tao and Ganyu rerun sales must be real important to Mihoyo to pull this kind of trick.

  7. Forgive me Father for I have simped πŸ˜”
    I knowingly and willingly pulled for Kokomi even tho I know she is trash.
    She was just too cute to pass up. 😣
    Don't get me wrong, I enjoy her, she is fun to play, but I won't lie to myself regarding her kit. There will be no "Kokomi Supremacy" coming from me, I'll tell you that much.

    With that said, I'm glad her banner did horribly in sales.
    Why? because hopefully this will make Mihoyo think twice before releasing a underwhelming 5* and selling it as premium.
    Who knows, maybe this will prompt Mihoyo to rework her kit in the future to make her somewhat attractive in the meta department…. tho that last bit is just me inhaling hopium. πŸ˜–

  8. A meme weapon for a meme character. That they want you to spend money on. That they placed on the anniversary meaning that they think they are representative of (the best of) the game.

  9. Kokomi's best teams could be:
    Beidou; Fischl; Childe
    Ganyu; Ayaka; Venti

    In both teams Kokomi is better with Thrilling Tales

    Also, Kokomi is a tactician, her weapon should improve team stats

  10. For some who doesn't care about meta like me, I'm good with it. I'm AR 57 and can clear the game 36*. I don't really care about what's in meta rn. I pull for whom I want and get their weapon too. And yes, I have Kokomi and her weapon.

  11. I have the Prototype Amber R5. I run it with Ningguang as a quickswap/healer. Or with Sucrose as a Viridescent,EM bot/Healer. This weapon is actually pog. It makes catalyst regain their burst much faster and you can sustain yourself against Azhdaha if your coop teammates are dead.

  12. if you happen to get this weapon while trying for the jade cutter, its pretty good on Barbara, mines only level 60 and she is doing good damage with it and it or her is not even fully leveled


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