The Worst News In Genshin Impact… #shorts #genshinimpact

Hoyoverse announced they will not be giving us end game content for the forseable future. Me personally I love the game how it is currently but also wouldn’t mind more end game content. What are your thoughts?

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39 thoughts on “The Worst News In Genshin Impact… #shorts #genshinimpact”

  1. 1. More endgame content mean more money to spend
    2. If you play honkai you would know how competitive it is to the point that you need to have ALL META characters with its weapon and stigma (artifact), and stigma (artifact) are also in a gacha, not farming.
    3. There will be no point on pulling for Waifu/Husbando cause you SHOULD only pull for the META
    4. Pulling a single character hitting pity cost a lot of crystal (primogems), character (28k) + weapon and stigma (33,6k) = 61,6k crystal needed if you are unlucky and hit pity. A character with no signature weapon is trash in honkai, you should have it's signature set.
    5. If people really want other end game content, just prepare a ton of money. I'm ready for it but I don't think other people are. Especially when a ton of genshin player are really petty and cheap (refer to last year anniversary) 😂

  2. That announcement made me happy as a f2p, i have not spend 1 cent on the game so i can jump and in out whenever i want and if i can clear spyral abyss i dont need to worry about building anyone else unless i want to.

    Just let them keep doing the story while i keep skipping it and claiming my primos at the end.

  3. i think it was very clear from the start that genshin impact wasnt meant to be a competitive game. and for the casual players like us its not a huge deal at all. only about 10% of the player base completes the spiral abyss every time. that aside though i agree with everyone’s suggestions to just add a training dummy. it isnt new content that changes the direction of the game and it scratches that tryhard itch

  4. In my opinion HoyoVerse should really update the game more honestly they should make the max resin atleast 200 instead of 160 they should also make something besides sprial abyss for players who have already finished everything cause high ar players can get rlly bored since theres nothing to do i have only been playing genshin for a month when i became ar 45 i became bored i know that being a higher ar is more boring but if they could add more things like spiral abyss and higher the max resin it'd make me wanna keep playing hopefully they add paimon as a device ! idk what I'm saying i'm just typing random things thats in my head

  5. Mihoyo is saying: we want this game to die at some point, we have the world in our hands and we want to throw away this opportunity for no reason, we have a all variety of content we can copy from other games like the warframe dungeons but we dont want you play our game. Thx and goodbye

  6. You know 90%of poeple dont have that much time and they are the ones who make money for the company if the company does something they dont like they will stop spending money so the company normaly supports them instead and bro for me spiral abyss is already hard like i cant beat floor 10

  7. find a different game then? hoyo has pretty much stated genshin is a story driven game. this shit has never been the focus of the game so why would that start now bc of a few annoying whiny ass people. 🤷🤷

  8. I don’t think it’s such an issue as someone that’s already there, events do come in occasionally with some difficult modes, like the one where you get to increase enemy stats. After those things are done for me I just like trying different guys, just trying new stuff that isn’t the same old tried and true

  9. It's a cycle in which they realease new characters to build but nothing to use them on. So what's the point on building them? Just for the sake of having something to do on this game?

  10. If you’ve cleared the spiral abyss, farmed out all your resin inc. fragile, maxed out your characters + battle pass, 100% every region, and completed EVERY quest including the Aranara quest…. You need to go outside and maybe it’s good to not play the game for a while

  11. Honestly I don’t mind. I enjoy building new characters so I just swap to new ones for more challenge. It’s also more been about exploration for me too. I don’t have a lot of free time so it’s nice to relax and play casual. What I would rather have is the ability to replay archon quests. I don’t remember the beginning and I’ve put to much effort into my account to make a new one

  12. I think players need to understand that finishing the abyss without all stars is like not finishing it at all. At least that's how I feel. I also came from competitive gaming side and started playing 6 months ago. Only able to achieve 6 stars in the last floor.

  13. Also, do you think hoyo will expose any endgame content if there is one on the making? I don't think they want to give us hints on future updates as not to get bothered with these questions again lol.

  14. To be honest I don’t care about having more competitive content and that’s just the way that Genshin is and why I like the game as much as I do. I enjoy the exploring and building different characters and the quests and the lore and the regions. I think that’s why Genshin appeals to me so much

  15. But it only stated there won’t be any end content similar to abyss, since it’s already stressfull enough. Most likely they will still have other types of end game content that will include combat, just not in a pressured way as spiral abyss portrays itself to be.

  16. I started to plqy genshin becquse the combat when read the intreview i feelt like all the chararters i mid maxed was waste of time because u cant beat the game with charaters on mid invsment so is kinda took out my spirit to play so rip

  17. I want endgame content for casuals, I hate spiral abyss and don't have the patience to beat it. So everything most content creators are wanting is stuff that won't affect me in the slightest except annoy me when people say "hey do this difficult thing, it's so easy"

  18. i’m surprised to see so many people dislike the abyss.. i just really prefer the fighting & elemental reaction side of genshin. i wish they would make end game content or something more competitive. i’m not that into the story although i do enjoy some character backstories


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