The Weakest Genshin Impact character for each Element in the Lore

I made a list of who are the weakest characters for each element. I tried my best by what I can find in the lore about them, which is surprisingly very limited for some characters like Hu Tao

all music is from StreamBeats

#genshinimpact #genshin #mihoyo


37 thoughts on “The Weakest Genshin Impact character for each Element in the Lore”

  1. Idk who needs to hear this but beating 2 unarmed and unprepared treasure hoarders in a fight isn't impressive neither is scaring off 3 fatui who seemed to have come out of the fight with little to no injuries. It's not that hard to seem scary when you're a weird girl with a ghost friend who does strange rituals in the forest in the middle of the night.

  2. even if you don’t like fighting you can still be very strong and talented naturally (referring to hu tao)

    and no I’m not arguing that she’s strong lorewise (she aint strong) just saying because why not

  3. I gotta say i dont really agree with bennet going down first in a battle of the pyro characters.. Because he often says himself how he is really good at dealing with pain and in his hangout event he even said that he would rather take the pain on himself as he can deal with it.. Meaning if it comes down to just plainly taking damage won't take him out its rather that his own body would cave in before his mind would… And seeing how he also survived many deadly wounds, drops, traps and more i think he would be one to stay longest on the battlefield… So for pyro lore wise it must be hutao as for the rest i agree

  4. I don't really read the lore in game but from what I see during the second Dragonspine event cinematic I found Bennett pretty strong to keep up against Fakebedo and his ult seems to be a real thing not just for the gameplay and if there's not mentions of Xinyan's fighting I think she may be the weakest pyro

  5. Even with bad luck bemnett strength is no joke, during albedo event we can see that he does not even faint after chasing the fake, and eula is surprised that he is always focused, even sleeping. And he probably have some insane endurance thanks to his daily events.

  6. although hu Tao and Bennett are still the weakest, she said: Fighting's a pain. For me, it's not an objective so much as a means to an end. Using the means to reach the end, to fight for that which I will not compromise on — it's in this way that you and I are the same.

  7. Bennetts bad luck works better for him if anything. His bad luck n high experience in adventuring n combat made him super resilient compared to the other characters. Like u cant tell me he would lose if he fought klee for example, he would be able to tank her explosions if he wanted to n finish her off w ease

  8. I have to disagree with you putting Bennett as the weakest for one simple reason: he's alive. Even with his horrible luck that would probably kill anyone normal, he is still alive with all his limbs and organs in their place, and I think even Varka has praised his skills (not sure tho, I heard it somewhere but I can't remember where). Plus he was raised by a group of old adventurers so he has way more experience and training than Hu Tao and Xinyan

  9. I find it amusing how lore wise electro units are some of the most busted and over powered beings but gameplay wise they are hard to work with and comp with outside fischil,Raiden and Yae Miko. Fischil's vision is so powerful it literally altered her existence and bent reality she's 2nd in strength lore wise only to Raiden. I disagree with fischil's placing on this I'm sorry but she was just a normal girl and her vision bent reality turning her into the princess from her story book that's anything but weakest lore wise.

  10. In the Pyro Characters I don't think Bennett can get a bad luck anymore because Bennett is Pyro Archon's Long Lost son and he might be one of Lansan's Brothers while Hu Tao may be Cable of Fighting but she's not gonna last forever fighting because she's a director of the funeral parlor and always get on to her rituals. Although to be honest…. Non of the Pyro Characters are weak if you are comparing Bennett and Hu Tao then go with Amber she is the weakest one and now Hu Tao and Bennett.
    (Amber may be useless but I hope she can fight like Yoimiya and Ganyu and can use to her bombs better than just flew it all away in any hits of an enemy.)

  11. "Hu Tao is not weak because she can go to the afterlife and she fought the fatui during her demo." Then who is the weakest?? We established the weakest 3 are Xinyan, Yoimiya and Hu Tao. We can remove Yoimiya and now it comes down to two, we can point out that both of them are seen fighting, Xinyan fighting in the labyrinth quest and Hu Tao during her domain's story quest and that Xinyan fought alot more than Hu Tao. We will now analyze the enemies they were challenged with, Xinyan would've fought lawachurls, abyss mages, abyss heralds, abyss lectors, 2 hypostasis, maguu kenki and many ruin machines and now lets look at what Hu Tao fought, cryo slimes, hilichurls and lawachurls in her domain and some fatuis during her demo. Even not including the harder enemies in the chamber, Xinyan still fought a ruin grader, 2 small ruin machines and 2 rifthounds at the bare minimum during the trailer for the labyrinth. 0:41 and 1:03


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