the Wanderer could be broken, BUT… | Genshin Impact 3.3

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Genuinely guys, the Sylvan Watcher update comes with the COOLEST SWAGGIEST new champions, you should absolutely give Raid a try.


Wanderer / Scaramouche is finally going to be playable soon, and we can now make inferences about his strength thanks to the 3.3 livestream, which revealed to us some VERY telling information. So naturally, this video will explain EVERYTHING youโ€™ll need to know about Wanderer before he releases in 3.3 (using ONLY official information).

edited by meeee


This video is speculative, and thus could be wrong, but weโ€™ll only know once Wanderer officially releases. Iโ€™ve STRICTLY used information that Hoyoverse has explicitly revealed to us about Wanderer in order to make the points of this video, and thus, I advise that you donโ€™t use this video alone as a way of deciding whether or not youโ€™ll be pulling for him IF you werenโ€™t already decided. Be patient, save your primos until we know things for sure, and best of luck.

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0:00 Intro
2:10 An Important Comparison
4:33 He Has Great Potentialโ€ฆ BUTโ€ฆ
5:57 What Can We Expect From Wanderer?
9:03 Overall Thoughts & Conclusions

#genshin #wanderer #genshin #scaramouche


44 thoughts on “the Wanderer could be broken, BUT… | Genshin Impact 3.3”

  1. Install Raid for Free โœ… Mobile and PC: and get a special starter pack ๐Ÿ’ฅ Available only for the next 30 days ๐Ÿ’ฅ

    Video note:

    It could be that I'm overhyping his reaction teams, but personally I think it's a sound argument to say that Wanderer will be strong in them. I'm not definitively stating that he IS or ISN'T, because as I said, it's a speculative video (mostly just for fun) and we won't know until he's out and tested, but it's a sound argument.

  2. His ICD doesnโ€™t matter at all because heโ€™s a pure hypercarry anemo dps releasing with a dedicated support and nothing in his kit incentivizes building EM so swirls will happen but you shouldnโ€™t care about them especially since heโ€™s not meant to be built with VV.

  3. I enjoy your interesting perspectives and usage of research-based presentations–not the biggest fan of "broken" or click-baity terms in this video and the Yae video. It feels more immature than what the quality of your content deserves.

  4. I like how you put these notes in the corner as to try to justify you haven't read any leaks on his kit which you could only know it needs an excuse if you knew about his kit, lol.

    Also, really? Raid Shadow Legends is one of your favorite games? Cmon bro, you can do your sponsorship for free money, but at least work it out with them that it does absolutely non genuine when you say an obvious lie like that…

  5. Sorry to say this and no offense, but this video is kinda made up around selfish interests. Like the way you are explaining how badly you want him to be a reaction beast than a hypercarry. Itโ€™s fine you do you. But you doing a video for your community and everyone has different interests and tastes for a character. I personally see the glory in a hypercarry and you sound like you are against it in this video and thatโ€™s fine with me. Please try to explain more generally for everyoneโ€™s taste so I or everybody else would know what to expect.

  6. Wanderer's team will mostly consist of faruzan(who is the only anemo buffer), pyro and cryo(because they both benefits with his passive). Also, the more money pump into a 5star character, the more powerful they will be. He will sux at swirling just like xiao and heizou, that's what anemo dps are.

  7. I think what matters most is how good he can be as a raw anemo dps. He should be judged based on how good he does as a hypercarry.
    I am pretty sure he was meant to be that, due to Faruzan being a dedicated Anemo support, his signature artifact and weapon.
    I know many say versatility is a pro of a character, but we only use 2 teams in abyss, and we will often use the most optimal team anyway.
    Power-wise, it's too early to say, but he should be okay. We shall see when he releases.

  8. As much as I am excited for Scara, I share the same sentiment. He is a hypercarry, no doubt. Faruzan being a niche anemo support to be released together with him is hoyo being obvious, even if you didn't see leaks. Hypercarries are kind of a questionable breed in genshin because of how restrictive they could get. Nonetheless, I will spend my guaranteed pity for him solely because he has jetpacks. (God help me when yelan comes out. Im out of primos).

  9. no way dps character will be stronk if they did not have
    1. insane multiplier like eula burst
    2. 60% or more defence ignore
    3. have amplifying reaction to compensate
    4. frontload cripling dmg like c6 yelan nahida

  10. i wanted to pull since the day i knew him. i love him. i loved him forever. and the day i learnd he's anemo? i loved him even more. all anemo boys are PERFECT in any shape or form~
    and this kit looks INSANE !!!! he gonna be a driver and a monster on his own~!! i already thinking of match him with Nahida thoma and xingqiu ~!! he gonna be sooo cool~! im excited

  11. I would still hope he will be also a good hypercarry anemo dps even if he is playable.with reaction teams.

    Though I doubt he would be as the same level as the waifus who domainated the top meta dps. Lost hope for male dps tbh xD.

  12. I don't particularly like his character. It's possible that the 3.3 Archon Quest will change that (I hope so). Even so, he is a day 1 pull for me just based on how useful he will be in the overworld. He may well be the first character who can rival Sayu in usefulness. The fact he's getting a dedicated anemo support and artifact set day 1 leads me to believe that Hoyo have decided on a new darling character so I think there's no way that he will not shine in combat as well. That and his kit already looks quite deep and I like that sort of thing!

  13. I don't think wanderer will be as good as people think he is. He's gonna be decent I'm sure but no interruption resistance while in the air just basically means either you want shields or be really good at dodging so you don't get smacked out of the air by literally anything.

  14. For me i don't see scaramouche a big upgrade to my account or something that will change my account like kazuha zhongli i can see myself have fun with him but im just waiting for alhaithem and dehya and probably bayzhu to complete all dendero teams so i can focus to the 4.0 expansion characters ..

  15. Even though I'm skipping him, He does look amazing. I can't wait to see what he will bring.
    Also, is it just me, or The Harbingers playstyle always seems unique like the archons. Look at Childe, He has 2 different bursts, a stance change with it's own animations, and Riptide.
    And look at Wanderer. He can fly in the air, and all of of his attacks "change". He also has a unique way of infusing an element which will grant him a buff.
    But maybe it's just me.
    Anyway, he looks awesome.

  16. All I can say for today's Anemo people, Thank god Faruzan's shredding and damage boosting isn't locked behind Cons it was said in the traler, and cons just give more utility. 30% at all levels anemo shred and 34% Anemo dmg boost at 10. so REJOICE!!
    Altho I do hope sara is in the banner…… my sara's stuck at c6 and it's so rough

  17. I really want to play diona with him. But with her cat shield she'll make him look too cute and I don't think he's gonna love it… to fly and attack his enemy with cute cat shield


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