Tips, strategies, and team comp suggestions for dealing with the very annoying Setekh Wenut and earning the full 3 stars in Floor 12 Chamber 3 of the new 3.5 Spiral Abyss.
Song: Gandharva Ville – Genshin Impact OST
00:00 First Half
01:57 Wenut Attack Pattern
03:57 Attack Timings
06:14 Resistances
08:04 Team Comps
12:05 Builds
Average Jyo Banger
I usually enjoy a bit of a challenge but I got frustrated with this thing and brute forced it with C2 Raiden hypercarry
I had the wenut skip its stun phase twice, one with ayaka team and another with a ganyu. It probably has to do something with cyro
Oh interesting. I thought the laser attack was just opposite of where you were at the time and not just opposite of where he originally came up at. That really saves a few seconds if you can just rush there.
The reason why Ayaka was able to make Wenut do 3 moves instead of 4 was because Cryo slowed down it movements.
Wenut's Ultimate (casts anemo orb) has a kind of "TIME THRESHOLD",
which means it has to use that Ultimate attack when the time comes.
For example, Wenut should use Ultimate after 40 seconds,
Wenut is capable of 4 moves in 40s if not slowed down by Cryo,
However Wenut is only able to do 3 moves in 40s if slowed down by Cryo.
My team was yoimiya sucrose xingqiu and yunjin the team worked pretty good but getting it to the wenut stage was the hard part
Thank you! when you used yelan/xq in the second half who was on the first half? I have high ping so kept dying even with bennet without xq in the first half
Didn't know about those attack patterns so thank you. Its good to know in case it shows up in a future abyss.
You deserve more views. Gonna try to give u a shoutout on reddit.
The reason why Wenut skips it's 4th attack with Ayaka is because of the slow effect of the cryo aura. If the boss reaches the specific time where it's floating phase without doing its 4 previous attacks it'll prioritize doing the floating attack over the normal 5 attack sequence
great stuff as usual!
1st half: Hu Tao Xingqiu Yelan Zhongli finished at 9:05
2nd half: Ganyu Xiangling Bennett Sucrose finished at 7:02
During vulnerable phases, right before it comes up, Bennett Q -> Ganyu Q -> Sucrose QE -> Xiangling Q -> Ganyu CA spam
During its normal phases, Ganyu E -> Sucrose E -> Ganyu CA, occasionally throw out Xiangling/Bennett E for particles to get bursts ready for second vulnerable phase
U should also tell that raiden hyperbloom does not work with wenut
when it's knocked down,raiden skill will only trigger few blooms and majority of the blooms will just blow themselves up to deal only self damage
Great guide. First part is brute force damage, pyro key element so xiangling. Second part is fast damage, quick fast, but also high. For second part hu tao and yelan are my best options.
Without Nahida, my Keqing aggravate and Raiden hyperbloom can't 3-Star this chamber. Luckily, my melt Ganyu worked with freeze team + Kazuha for this boss.
12-3? Bro I can’t get past 11-3 😂
Fuck hydro cube
I can do it, I just refuse to. To hell with any boss design that kills time just because, I'll take my 8 stars and move on with my damn life. T last 50 primos aren't worth it.
I somehow managed to clear 36☆ on the second day, but this guide will help a lot so future clears are not so painful, thank you
I'm only able to clear the first half in 8:50~ and it does make it difficult to clear the second half on time. The timer would usually be around 7:10 before I could start my final rotation where I wait for it to enter the anemo orb state. Guess 35 star is where I stop. Thank you and I appreciate your guides a lot.
this is the first time that i actually despise Raiden Hyperbloom because of her E doesnt have enough AoE to hit the scattered Bloom seeds.. and Kuki does better in some cases because of her continuous horizontal hit..
As always very well done video ! Well illustrated and to the point with a very clear explanation of the important phases of the fight… I 3 star cleared with Ayaya freeze the initial fight was a mess but after a few tries I did get the hang of it, watching the video consolidated what I had noticed in terms of patterns and key moments to capitalise on ! Thanks again
Thank you Jyo!
Needed a 50s first half clear and a bunch of rng retries to get it done. Some bosses are better in overworld and really dont belong in abyss.
Bruh just now it did 7 atk moves before the floating state 💀
honestly I feel really proud u managed to 36* this abyss before your guides also hyperbloom as u said is amazing cuz it follows the boss so if u forget where the boss is gonna go the hyperbloom follows it and tells u where to go
If you are using bloom for the wenut, nilous burst also can be used as a way to pop the balloons, i used nilou, nahida, yaoyao, em xinq
Does hu tao yelan comp works well for this boss? Haven't tried yet but wanted to know
He probably skips his additional attack on Ayaka because Ayaka's cryo application slows down his attacks circles
Our Sand-Deworming tutorial is here🙌
The added benefit of having Nahida on the second half is that she absolutely dumpsters the two Hydro Abyss Heralds. 😂
Thanks, will try to apply those tips. It was relatively easy to clear all the chambers except Wenut so now it’s the only place I need to improve by trying my luck at upgrading Kuki to FLoP set and bringing Zhongli for even more res shred because his shield can be conveniently applied when the boss is underground. I have seen most success with a hyperbloom team, wish i could try tazer
Great guide! I don't need to use it anymore since I finally cracked it yesterday and had to discover many of these myself while some of things you mention I did not even know and would have helped me.
My experience regarding Wenut's first attack is that if you stand directly in the middle of the arena, it always thrusts. That never failed me, my only problem with it was that in 80% of cases I failed to dodge it.
The teams I succeeded to clear it with were Zhongli/Raiden/Yelan/Hu Tao first half, Ganyu/Kazuha/Bennett/Ayaka second half. Probably overkill for anyone else, I did it with two seconds to spare. But I did it.
Freaking hate this abyss so much
9:13 the only reason you can burst 3 times per rotation is that you run skyward blade on Ayaka but an Ayaka with a normal amount of er can't burst 3 times per boss cycle
Wenut will sometime do 5 or more attack before orb phase
too bad for me, the "sometime" is a lot.
I tried to use Ayaka to see if using Cryo will make it 3 attack instead of 4 before orb phase, but instead the boss did 5 attack before orb phase for 3 restart back to back.
I knew it lol, took you a long while because of we nut
Honestly as a newer ish player this is by far the most annoying floor 12 I've seen. I'm forced to run national of all things which i actively hate ._.
Can u share your Raiden Int run team stats? How did u managed to do this in 40 sec.
I'm around the same on Raiden/Xingqiu/Bennett/XL, that u shared. My Raiden is -20k worse on burst, my Xingqiu is -400, my XL is -10k.
My XL has better CV and EM ratio that u showed, I'm a curios, how did u managed to dish out more damage out of here. She has enough ER to burst every rotation
I used in first phase monopyro hutao reverse melt rosaria rational team and a mixed team (hutao yelan Jean xiangling). For second phase I usually love to use raiden hyperbloom team with nahida Jean and yelan (or xingqiu). Freeze team ayaka is great too. I used here a mixed team too, raiden xingqiu Bennett nahida, I destroyed wenut easily. Xingqiu and yelan can be switched between the two chambers. If you happen to have yaoyao and kuki, use them in second phase, they're too powerful with nahida and raiden. A f2p team can be Yaoyao kuki xingqiu dendro traveler (collei is good too, sucrose can be used for cc). At 3.6 nahida rerun and maybe kuki rerun too. Good luck with your pulls and enjoy the abyss.
the Wenut is so bad…
What next? are they gonna introduce a boss that does nothing but hide in an invincible coccoon for 2 minutes, and then only after that time can you finally deal damage?
what difficulty, what fun gameplay…
I hope this comment ages badly.
For me only Raiden National was fast enough to give a ~9:10 clear on the first half. Second half was Yaoyao (4 deepwood), Tighnari, Yae Miko and Fischl. I think I ended around 7:05. This is definitely one of the toughest 12-3's I've ever had to deal with, so I would say don't feel bad if you can't 3 star it. But then again that's probably cold comfort to those are still struggling. This guide gives some really helpful pointers, but I think that the community will find other ways of countering it in future. It is still a pretty new beast.
I have the national team but my Raiden is not yet that build 😢 I've cleared it just not nine stars. I'm going to try the team with Yelan
wisdom of jyo. should i use primordial jade-wing spear on R3 catch on my xiangling (raiden will be using her best in slot). if i use primordial jade wing should i also use a energy recharge sands to keep up with her MASSIVE energy req?
so articulate