The TRAGEDY That Is Eula & What Is CN Saying About Her Future | Genshin Impact

In this video we talk about how Eula has been left to rot in the META for Genshin Impact. Not only does she hold the record for longest time between rerun banners she’s also currently one of the least used characters in the META.


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49 thoughts on “The TRAGEDY That Is Eula & What Is CN Saying About Her Future | Genshin Impact”

  1. Im going to be honest….. I legit see a video right above this clearing spiral 3.7 with Eula using a 3 star debate club at c0…. and her supports are jean rosaria and bennett…. what are we talking about here man…..

  2. She's the one unit I regret pulling for. I didn't even fall for the launch hype!! I pulled her on her first rerun and man….. I've never found her suitable for floor 12.

    Her only redeeming quality is if you play her in a hyperbloom team she's a decent driver there and gets boosted by Nahida. If your Nahida is C2 it almost works! 😅😅

  3. Thats the whole reason, why I keep on saying for years, this Game needs finally Character Progression, its the only way how MHY can fix their game's countless issues, without needing to rework directly the whole game. Its setting ap a new Status Quo of challenginge game Content, that requires you to progress your Characters further, in order to change all characters and game mechancis around this new higher Status Quo of the game, which enables MHY to give all Characters new Skills, new Talents, new weapons as secondary options to change they gameplay Build Diversities to give Characters more options in how you want to play with them in the Game.

    You dont like the kind of Hyperburst Eula with her Claymore, whose Gameplay is based on the perfect momentum? Then switch her her from Claymore-Build to her secondary Weapon, the new "Dual Blade" Build that enables her to fight with 2 1H Swords instead in order to let her get a faster attacking playstyle, that isnt based on the perfect momentum, but rather is a build for more constant damage over time and maybe party support also, that Eula doesnt have with her Claymore-Build, because there shes just the selfish Main DPS

    We can still unlock Talent Ranks 15, but cant even get them since fuckign day 1 !!! It should be absolutely clear to anybody now, that MHY designed this game from begin on, with Cap increases in mind and some kind of next progression layer after the first layer that is called Ascension with its six ranks it has.
    Its long overdue, that this game gets its second layer of character progression – Awakenings basically, so that the characters can reach finally a next step of their progression curve of complexity to make the game not only more fun, and more challenging again, but also much more BALANCED finally, with outdated characters getting fixed by advanced character progression.

    By bad character designs getting fixed, through added new secondary weapons, liek in the case of Tartaglia, that wouldnt need his stupid skill design of wasting his E for a simple weapon switch ,wehn that weapon switch should be finalyl an integranted secodnary weapon system instead with him getting Daggers as his secodnary weapon. But that woudl required of lazy MHY to finally add new Weapon types also to the game. It would mean effort – oh god, how could we dare them to ask for that???
    Effort, thats like Exceptions to Eternity !!! in a scenarion, where a greedy company does always only things, that let them earn money, like adding constantly only new characters n weapons in order to make money, while neglectign and ignoring for fucking 3 years nearly everythign else this game could need to get improved finally.

    if not finally by 4.0 MHY adds things like
    – Cap Increase to Adventure Rank 90 , Max Level Increases for Characters/Weapons/New added Equipment Items to 120 and World Rank Increase from 8 to 15
    – New Skills and Talents for all Characters, including finally a way to reach Talent Rank 15 and upgraded Passives to say lvl 5
    – Secondary Weapons, in order to give characters more Gameplay Builds (as also this way new skills/bursts and Alternate Constellations too)
    – New Equipment Items to rebalance the Stat System with somethign that grants Base DEF (Armors) and something for Base EM (Boots)

    WHEN THE HELL THEN?? By 4.0 is already more than HALF of the whole game done basically. Theres effectly no better point to do the Cap increases finally, than NOW, which should have been better done already at 3.0!! All active players are already since far over a year stagnating at AR60, having nothign to do anymore, other than only consstant Artefact, Boss, and Talent Book Farming, because the Game basically has nothign else to offer to do, aside of daily commisions and events

    if MHY waits any longer, then theres basically no point at all anymore to come up with it later, because most people will have quit the game by then out of boredom, except maybe the few die hard active players, that stick to the game solely for its story.

  4. Walrus your argument at the end is so dumb. "tAke ofF yOur aRtiFacts aNd wEapOns" Right take of the things that makes the character work and watch you'll see she isn't good like huh???? Its like your blind and willfully ignorant to the fact that the actual difficulty of this game comes from the level of investment in your characters like no sht a level 80 weapon with artifacts with good stat rolls will make characters look good. Thats how we can have sht like dps barbara my guy…

  5. Like bro honestly your point gets so muted bu Vengeance Enjoyer's video of him doing second side 3.7 spiral abyss with a 3 star debate club, C0 Eula, and supports are bennett jean and rosaria…. Whats funny is im defending Eula and I don't even main her. I play Xiao, Diluc, and Ayato for the most part right now but this incessant need to "min max you character usage as if you can't get anything done without doing so is so ignorant it's laughable.

  6. I don't think it as much of a problem because the rng problem can be solved by simply increasing the critical probability with artifacts (although it is true that doing so reduces dps on average). And it's balanced, because you have to think that Eula is literally the only character in the game that can do any abyss full star even though she faces her same element not even Geo characters can do the same. That's why hoyoverse tries to balance the character by making it require investment if you want to have a consistent damage output with the character.

  7. I'm still coping that Physical team will shine in Snezhnaya because of the archon-slime theories where the cryo is built as a tank 🤣. But if not, atleast I enjoyed playing with my Eula, Rosaria and Qiqi 👌.

  8. if Kokomi comes with Eula I'll 100% skip her for Kokofish. Eula feels like those characters built for DPS (damage per screenshot) whales. Even on her story quest, where she is C3 and has her signature weapon she feels wonky to play.

  9. PLEASE don't be baited. This is ElementalReaction Impact. The game has nearly always trivialized physical damage (& Eula by default). Be honest with yourselves & skip the FOMO Hoyo is trying to sell you by postponing Eula's rerun. It takes a special kind of player to commit to physical damage playstyle. Elemental Reactions are too baked into the game to provide the big & consistent numbers most players expect. Save your primos. Most of you will shelve Eula nigh immediately because, her playstyle just isn't that rewarding tbh.

  10. Haha pretty cool how Eula and yourself say "demolished content" at 1:32 in synchronized way. Like how you sound like a soothing teacher/coach for the game too! Steadily throughout

  11. I just want Eula. I really don't care about the meta anymore. Ill get C1 and R1 Song of Broken Pines. If this is her bittersweet swan song, ill make sure I will get as many things from her banner as I can.

  12. I always built EULA pure physical, near 20k autos made me happy. Ult playstyle felt too much trouble to build. quit genshin a while ago, but might get back into it just to screenshot my auto DPS EULA

  13. Why play a gatcha games if you're not gonna use almost all characters that you have/get?, ill never understand why people play gatcha games and just keep playing the same chatacter for 20 years.

  14. Eula was "mommy whale bait". Nothing more. I still remember on FB the patch after her release players were complaining because her damage went down drastically, HoYoYo pulled the rug switching to ER/EM already preparing the road for Hellzuma meta. As the proverb goes…" Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me". Stop tossing money everytime you see "mommy". ( speaking in general, personally i skipped her and will continue to skip her)

  15. Arguement about level 60 weapon is total bs. I have level 60 weapon on my razor I AM FQING ADVENTURE RANK 35….non maxing f2p have weapons on 80 meaby 70 if thats fav or sac or harbrinnger of white black tassel

  16. Let's be real here, HYV won't do anything at all
    these 3.6 patch starting with Baizhu to Eula soon, is (and will be) a dead patch and a dead revenue abandoned in a ditch until Fontaine comes out, HYV is busy swimming in money in HSR rn

  17. In an effort to slow down the meta teams, they were putting bosses w/ phases or elemental gimmicks, multi-wave enemies with occasional elemental checks and spawning enemies at far distances, but by doing so, they also indirectly massively countered Eula too. It's like they were tying to shoot some of the meta teams on the foot to slow them a bit, but inadvertently ricochet a bullet on Eula's head.

    They might as well kill her in the in-game story if she's still treated this way.


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