The Strange Kokomi Situation | Genshin Impact

Kokomi is in a very Strange Position, being a 5 Star Hydro Healer, she’s often going to be compared to Barbara, a free 4Star Character, so let’s talk about her

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Genshin Impact is a free-to-play action role-playing game developed and published by miHoYo, who are known for Honkai Impact 3rd, a popular action game. The game features a fantasy-based open world with gacha game mechanics. It was released for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Android, and iOS on September

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23 thoughts on “The Strange Kokomi Situation | Genshin Impact”

  1. As Kokomi Simp, and future haver, KOKOMI IS A SUB DPS/HEALER. She won't do big numbers, but the game isin't about DMG PER SECOND, you need healing, you need support, That's a fact.
    Some maths, if Kokomi have 40K HP, with lvl 10 ult, she will do more 8.71% dmg on her auto-atk = more 3.480 Dmg
    She's made for Sub DPS, her -100% CRIT Rate will become +25% more Healing! that's perfect becuse you won't need a heal bonus hat!

  2. It's not about damage, it's more about her role in a team. Like for example we have 4-stars which heal AND help your team in a different way – provide sheld, attack buff, elemental mastery buff, and so on. Remember, the most remarkable 5-stars are NOT DPS: like Venti, or Zhong Lee for example. Sadly, Kokomi doesn't seem to do any of that. The worst thing that CAN happen in this situation would be Mihoyo creating a mechanic specifically to make Kokomi needed, like they already did with Zhong Lee.
    Either that, or Mihoyo will buff her just before release somehow, to make you regret spending your primos on Baal and buy some more to roll for true goddess.

  3. Wet status is only for kokomi I have think lol so kokomi is a better Barbara, because when you switch out kokomi you will heal and don’t have the wet status on you

  4. I want kokomi personally (ever since her debaut appearence) because i like her aesthetic and hydro as an element. Her being a healer/dps combo sounds good to me because it takes care of 2 roles, which leaves room for more damage and reaction oriented supports.

  5. I think the issues with kokomi and why ppl tunnel vision to her -100 crit rate is how her kit plays of, she needs to be on field during her ult to get the most benefit from her, which is as stupid as raiden ult imo. There is no value in having a unit who is meant as a support being needed on field, its taking away from the dps field time, its why mona so good, you pop her ult then switch.

  6. Honestly I'm gonna give y'all my point of view about her
    First of all don't compare her to barbruh coz they're not similar at all,sure hydro catalyst and heals but it's not the reason for u to compare them
    First of all kokomi can reach 41k hp at best if u used the right artifact set, second u wonder why so much hp,and what's with that passive,well kokomi deals 30%of her current health,so that means if she loses health she'll deal less dmg,that's why she has no crit rate,also the best thing about her is that her best weapon is an f2p option, prototype amber,so honestly u should look at a character from different perspectives not just one

  7. The thing is, if I wanna survive, I'd run a shielder.
    Even if the new Abyss needs healing, I can run Bennett, Diona, Sayu, or even Qiqi and Noelle. They don't apply wet status to self.
    Unless Kokomi can DPS on field, I'd just swap in, cast skill/burst, swap out. She'd be 5 star Babara with the good old dragon tales.
    It all comes down to if her HP scaling on attacks is enough as an on-field DPS. Even then, she's competing with Mona as DPS.

  8. I'm late but like, I have a feeling that you can make her damage more effective is through the use of elemental reactions? Such as vaporize. I guess people were more focused on her raw damage

  9. Kokumi has huge shoes to fill, going up against Mona who arguably has one of the highest burst damage in the game (my mona does 700,000 on her burst)
    And Xinqu being one of the best hydro supports and Barbra being a great ftp healer, or hybrid widsith dps healer. I hope she really provides a specific niche that other healers can’t.

  10. The thing I worry about is that she's been misrepresented so far in the game and live stream. What people remember most about her from the live stream is the -100% crit rate. Maybe the 25% healing bonus too. Which is not a great point to start. Especially after she was this, yes, savior figure at the end of 2.0. And what do we get of her in 2.1 so far? You'd be forgiven if you remember Teppei more than her. Now this is so far and we are still missing the peace talk mentioned in the trailer.
    But all of her media comes Four weeks after the community decided that she's trash because no crits. No matter the test run, peace talks and character story, most people have already lost interest in Kokomi. And I can't blame them.
    If I weren't in it for her design and people's lore, I'd be skipping the hell out of her and maybe regretting it when 2.1 is done. Similar to Yoimiya. A character that I really like, but skipped because I was already set on Kokomi. And it's the same with Raiden Shogun. Whom I would have gotten instead.
    If it weren't for the leaks, I doubt that Kokomi would have even this much backing. Which is funny because there are people who decided to skip her based on them. But we got such an incomplete and skewed picture so far, that the missing pieces given by the leaks are to her overall benefit.
    And now mihoyo is cracking down on them. Again. Maybe to salvage what they can from Kokomi because there are a fair amount of wishes in the second half. They want people to impulse buy for 2.2 characters. The only one we know about even now is Thoma. Who, as observant people will have figured out, is to be a 4*. It even makes sense to hold back the 5*s because otherwise more people might've skipped the Shogun to get sassy fox lady, whoever else from Inazuma or maybe a rerun character. We don't know. Not at all. But I doubt that it will "save" Kokomi unless they have done serious work on her. HashtagKokopium

  11. I have a suggestion for her ult, like I love her and everything but her ult is so ummm 😐 yeah… like couldn’t they just add at least ten fishes surrounding her and each second the fishes disappear or make some water surround her like all the other ults so far are so extra 😭 I love kokomi so much mihoyo please

    And for others saying “adding extra effects might ruin our vision/ block our vision” like hello? Have you seen kazuha’s ult whenever I use it I literally spin and lose my way inside that 😵‍💫😂

    I think adding some little fishes surrounding her isn’t too much to ask 🙁


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