27 thoughts on “The sad truth about ganyu… (Genshin Impact)”
The main reason that I'm pulling for ganyu… I don't have a reason, there's a reason I skipped every banner, even after everybody has been praising her way back on 1.3 or something I forgor, to me she's just not that fun ._.
You also mentioned ganyu needs a five star cryo support… well there’s shenhe coming out. She lowers cryo res but apparently they’re nerfing that so I don’t know
So this is a video of a man who just finds difficulty in dodging and find tanker and healer characters easier to play. I mean everyone has their preferred type of characters they want to play. Ganyu is able to solo the abyss with a lot of skill and investment. She's a character with a high skill ceiling than say eula or Kokomi or zhongli or even hu tao. In terms of cryo DPS, I would argue that ayaka is easier to build and play and deals more damage in the same amount of time. Power creeping in inevitable man, but character uniqueness is still relevant in this game. You won't get another Xiao or eula or maybe ganyu type characters for quite a while until you know mihoyo runs out of ideas.
Also you mention a 5* cryo support character… Perhaps we will have to see how Shenhe does her role in that department. Maybe she could be the character that ganyu needs. I'm keeping my expectations low though.
id like to say yes ganyu freeze is terrible for those enemies which cannot be frozen but do recall melt ganyu is still quite the nuke and since kazuha you can now drop xiangling making the team a lot more consistent/adding grouping.
I mean there’s still videos on youtube soloing abyss with ganyu. but it’s undeniable she’s at c0 is hard to use in inazuma & abyss now. even xiao gets more & more hard to use
She is still broken 😂 the player now realized she was power creeps.
No one beat her elemental burst uptime (15sec Duration and 15sec CD) Her Charged shot is insane dmg without any CD. She also the main core of Morgana Team. I pull Ganyu since I want to change my Gameplay. Currently she still working in Melt team in spiral abyss but 3 magu Kenki is hard to freeze at all.
Please tell me this is a troll video or you were high man because if not I have to grill you on a few things. Ganyu can do way more damage with attack buffers (Bennett), debuffers (any anemo with swirl set), and elemental reactions (Xiangling) like anyone else. She can use any healers or shield character aside from Zhongli to help her out preferably Diona as you get resonance at the same time. Thoma isn't that bad either as even when his shield breaks he still has an anti-flinch (interruptions you keep harping about) built in. You have to build a solid team around your main dps one way or another. Be that Hu Tao with Xingqui, or Eula with Fisch. Learn how to play Ganyu a bit more my guy and get your artifacts up with a team outside of perma freeze/morgana. Lastly Kokomi now gets out done by Noelle imo as Noelle can heal, do solid damage now with her new set (unlike Kokomi who relies on a bubble popping lol) and can shield herself (since you are so adamant on shield shield shield) all at the same time on some Thanos shit. Come onnnnn… lmao
idk why the argument ganyu gets fucked when enemies cant be frozen when melt ganyu is a thing that exists, just get like a xiangling, bennett, and zhongli even diona can work in place of zhongli and she's dealing more than that 30k dmg you mentioned
A bit of a disingenous title and statement. How is it a "flaw" that Ganyu 'needs' a shielder, but Ayaka 'needing' two other 5* for those insane sub 45 second clears isn't? Of course the creep is settling in between 1.X 5* and 2.X 5* and there are characters that meet or exceed her in specific situations, but Ganyu comps can still (easily) 36* the abyss. Any time clear beyond the allotted 3* for each chamber is irrelevant except for mega whales.
Eventho the kenki can't be frozen the Morgana team still has sufficient output for me to 3 star it. She suffers against a single kenki but if you get your grouping right you can mow them down like it's nothing
I need her for oceanid and i am waifu collector also she will be good in freeze team or melt…ect so yeah after get her i can destroy every boss easy lol
Bitch what? She literally has world record level clear times for solo dps teams. On par with Ayaya + Hu Tao + Eula + Raiden/support teams which hold the world records most of the time.
My C0 Ganyu does 160k melt charge attacks per shot, and the only reason I can't 36 star abyss cause I'm not a meta slave so my other team sucks.
Ayaya isn't as impressive at C0 as you make it look like. I actually have her and she also struggles against the wolfs cause they just won't group up and her burst goes on a 20s cd.
There's no character in the game yet with more sustained dps than Ganyu.
The main reason that I'm pulling for ganyu… I don't have a reason, there's a reason I skipped every banner, even after everybody has been praising her way back on 1.3 or something I forgor, to me she's just not that fun ._.
Or just use eula and raiden In a team
The most op character would be bennett
I have a r2 Amos bow somehow and I have 0 cryo dps all pyro, so I really need ganyu since I wasn’t able to get ayaka
You also mentioned ganyu needs a five star cryo support… well there’s shenhe coming out. She lowers cryo res but apparently they’re nerfing that so I don’t know
So this is a video of a man who just finds difficulty in dodging and find tanker and healer characters easier to play. I mean everyone has their preferred type of characters they want to play. Ganyu is able to solo the abyss with a lot of skill and investment. She's a character with a high skill ceiling than say eula or Kokomi or zhongli or even hu tao. In terms of cryo DPS, I would argue that ayaka is easier to build and play and deals more damage in the same amount of time. Power creeping in inevitable man, but character uniqueness is still relevant in this game. You won't get another Xiao or eula or maybe ganyu type characters for quite a while until you know mihoyo runs out of ideas.
Also you mention a 5* cryo support character… Perhaps we will have to see how Shenhe does her role in that department. Maybe she could be the character that ganyu needs. I'm keeping my expectations low though.
Damn I was not expecting to be sold a Kokomi this easily
bro about the dream thingy…..yeah i did experience it once….got a gravestone in my weapon banner summon when hu tao first come out…XD
id like to say yes ganyu freeze is terrible for those enemies which cannot be frozen but do recall melt ganyu is still quite the nuke and since kazuha you can now drop xiangling making the team a lot more consistent/adding grouping.
I mean there’s still videos on youtube soloing abyss with ganyu. but it’s undeniable she’s at c0 is hard to use in inazuma & abyss now. even xiao gets more & more hard to use
She is still broken 😂 the player now realized she was power creeps.
No one beat her elemental burst uptime (15sec Duration and 15sec CD)
Her Charged shot is insane dmg without any CD.
She also the main core of Morgana Team.
I pull Ganyu since I want to change my Gameplay.
Currently she still working in Melt team in spiral abyss but 3 magu Kenki is hard to freeze at all.
Please tell me this is a troll video or you were high man because if not I have to grill you on a few things. Ganyu can do way more damage with attack buffers (Bennett), debuffers (any anemo with swirl set), and elemental reactions (Xiangling) like anyone else. She can use any healers or shield character aside from Zhongli to help her out preferably Diona as you get resonance at the same time. Thoma isn't that bad either as even when his shield breaks he still has an anti-flinch (interruptions you keep harping about) built in. You have to build a solid team around your main dps one way or another. Be that Hu Tao with Xingqui, or Eula with Fisch. Learn how to play Ganyu a bit more my guy and get your artifacts up with a team outside of perma freeze/morgana. Lastly Kokomi now gets out done by Noelle imo as Noelle can heal, do solid damage now with her new set (unlike Kokomi who relies on a bubble popping lol) and can shield herself (since you are so adamant on shield shield shield) all at the same time on some Thanos shit. Come onnnnn… lmao
I’m pulling for her because I love Ganyu as a CHARTER. Not because of her dmg
idk why the argument ganyu gets fucked when enemies cant be frozen when melt ganyu is a thing that exists, just get like a xiangling, bennett, and zhongli even diona can work in place of zhongli and she's dealing more than that 30k dmg you mentioned
A bit of a disingenous title and statement.
How is it a "flaw" that Ganyu 'needs' a shielder, but Ayaka 'needing' two other 5* for those insane sub 45 second clears isn't?
Of course the creep is settling in between 1.X 5* and 2.X 5* and there are characters that meet or exceed her in specific situations, but Ganyu comps can still (easily) 36* the abyss. Any time clear beyond the allotted 3* for each chamber is irrelevant except for mega whales.
Meanwhile me who 36* the abyss with morgana in the 2nd team: "Hmm interesting"
You know ganyu's trash when she cant even defeat cryo slimes pftt
Eventho the kenki can't be frozen the Morgana team still has sufficient output for me to 3 star it. She suffers against a single kenki but if you get your grouping right you can mow them down like it's nothing
Kokomi supremacy
The Kokomeme copium is real here. Btw, Ganyu is still ridiculous as a support which her kit was designed for.
The Vsause of Genshin impact
I need her for oceanid and i am waifu collector also she will be good in freeze team or melt…ect so yeah after get her i can destroy every boss easy lol
Honestly I love her planetary devastation and i plan to use her as a burst dps so i wont be using her charge attacks
Tbh idc if she strong or not she's just my absolute comfort character and I love everything about her 😭
Me a mobile player: welp I guess Ganyu is not gonna be my deal
Bitch what? She literally has world record level clear times for solo dps teams. On par with Ayaya + Hu Tao + Eula + Raiden/support teams which hold the world records most of the time.
My C0 Ganyu does 160k melt charge attacks per shot, and the only reason I can't 36 star abyss cause I'm not a meta slave so my other team sucks.
Ayaya isn't as impressive at C0 as you make it look like. I actually have her and she also struggles against the wolfs cause they just won't group up and her burst goes on a 20s cd.
There's no character in the game yet with more sustained dps than Ganyu.