The "Return" of Anemo Archon Cutscene | Genshin Impact

“Of Ballads and Brews”
Anemo Archon Returns


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37 thoughts on “The "Return" of Anemo Archon Cutscene | Genshin Impact”

  1. I really like these tender moments when Venti actually acts as a loving god to his people. This and his story quest where he comforted the adventurer who lost his friend in the windless land is just so heartwarming.

    And also this is the first time I actually heard him sing the song [I'm talking about the cutscene before this one]. Usually they just read the lyrics and never give any sort of melody lol.

  2. imagine being venti during this event, he must've been so happy throughout the festival. there are no other gods better than him, we all know he's an absent archon yet his people never stop worshiping him

  3. Venti, losing his friend, made him caring and sweet

    Zhongli, losing his waifu, made him serious and empathic

    Ei, losing her sister, made him strict and hard.

    Nahida, losing her old self, made her sensitive and sweet.

  4. i never played genshin bc i liked video games, i actually don’t know a single thing about gaming but the whole story, the lore, the ANGST is something i’d actually watch or read if it were to release (and dw i read the webtoon). i miss mondstadt sm and i just wanna continue the game to know how the story will end but it takes foreverrrrr xd

  5. am i the only one who started SOBBING when they heard kaeya’s dad ? oh my god the lore kaeya makes me so happy and sad at the same time ,, i kin him so much 😰

  6. I'm so happy to finally hear the voices of Kaeya's biological father and Master Crepus. They fit them very well! and I love how this confirms that Kaeya's father isn't just a child abandoning asshole, but a tired man out of options.

  7. I think for rosaria it was her Bandit father as he challenged her to a duel so she can escape (?) and I read something in-game where she was told to "live on".. Or it may as well be Varka too.

  8. This is actually the second time we've ever seen Venti being Barbatos.. first was with Stanley, and now he's blessing everyone.

    Ugh I really REALLY want a Venti act 2😭😭❤️

  9. We also learned some few points in this event. We learned that dandelion seeds carry memories, and memories seem to be under the dominion of Barbatos. Like how dreams are under Nahida's. It's quite clear it's no normal occurence that Razor suddenly saw visions of his parents.


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