The Rerun Banner That Will Break Genshin Impact…

Kazuha is a character in Genshin Impact which many decided to skip in his original release. With the year that followed, Kazuha …


29 thoughts on “The Rerun Banner That Will Break Genshin Impact…”

  1. amazing, this video literally told me that im doing the best thing in pulling for him
    i like his design, i like hsi personality, his preformance is incredible and i have 0 phys dmg chars built, i always use elemental dmg

  2. I have Kazuha and honestly I don't pay that much attention to the damage, I just really enjoy the fact that his cc and skill is centered around him… Such smooth gameplay, for me it's not so much about the damage and more about utility/ease of use.

  3. The only reason i play Kazuha is because i think he is really fun, When i got him i didnt even understand the meta at the time, but he has really made genshin more enjoyable for me honestly

  4. I have Kazuha but I still went for Venti. And currently I'm building Sucrose. Just because. Anemo characters are really fun. But honestly, I just love Kazuha. He made everything easier but Venti can do it as well. As well as Sucrose.

  5. It would be a shame if people skipped kazuha in fear that he will be nerfed or that they will release enemies that counter him if too many people get/use him after the rerun. I mean look at zhongli, rifthounds can bypass his shield but he's still top tier right? Don't be discouraged to pull for characters that you like and enjoy playing based on their playstyle just because someone tells you that character may or may not become obsolete in the future.

  6. I think that was for once a rly good video from you. Getting ppl from the high hope horse. I have kazuha. I like him yes. But do i use him? Spiral abyss only. Ppl want what they dont have and dont want what they have. I think thats the illusion here. But hey if you have him lets see how it goes^^

    Note: We have be now so many chars alrdy we cant play daily basis. And we are not even at half of the region of the nations. And here comes what nobody tells you about kazuha. Did you read anywhere "swirls dendro" do you get my point? miy melking prob ppl now before they release Dendro, what could make Kazuha useless. And they will bring another anemo character who can swirl dendro. Thats what i think and fear

  7. I mean even if you have Sucrose, having Kazuha will still provide a massive value in your account because of abyss and not to mention it seems like Mihoyo is starting to lean towards events that require you to have multiple characters built.

    Venti was nerfed, same with Zhongli with the release of enemies with pierce and corrosion. It's indirect sure but it's undeniable that when certain things were released with the sole purpose to make these units "weaker" or even unusable, thats a nerf.

  8. i started feeling bad recently for not pulling for kazuha rerun and saving for the newer characters.. i like him but as f2p i have to overthink my spending >.<

  9. hi i was not around doing he 1st banner so i did not know who he was to i came back to genshin around 2.0 patch at the very near end of it to 2.1 where ei was drop which who i did not know who she was doing that time but as soon i got her i seen he was on one of the event to try him out so i did and next thing i know i like he chr so i save up of it

  10. Honestly when u first saw kazuha i never wanted a character so much in my life like look at his design his character and just everything he so cool and drippy i just want him on my team cause i wanted him ever since i lost 5050 on him but after i get hjm i will be at peace till i see another cool character

  11. The biggest difference for Kazuha and other anemo users for me is that he's amazing for freeze teams and mono elemental teams. My well built Sucrose is fantastic and arguably just as good for reaction teams. By me getting Kazuha, I'm able to more effectively buff my teams.

  12. In all due honesty, I wasn’t here when he was first released but when I saw what you could do and tried him in events, I just knew he was a character I needed to boost my Xiao team, now those who know (especially Xiao mains) Xiao pushes enemies a bit back so with Kazuha doing the crowd control, I can then take more advantage of Xiao’s skill and burst more effectively. I don’t follow the meta and I did pull venti hoping he could give a edge to Xiao and he’s not necessarily bad or anything but venti could be placed in other teams I’ve made (again not following the meta which is Keqing,kokomi, ayaka/raiden, venti/Diluc depending my needs or content of the moment) for Xiao it’s him, kokomi, ayaka/raiden, and fill in (Diluc, venti, yanfie, and others)

  13. By the time I got Sucrose I was already on the Kazu rerun train, so I never built Sucrose and now I'm 10 months into playing Genshin and I still don't have a built anemo character. It's time. But I'm fully expecting Kazu to get a bit of the venti treatment where some dendro content gets released that doesn't favor him. Still, for myself, makes sense to fully build at least one VV anemo character and it may as well be Kazuha because he's fun, versatile, cheap to build, good for open world, etc. I don't need him, I 36 star abyss each week without him, but it'll be nice to finally have a fully built anemo character to use on certain floors and chambers instead of my level 8 Sucrose that I actually do bring in to protect the monolith on floor 11.

  14. If you lile him, great, just don’t go spouting nonsense that Kazuha is an absolute must pull and that you should skip infinite banners to get him. People hold this man on a pedestal because they either: don’t have him, or just completely undermine the existence of sucrose. Kazuha is not the saving grace of accounts, he’s a “more fun” version of an existing VV support thats extremely easy to use. Again, I know he’s powerful, I’ve used him for a long time, but he is not the must pull support that will make your account shitty if you don’t have him.

  15. Most people dont really care about kazuha as a character (hence why his banner sales were so low). And in case people want to bring up that raidon and inazuma were coming out…if most of those people really wanted him, they would have pulled regardless of what was coming next as genshins community isnt exactly known for restraint on wishing. So clearly the majority didnt like him ENOUGH to pull. now part of his low sales were due to content creators downplaying his strengths but once again if you REALLY wanted him, that wouldnt matter.

    The reason he's so overhyped now is many genshin videos and kazuha owners act as though he is necessary (no character is necessary). This has resulted in many people who have fomo + meta slaves thirsting for him. Im sure there are people who genuinly like the character but dont have him due to starting late or being unlucky on pulls but those people are the minority. Most are just jumping on the bandwagon…which is fine…just that ive noticed many people acting as if they always liked him when the sales numbers say very differently.

  16. The main problem I face with Kazuha is the fact that Sucrose exists, a C6R5 TTDS Sucrose is more or equal to a C0R1 Iron Sting Kazuha in terms of the buffs they give with sucrose giving 20% elemental dmg bonus and 48% atk vs kazuha with only 40% elemental dmg bonus.

    The fact that Sucrose can buff more dmg than Kazuha, even in Mono Element Teams is kind of a turnoff for me.

    I own both kazuha C0R1 IS and C6R5 TTDS Sucrose and I find its hard to know which one to choose because one is more comfort and the other gives more damage.

  17. Kazuha help me a lot in exploring enka especially during enkanomiya event and i parkour alotttt during chasm exploration. I pair him with sayu and i got sss exploration team. I can't even imagine exploring without kazu.

  18. I've had C1 Kazuha for about a year and find him very fun to play, and the double jump with his skill is very useful in the overworld. He was my first 5 star and I have 10/10/10 talents and Jade cutter, so he does help me clear the abyss.
    That being said he is not enough to make you 36 star it easily, especially if you are not using all the most meta teams (like me) or don't have enough investment in your abyss teams, or if the abyss is favoring something you don't have for both sides. I don't prioritize getting 36 stars though because it's only 50 extra primos. If you get 1 meta character you otherwise dislike just for the abyss you wasted far more than you gain primogem wise.

    If you like Kazuha and think he is fun to play get him, if not you might want to wait for a character you really like.

    Also I wished on him when he was being called expensive Sucrose, and not meta. I didn't care though, I just liked his design and how cool his burst looked with all the leaves moving around and changing colors. If dendro somehow nerfs him, I'll keep using him anyway.

  19. At the end of the day, genshin is a game we can all enjoy regardless of what characters we currently have. We are given multiple options and workarounds and it all depends on how we approach any problems we face.

  20. nah fam the only way they could nerf Kazuha is a ley line disorder that decreases the elemental damage boosting capability of all party members or something but even then his swirl damage is so high, and not to mention Viridescent Venerer exists

    heheheha im gonna throw 150 wishes into the Kazuha banner face


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