The Reason Behind The Fatui's Actions | Genshin Impact Theory

a theory by me on why the fatui are doing what they’re doing

•Also watch:

The Great Calamity:

The Secret of Celestia:

Paimon the Primordial One:

Why the Khaenriahns are Sinners:

What is a Gnosis:

The Connection between Venti and Istaroth:


Wei’s part about Miko working with the Fatui:

Fatui Theme Song used after 10 mins through the video:

0:00 Introduction & Recap
2:47 Tsaritsa, Pierro & the Fatui
6:10 Venti
7:00 Morax
8:11 Yae Miko
10:04 Nahida
11:27 The Traveler
12:19 The Pyro Archon
12:40 Conclusion

#genshin #genshinimpactlore #genshintheory #genshinimpacttheory #genshinlore #genshinimpact #morax #zhongli #khaenriah #yaemiko #fatui #pierro #childe #tartaglia #scaramouche #wanderer #venti #raidenshogun #raidenei #istaroth #venti #nahida #dottore #tsaritsa #paimon #arlecchino #dainsleif #snezhnaya #fatuiharbingers #abyss #abyssorder #paimon #aether #lumine #gnosis


30 thoughts on “The Reason Behind The Fatui's Actions | Genshin Impact Theory”

  1. I have some theory abbout Fatui i think one more member atleast will be death because we know Diluc want to destroy Fatui because they kill his father so i thing one of Fatui Harbinger will be kill by Diluc in future story.of course this Harbinger will be the one who kill his Father .

  2. Regarding the whole 500 year wait for the Gnosis hunt thing, I think there’s two possible explanations:

    1. The Fatui have been waiting for each of the current Archons to decrease in power enough to the point that they can directly challenge them and/or get the jump on them in an unprepared state.

    2. The whole “Rebel against the Heavens.” plot is a fairly new development in the organisation’s history. It’s possible that, once many moons ago, the Fatui used to be a group of oppressed activists who wanted to overthrow corrupt establishments and spread the Tsarista’s message of love throughout Teyvat. In that regard, they’re looked down upon by others because they’re methods of doing this are quite extreme and often result in a lot of people getting hurt and a lot of property damage (some of the more corrupt Harbingers like Dottore, Scaramouche, Sandrone and Pantalone having their own agendas and motivations that often result in them dismissing morality probably didn’t help the organisation’s image). Once the Tsarista realised that humans would always find an excuse to commit atrocities even with the Gods gaze alway being on them, she turned her attention to Celestia and identified them as the problem and cause behind the continued suffering in Teyvat.

  3. I’m pretty sure the second who came is nibelung and apep said he was killed so the primordial one is still ruling also I think the fatui organization was astonished 500 years ago but the harbingers were most likley astablished recently by pierro

  4. I've always thought the Fatui were odd. Like when you start the game they just seem like the generic bad guys but after awhile it seems strange that they collect the Gnoses and the Archons or more or less ok with it. If they were really that important you would think that the Archons would put up more of a fight or go after the Fatui once they have taken it. I could totally see us working with the Fatui or the Tsaritsa later on in the game. Maybe she needs us to attune with the 7 elements and then will give us the 7 Gnoses to use for some reason like open up the gateway to celestia with the 7 Elements or Light power we had before.

  5. Tsaritsa is Bronya. It was stated before in Childe's banner, later got changed. my theory is that Bronya lost someone dear to her (could be seele) bc of the wrath of celestia and shes trying to overthrone heavenly principles which was mentioned a lot throught the story but i dont think she desires to inherit the throne. i think she just wants what was stolen from her back so the seat of god will probably reserved for the traveler.
    As for the miko u can see in her skill desc. that she is a sky kitsune thus she can see everything happening in inazuma

  6. Tsaritsa is going to rebell against the divine probably because Teyvat is fake (that’s the secret hidden in irminsul).

    In the 1.1 event, Scaramouche says he was sent by the Jester where he discovered the skies are fake.

    Dottore said the same thing,

    So they all know.

    Who else knows?

    Mr. Zhongli

    When we asked him he said he cannot tell because of a contract he signed before it all began (before he was demoted to Teyvat)

    Then he said “it appears your understanding of this world continues to grow”

    So what they have in common is Zhongli and Tsaritsa both know Teyvat is fake.

    Hence zhongli’s contract with her is related to her day of rebellion (he said nothing is worth his gnosis so the world must be at stake)

    We know tsaritsa’s motive behind collecting all gnoses (rebel against corrupt divine)

    Zhongli’s contract is probably a plan B if her plan A doesn’t work

    He said some scale was used to balance,

    He knows some secret outside of teyvat.

  7. my lord thats exaclty what i theorized about a couple weeks ago this is so exciting cuz i only had somewhat of an idea of this but you perfectly explained it. i still do think that the twins are somehow connected to the great calamity in a way i cant explain. would it make sense if one of the twins was a shade of the primordial one, since they came with the element of light and wings and only one of them is a descender?? i havent thought much about this theory tho. do u have any theories on why one twin is from teyvat and one isnt?

  8. miko probably knew of scara due to her talking with kokomi and kokomi probably sending miko a message off screen, plus the usual miko susness she knows alot and probably knwos how big of a deal the fatui are

  9. Ah, another one who believes the ssme as I am. I also felt thst the Celestia now is the second. Some theorists solely base on the Before Sun and Moon line where the scribe wrote that the First won. It was an assumption since they don't know.

  10. But you don't include the lore from nahida's second story quests. In that story, according to Apep, the second who came is the Dragon King Nibelung, who brought the 'forbidden knowledge' then fought and eventually defeated by Celestia. And maybe he become the Sinner. And according to lore of dessert artifact (i forget the name 😂). Celestia doomed ancient civilization with the nail because the corruption of forbidden knowledge

  11. I still feel that Rukkha, Makoto, and Egeria were pro-Khaenriah. (the only ones who died during the cataclysm)
    Egeria was holding the main escape in Sumeru;
    Rukkha was trying to fix the lie in Irminsul; Nahida not yet alive.
    Makoto in Khaenriah guiding the escape.
    Ei was uninformed becuase Makoto knows the consequences.
    Tsaritsa only knew the lie after the incident, when Celestia was sleeping.
    Venti and Zhongli were torn between helping Khaenrians vs. duty to Celestia.
    Murata, IDK? A lapdog of Celestia?
    Just a feel, not backed by evidence.


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