The REAL REASON People Are Mass Skipping Raiden Shogun's Banner… | Genshin Impact

Raiden Shogun is certainly strong maybe a little too much so and this could backfire for Genshin Impact.

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31 thoughts on “The REAL REASON People Are Mass Skipping Raiden Shogun's Banner… | Genshin Impact”

  1. For anyone reading this and does not have Raiden please consider getting her.
    I have been playing since release and of all the characters so far she is the one I am most satisfied with because she does so much for the team you put her in. You don't have to build a team around her like you do for many of the other 5 star characters. Despite what others will tell you, she is a support "first" and DPS/sub DPS after. I am not trying to sell her to people who don't want her because she is not needed for anything in the game at this point (since nothing is extremely hard), but she will make a lot of things easier and that can be fun for many people (myself included).

    – If you don't want Raiden then don't get her.
    – If you have Raiden then consider how useful she is on your account before going for constellations.
    – If you have her C1 or C2 then consider if more power on her will hurt your stash of gems, limiting the chance of getting the next character you are waiting for.
    – If you have her C3 then don't waste gems going higher unless you cant think of anything better to do with them.

    Thanks for reading!

  2. The thing I love about being a light-moderate spender is I can do both lol. I can get most (though not every character), while also going for constellations and even weapons. I got Nilou's weapon, Yae's weapon, Homa, Elegy, etc. It's a good place to be.

  3. I know I've gotten some 5 stars that I don't really care for or use much anymore and it's really ironic that most are THE META units (Klee, Ayaka, Raiden, Hu Tao and Zhongli). I can't imagine how I would feel if I splurged and got them to C2 or C3 even. I really wish I could "sell" those characters for constellations on other 5 stars that I enjoy using much more. I would gladly forfeit all the resources I poured into them.
    On the flip side, maybe I would enjoy some of these units more if I had them at some critical constellation like C3 Raiden or C4 Ayaka.

  4. C2 is fine and all bt i observed one unintended consequence of it, as Raiden recharges teammates energy only when her burst attacks hit enemies(5 times wl give ER, per 1sec) , problem is c2 and good artifact make her initial slash so high that bosses die hence Raiden won't provide ER to ur party members. As a c2 haver, if u really want to enjoy Raiden playstyle and burst slugfest, stack up as much ER and crit rate as possible at the cost of CD. Funny advice right? Bt it works great and nw i really like her playstyle and burst slugfest.

  5. I plan to skip alheitham, dehya, beizou just to wait on Ayaka c2 (have her c1 and I am biased cause she is my first 5 star dps) and focalor with other hydro units

    I have cyno, nilou, nahida, wanderer. I feel like I have enough

  6. Ultimately it's gonna come down to preference and what makes people have fun. For me, I can clear Spiral Abyss already with C0 Raiden so getting a C2 Raiden could be fun but I already know myself and I get tired of the same playstyle and visuals so for me, pulling more characters is usually better because then I have the freedom to change rosters all the time and have fun that way. But a lot of players are motivated by bigger numbers and faster kills, if that's you, then investing in cons makes the most sense. Neither side is wrong, the game is easy enough that most can clear everything fine without cons but it's also true that some cons vastly change the experience and give the power fantasy and min-max potential that a lot of people find extremely fun.

  7. I’m not going to lie I use her but her burst makes everything easy clap which isn’t bad but it’s good to know em Raiden can provide a different play style out side her elemental burst

  8. I own every character in the game except Tighnari and Yelan. Their banners ran when I was taking a break (Late April to Last September 2022).

    I've pulled for constellations three times. One on a character I wanted to advance for necessity and came to love (Zhongli c1), once for a character I love but don't currently actively use (Targalia c1) and during Wanderer's banner, where a bit of stunning Christmas night luck had me end up with c2. To be clear: I adore Wanderer's CA spam playstyle, which is a blessing and a curse. Further, he / Scaramouche is my favorite character in the game. He's that rare best-of-both-worlds. Each of my other c1's were second banner pulls that were carefully thought out.

    I've often leaned toward getting all the characters so that I can level up anyone at any time at my leisure. That said, as I look back on my collection and the growth of my account I've definitely gotten 5 stars I did not need and likely will never use. Examples for ME include: Venti (just not my style), Klee, Albedo, Xiao, Eula, Ayaka (sorry fam, I run freeze Ganyu), Itto, Shenhe, Cyno and Nilou. This is not meant as me taking a dump on those listed as individuals. Many of them are lovely characters. But not all of them work for me as units.

    Many of the characters I love are incomplete. I've learnt a LOT about this while building my Wanderer. My Nahida is still level 70. My Kokomi and Raiden are 80 (which needs to be fixed because of Dendro). My Ayato is 70. And don't get me started on my artifacts. Even on my Wanderer those are still a hot mess (approx. 2300 atk / 66 cr / 154 cd, and since I have him c2 I need to screw with all that again to correct his er now, too.)

    I'm still not sure where I want to go next with my account. Whether I want to keep getting each character (Genshin became my replacement for real world doll collecting–that's how I fund my purchases.) or whether I would find refining certain characters more satisfying. I've always been very reluctant to buy constellations. I bought Zhongli's to help with my own physical limitations, and that was well worth it. My Childe's c1 came because I got him super early and had left over primos and had planned for him. My Wanderer was basically fictional worship. Not gonna try and sugarcoat THAT in any way, shape, or form. I do art and write fanfiction about him. He's not just a favorite in Genshin, but in media in general for me. And even still–I didn't buy his signature weapon because I know it would not gel with my playstyle. (He has a skyward Atlas, though. If I hadn't had that, my wallet would have been weeping, lol.)

  9. To keep it 1000, and I’m sure other fellow players feel the same. The story and lore are two of the main reasons I keep a limb attached to this damn game. And with that, Genshin keeps us locked in by giving us just a little tiny piece of it with each patch. I mean, the Genshin in game story line is slower than a monthly manga. But it’s interesting nonetheless.

  10. Another point with Russ saying that being a 5 star chaser won’t keep you around, I’m proof of that statement and eventually it backfired on me because given the fact that I’m an adult almost to my 30s working a full time job with not enough time to give the game, I feel like I have TOO MANY 5 stars and I get overwhelmed knowing I have to farm materials and artifacts which is not a “boom boom bam” process. Eventually I just get brain overload just by simply thinking about it and just end up not playing the game at all.

  11. I think constellations and 5* weapons are kinda useless. Unless your really really REALLY suck at the game and keep on dying as they might let you brute force your way to victory. But for highly to decent skilled players who can already clear everything without my struggleto them more constellation and 5* weapons are kinda meaningless. unless they change a character gameplay or make them more fun like Hutao C1, kazuha C1 or C6, maybe telan C1. I don't have any other examples.

  12. I don't disagree with what you say in the video but I can't agree with the title. There's no mass skipping going on, the banner is so far the best selling pure rerun banner in v3 and is even ahead of banners that introduced Nilou and Tighnari.
    I am one of those who are skipping this banner and my reason is that even though I do struggle in Abyss, I still value new characters over extra constellations. Alhaitham is on the horizon and I don't want to be out of primos when he comes.
    My main problem early on was not having enough characters. Every now and then a new team would appear that was good for certain Abyss phase and I just did not have characters to build that team. So I don't think it's wrong to have fully built characters benched for a while, you never know when a team comp appears that would utilize them. It's way better than missing characters for a team you'd like to build.

  13. I think what this comes down to is do you find yourself using the same couple team comps over and over again no matter how many new characters you get? Then you probably would be better off investing in cons or weapons for that team unless you like it being more difficult. If you enjoy making new team comps and switch between teams constantly then constellations aren’t necessary and just grab as many characters for more variety. Different people like different things surprisingly. Or just pull all the waifus or husbandos if that’s what you into as well.

  14. You don’t need any 5 star character like Raiden or Ganyu or Tao because this game is a joke and has no difficulty, all you need is the free Xiangling and you’re set for life, abyss 36 stars no sweat.

  15. i have over 10 5star and I use all of them depends on situation like in this abyss I am using my itto, but my yoimiya is not needed, previous patch yoimya was great.. I always pull character who can be good in dpecific situations


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