The PROBLEM with Theorycrafting in Genshin Impact

Let’s talk about the BAD MATH that might be hurting your account…
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29 thoughts on “The PROBLEM with Theorycrafting in Genshin Impact”

  1. EDIT TWO: even with the low standards used by the website, Xiao’s signature set comes out a bit above. I’m sure there’s some better optimizing I could to do make mariachi band come out on top at low investmnet, but suffice to say, you don’t need close to a 240CV xiao for vermillion to be better. 210 CV should do it.
    Edit: ITS A GREAT WEBSITE. I LOVE IT. For high investment hypercarries, it is misleading that’s all. a good percentage of people (my yoimiya is over 215 CV and she’s only top 37%) DO invest heavily into specific characters. Plus they’re not using r3 4 star weapons. And for those people, that math is wrong. It’s not that the math is wrong for everyone. Also I just don’t think personally hypercarries are very good without high investment which the math definitely shows , it’s worth knowing that your character needs high investment to be competitive

  2. For me, I just watch YouTube videos to get ideas. I don’t really care if it’s the most powerful or theoretical on paper if it’s more dps than another comp. It’s also motivating to see really weird abyss comps that still work to 3* even if they aren’t conventional so it’s cool to see that from theory crafters but the speed running or ranking aspect not too much of a fan of.

  3. The thing with guides/ KQM/ Zajef… is they assume people goal is to get 36* the fastest and they assume ppl want an horizontal investment. So ofc, it's resulting in showing optimal low investments teams.

    This is why you should cross this contents with speedrunners contents to grasp the diversity of builds a better way

  4. Everyone saying crit dmg circlet is must on Ayaka! But I tried attack circlet with 30 crit dmg ans crit circlet with some decent attack substat. Well attack one deal so much more than crit one. So it really depends on your account!

  5. Ive done theory crafting for over 10 years. So.. what is going on, is like a simulation of a fight, that is so unicorn it might be hard to do in real life. Usaly, shave off 5-10% dmg. So i allways take it with a grain of salt. Ive seen the best theory crafter come to play, doing programs and all. I would say if they are close to 5% its good. Problem is, we dont have a way to check that in Genshin. So that issue will allways be there. Simulation will never be perfect either.. even its perfect. Its not realistic. But i like that we can see performance of a character now. In start, we where running around, having no idea how good or bad they where… Any main Qiqi users? no? did not think so 😛

  6. Honestly I feel like people have forgotten what the difference is between carries and hypercarries.

    A hypercarry team is almost by definition a bad idea if you aren't going for high investment. But the new popular account strategy feels like building as many characters as you can to a mediocre level.

    Personally, I find on the contrary that once you have one good hypercarry team, low-investment teams don't feel fun to play anymore.

  7. My Xiao is in the top 15% on Akasha with 216 crit value. The vast majority of players do not have 240+, that’s actually ridiculous levels of investment.

  8. Yeah for artifact/weapon comparisons I would just use the genshin optimizer since you can adjust stats accordingly to see whether something is good or not as well. Absolutely god tier tool for anyone who cares enough about damage to even consider farming a whole new domain to replace any current pieces/sets that has months-years of investment or rolling for a specific weapon like people claiming ganyus hunters path is amazing but then you can run it through your artifacts and it might not even be better than your current options because you have to move stuff around. Damage comparisons on a spreadsheet dont eork the same when they assume 25 useful substats compared to an invested build with 35-40

  9. I actually just look at people who mains characters more than theorycrafters since some theorycrafters (like zajef and flip) can lack more information on hypercarries like cyno and xiao when going for high investments and would just neglect their potential.

  10. Okay the comment section here is getting very dicey lol. But this is what my perspective is: Sims and sheets are generally going to be extremely accurate as long as you're abiding by the standards and assumptions they are using. But obviously, because those assumptions cannot cover all scenarios: That's why we have TCers that play the game and we don't just sim all day long. And even TCers need to make generalizations because there is simply no way to cover every player and their skill, luck, and scenario. Someone may have trouble cancelling any CAs on Hu Tao while another can do 11N2C without breaking a sweat.

    GCSim is an incredible tool IMO because it lays the assumptions bare and its possible to tweak those assumptions to your own liking. Obviously the included configs are set to KQM standards, but that's simply because there has to be SOME standard, and whilst there are a subset of players like you and myself who likely have extremely good artifacts with 220-240+ CV/close to 40 offensive subs, there are also players who are not even close to that range. GCSim allows anyone to customize and create new configs, so you can add your own stats, cons, and weapons, along with modify the rotation if you think the original one is unrealistic. My personal 2Hydro Tao team hits around 83k on the sim which is more than the provided config because I have Homa, Elegy Yelan, crowned talents, and a higher artifact quality.

    I think there is one thing I personally don't agree on and that is artifact disparity. Because of how artifacts work it's exponentially harder to get better artifacts the better existing artifacts you have. For example it takes a lot longer to go from 25 to 30 offensive subs than it does to go from 30 to 35. That means that I don't actually think hypercarries have that much of an artifact quality advantage at similar resin levels to balanced teams. I would guess that building one character to, say 35 offensive subs is probably as expensive as building 2 or 3 to 30. Classic Zy0x example: If you farm Vermillion for Xiao, you get an HP/EM/ER sands: WORTHLESS!, atk/any element but anemo goblet: LAMENT!, any circlet but cr/cd: USELESS!. But if you farm Emblem for, say, Rational, you end up farming for 3 characters at once, since XL can utilize those EM/ER sands, Raiden can use the atk or electro goblet, and if you run Yelan you can use HP/ER sands or even HP circlet. That's why I actually don't count artifacts that much in vertical investment, my experience and opinion is that artifact quality "flattens" out for everyone eventually to the point where it becomes near impossible to improve irrespective of how many characters you're building.

  11. I only use TC for individual hit damage after that I kinda think the numbers don't matter because I don't think they take into account human error or enemy movement patterns or even getting interrupted. Numbers on paper are meaningless it's real world application that matters. I own an Xbox series x, a ps5, and I watch digital foundry. I know on paper series x is more powerful than ps5 yet when games come out series x barely beats ps5 in performance, or they're the same, or ps5 beats series x. On paper series x should always win yet in the real world that's not the case. I see TC like this.

  12. to be honest. i still don't realy get how the math in the basics even works. do you have a beginner-math-video you can recommend which explains how to manipulate/build the math from the ground up?

  13. As for me, I only use the spyral abyss site or the genshin sim to prove my point to other people, as something independent from me and thus, something they can verify.
    But when I decide on my team, it is not the DPS or total damage what makes the point. For me, comfortable and satisfying gameplay is the thing. Plus, I can't dodge perfectly and tend to mess up my rotations, I need to have some room to breathe, even if it means to sacrifice some DPS.

  14. This is the reason I was shittalking calcs since 1.X days. The standards used in them clearly favor certain teams, specifically anything EM related. And units that don't care about weapon refines or talent levels also get favored.

    I have 6 units over 230CV mark and I try to hyperinvest into my favorite units. That is why I find hyperbloom to be particularly overrated, it does not have anywhere close the same growth potential as teams that care about artifact quality.

  15. It's unfortunate people will use this video to validate their dislike for gcsim, when it's a calculator that models target dummy combat and doesn't claim to be more. It's up to the user to input what they think is useful. The fact that a Monte Carlo simulator exists for this game is a shining achievement of Genshin TC if you ask me. The only other game that has one is World of Warcraft.

  16. Well, in my short time with Genshin I'm finding that a lot of the older players were really salty about the Dendro meta simply because of how well it performed with such low investment. And them 2-3 regions before farming crit like maniacs. But EM main stats is much rarer to get and chances for useful substats are even rarer. You think emblem domain is bad? Try farming the Desert/Flower domain, I know some simply wont have it in them

  17. Hyper teams need alot to perform well, my Xiao w/ jade spear is 70/200 so 340cv overall. With c6 faruzan w/ fav, c6 benny w/ aquilla and usually Xiangling or thoma in last slot.

    Xaio can do over 100k per plunge in this team.

    His artifacts are 2pc glad/2pc veridecent

    It takes alot of work to get these stats. When his new set came out, i didn't bother because i knew it would take too much time to refarm for those stats.


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