The Problem With New Characters in Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact’s version 4 characters have been consistently among the most effective units we’ve seen so far, with almost every five star in particular either being decent or completely meta defining. But with the game not having made any major advancements in gameplay, is there any point in pulling for new characters for longtime players who already have many?

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41 thoughts on “The Problem With New Characters in Genshin Impact”

  1. Ah gacha games… the game for the addictive gambler and collector.

    If you ask me, they should add more endgame. Yes, I know that many people have said that, but the endgame I want to say about is more on the realm of adding more casual ones, like dungeons filled with puzzles and some battles (like what HSR did with some SU rooms). Like make one for archers where you need to destroy a certain number of crates from a moving platform in a certain amount of time, another where you need to survive the fight in a certain amount of time (or make an enemy which you can't kill and need to time it out), make a dungeon that is a race through the mountains.

    I say this because of the passives. In a race dungeon, having a team of pure Anemo would be great, using Kazuha, Xiao, Wanderer, and Xianyun would make it easy, yet then having one against others in the same place, you'd need to know who would be best (Wanderer or Xianyun would smash most likely). A survival dungeon would make Dehya much more viable for it, specially if you cannot use shields.

    What Hoyoverse needs to do is to do some of the exploration challenges into dungeons, permanent ones, maybe even add incentives like server rankings to which the top 10 or top 100 get primogems. Genshin has two parts in its gameplay, Battle and Exploration, and when you get to the end of the story, you most probably are finished with exploration, so making an endgame for it with rewards might make it more casual and maybe bring some fresh air towards the people stuck in the endgame.

  2. issue with Genshin's combat is actually the same one as with UI and Teapots, Mobile is holding the game back
    Abysses that are so easy you find yourself insulted for having to play on PC become a hellish test of skill on Mobile because of the crappy controls and performance issues

    they're gonna add new endgame in 4.7 which only allows certain character elements so we're getting somewhere with the endgame fellas

  4. 1:16, i will say one thing that in terms of exploration, they're doing fine but actual story content relevant to the actual main story of the game(which includes only archon quests and not world quests), they've been slacking like we get story content in 4.0-4.2(3 patches) but for v4.3-4.6 we literally get nothing. Imo they should reduce patches per region by 2-3 and max it out till x.6 so we get story content quicker or they should just make archon quests interlude more often.

  5. Honestly i think the game would be better if they just gave us more resin… currently theres really not much to do other than farm (if ur endgame) and thats hard to do with only 160 everyday. Esp if u wanna build many characters

  6. I play Masters EX and Duel Links and noticed they got same problem the game can survive through plot and events but pulling for cards and units gradually becomes weaker and less appealing, I’m casual low spender on all three yet i already got plenty cards and units to play around especially my favorites so I’m no longer that motivated for long saving on game currency.

  7. I agree with the new game modes part. There are a lot of interesting game modes they could implement and the new abyss appears to not be that sadly. UGC is probably the best hope genshin has for a good "endgame". People making different dungeons with all sorts of peculiarities will probably be it. That or WuWa forces hoyo to react and evolve.

  8. I've said this before and I'm sure Vars has said this before – BRING BACK LABYRINTH WARRIORS.
    If we're looking at a practical standpoint, Labyrinth Warriors was basically HSR's Simulated Universe in its early stages. Heck, in Labyrinth Warriors, I rememeber there being a buff thing which gave you an extra constellation. Sound similar? Space-Time Prism in HSR. Its so identical is hilarious.
    One thing that could resolve boredom for me, is making a event revisit page in the events page, where certain events could be replayed with minimal or no rewards, so that people could get a grasp on the story of the event and also its gameplay (+ potensial rewards)
    Imagine how miuch money they would make.

  9. Genshin Impact would never, but something similar to the Helminth system in Warframe would breathe a lot of new life into every unit. You get predetermined abilities from your roster to add to your existing unit. As long as you’re not adding two buffing abilities to a kit.

  10. I have the impression that the difficulty level will increase in Natlan. When Inazuma was released, I felt like it was more difficult than the previous two regions. Sumeru introduced dendro. Genshin is building its content very slowly. From my point of view, we get a lot, but you have to be observant and curious about the plot. I think that after Honkai Impact, which had a strong combat focus, they discovered that people wanted an interesting plot and favorite characters, and when designing Genshin they focused on that. Additionally, Genshin is probably best known for its open world, so exploration is often more important than combat.

    Maybe for players who have a lot of strongly built characters, the new characters have no purpose. The game runs in real time. I recently created a second account and Navia was enough for me to reach lvl 50. I think Genshin has more of an issue with the new player experience. Because you get a lot to start with + the pressure to catch up with the entire game because everything that's hot – character banners, events and even co-op – is reserved for people at high levels.

  11. I like how I can take a break (sorry I’m an adult with a job and I can’t no life this game) come into Genshin, pull a Xianyun and give my old Diluc new life. THIS is what sets this game apart from other gatcha games to me. The POINT of pulling characters in this game is cuz you like them and you can make them work as long as you have a bandaid character or two. Thankfully we get many of those pretty easily.
    This allows me to spend very little on this game and let the whales fund it for me to enjoy. I am OKAY with this slooooow power creep. It lets me touch grass.

    The incentive is: I like this new character. Sorry you don’t fit into this mindset. We’re not all sweaty gamers.

  12. by making gamemodes that needs a specific criteria, this can break the philosophy of the game since we manage to figure out the 'meta' in genshin, that is there's no "must pull" characters in genshin, you can clear with any character albeit some character needs more investment than others. Genshin has held the "pull for who you like" philosophy, and a lot of people likes that philosophy as not everyone can pull for a certain character just cause they're needed in certain type of content.
    "you can only bring bow characters in this domain"
    well sucks to be you, you didn't pull for a 5-star bow character? This will inherently make the game more pay-to-win, which is plainly not a good thing. Game development is not as easy as adding a new gamemode or mechainics then problem fixed right? By adding more, you can potentially create more problems in the future. "If it's not broke, don't fix it" genshin's formula to add likable characters has worked for 3years now, but yes at some point this will inevitably not work anymore, and that's the end of the game. All games suffer the same fate, some just lasts longer than others.

    I'm also not saying that genshin should remain unchange, i'm just "cautious" of adding new mechanics/modes since it can either make the game better or make the game worse. At the end of the day, what i want more than new gamemodes… are actual artifact loadouts 💀

  13. I'm a vertical investor and I have 18 missing limited 5-star characters and I chose to pull for constellations and weapons instead of having every character. New characters not being able to out-DPS my C2R1 + 2 years of artifact farming are partly why I don't pull for new characters. However, I would hand Genshin a medal for minimizing powercreep and do game balancing the hard way.

  14. Also there's been a rumour that Cai Haoyu, one of the ceo of hoyo who uses to supervise hi3 and now supervises genshin will soon move to zzz. Some hi3rd players said when Cai Haoyu used to supervise hi3, it had the same issues as genshin is having rn with no endgame and bad rewards etc and its when he moved to genshin is when hi3rd began to improve so maybe becuase of him genshin ain't improving? And when he moves to zzz we might se some change but who knows.

  15. I don't think new characters are pointless, because new characters are what add life to the game, due to their unwillingness to add meaningful content (beyond the temporary something to do of a new area). You see this in the biggest way with the likes of Nahida, Furina, and Xianyun. The right support can open up playing in new ways. And there are definitely characters we're still missing. Melt players want a good off-field pyro applicator. Many teams want a better off-field pyro defensive character. Burgeon wouldn't mind replacing Thoma. Geo needs a proper healer. Phys want a non-anemo character with good elemental application and strong grouping. And so on. And beyond that, a new DPS can change things up a bit as well.

    That said, I do think the lack of meaningful content is hurting the game. I didn't pull for Arl, because I already have Klee, Hu Tao, and Yoimiya. Also Diluc, but he's not built. I don't need another on-field pyro DPS to barely play, because Dehya is pretty much the only pyro I use. I'm not going to pull for Clor either, because I have an electro I like to play in Yae Miko, plus I do like using Raiden from time to time. And if I wanted to play with another electro, well, I'd probably actually try using my Keqing. The simple fact is, I have my Yae team and my Dehya team, and once every couple of weeks, I have content where the team actually matters, where any individual member of the team can't easily solo it. So I barely get to truly use these characters as is. And as I improve those teams, there's even less incentive to get other characters. And it isn't even like I don't have "new" characters to play either, because I have various older characters, be they standard banner five stars or the various four stars, that i haven't truly built and experimented with.

    But conversely, when there is a new character I want, I get cons on them. Because, hey, I have the primos sitting around, I want the character to be competitive with what I already have, and so on. So, yeah, my quantity of pulls hasn't really diminished. Just the quantity of characters.

  16. This is one of the reasons why I don’t care if new 5stars or chlorinde in my case is not OP because there’s no real need for OP characters if you’ve been playing for longer than 2 years

  17. Idk, I feel like they have a good balance of interesting play stiles and characters. I basically have almost every character while only spending 5$ a month. I feel like the incentive is still there, and the fact that you aren't forced to pull for more than the basics is a good thing

  18. I’m of two minds on this: on one hand, not needing to pull every other patch for “latest broken unit omggg” (coughs HSR) is nice bc as a low spender, it means I can save to my heart’s content and maybe even pull a few constellations now and then. On the other hand, I REALLY wish Genshin would do something, ANYTHING to freshen up the combat a little. Like ideally, more endgame content, like maybe a rogue-like mode where you pick a team, but you start at lvl 1 and level up as you progress (you’d be allowed to leave and come back at designated save points every level), or one that’s similar to simulated universe where you get cool augments (though idk how it would work with genshin’s combat system), or one that’s similar to pure fiction where there’s a rotating gimmick to help you clear waves of enemies within a certain amount of time (there would be a limit to how many enemies can spawn, much like HSR, so the incentive to whale is still there to speedrun it, but it won’t be prohibitively difficult to clear for new players or f2p/low spenders). Rewards would probably just be your standard primo gems, but maybe a new mode could come with a new 5 star weapon set that’s locked behind just that mode, again similar to simulated universe. Hell, even a 4 star weapon set would be fine as a reward.

    Anyway I doubt they’ll do it anytime soon. Players have been asking for better endgame for literally over 3 years now, and hoyo has never listened.

  19. Agreed, genshin does need more end game/other modes like abyss to push the boundaries of new characters, plus adding a random enemy abyss, or survival abyss would encourage players to use more varied teams, or they could even place restrictions of elements/weapons used in a random abyss kinda like weekly bounty enemies being invincible to a certain weapon type &/or element or both, it would add a lot repeatability.

  20. I really want an Elysian Realm mode in Genshin, where they add old units only with an enhanced kit. This way, most players will most likely have them in their account already and they will be motivated to build them to experience the new playstyle while also enjoying the rewards of this new mode.

  21. Genshin is a story based game, wasting your money on a gacha game when what you really want a fighting game, just feels dumb to play a story based game if you dont like the story.

  22. Looking forward to the new abyss thing, so I will see what they cooked up🙏On the topic of new characters, on one hand I'd frickin love to have a new challenge where I could put all that grind to use, however in the recent months the game's been so easy I've lowkey recovered from my gambling addiction so honestly not even that mad about it🤡

  23. Another thing i think people forget about in regards to Xianyun's big 1st day banner sales is that we also got new premium skins for Ganyu and Shenhe that patch, which I suspect contributes a not small amount to the revenue.

  24. your point is all DPS characters are the same therefore there is no point in pulling for new ones?
    yeah thats not how it works mate arlecchino is miles ahead of hutao and XL at C0 while being much easier to play while also pulling even further ahead with constellations and weapons
    neuvilette made ayato and childe useless both in damage and ease of use and again with weapon and constellation he pulls even further
    the same can be said for every element
    this is a resource game and RNG on gear so if a new character does the same damage at lower investment obviously they desired in one way or another
    the abyss gamemode itself didnt change but the line up changed so much that abyss now is 40x harder than 1.0 abyss cuz enemies before had collective of 100K HP or something and now 3-4M and possibly even more once we reach natlan
    so dont compare old useless characters like diluc or hutao to the likes of lyney and arlecchino or in the future xbalanque and pyro archon

  25. I 100% agree with you now since getting Arlecheeno I now have finally gotten my very first pyro limited character.. I've been playing since day one now since I have every element covered power wise I don't see a reason to keep playing. I have not done none of the story cuz past 4.0 I don't care for it truthfully Because I've seen everything on YouTube randomly… And I can clear everything. No problem since 1.6 now so I asked myself earlier. Why am I still playing and doing tedious grinding when all my characters are fully built? Finally, I don't want to go back and rebuild old characters just to beat the content. I can already beat with them, just maybe a little faster… I'm not a gigaChad. I don't see the point I want to make use of my time and enjoy myself… I do hate the fact the game has not progressed at all

  26. As someone who plays ABSOLUTELY mostly for story/lore with the occasional dipping into combat occasionally, I think I can understand people's frustrations, but also, I love meeting and seeing what new characters I find interesting or likable. What I find interesting is constantly changing up my main overworld characters to see if I can figure out ways to learn how to build and use them. I personally LIKE the fact that I don't feel a lot of pressure to pull new characters, because my personal goals are NOT to spend money on the game. Especially as a new-ish player who ended up playing a lot of catch-up and making hard decisions about which characters I actually want. For me, the drive to pull new characters is mostly to explore the way different abilities may or may not work together, and that variety is good (but MOSTLY how much I personally actually LIKE the character). I personally have the best time doing random-team generators with my coop friends in domains where we deliberately are forced to use our unused or not fully-built characters to see what happens, and I tend to have the most fun that way if it comes to combat.

    That said… I also feel like this MAY or MAY not become a moot discussion in a version or two – IF rumors are true. In which case, having a large variety of characters of different elements MAY become more incentivized., which… I am surprisingly ok with. I think this is probably more doable in Genshin BECAUSE every character remains viable to use – even if they are not the strongest and most optimal.

    (Me who loves Neuvillette and Nahida but am constantly looking for ways to make my Noelle and Beidou better built and stronger so I can start tossing them into random situations.)

    That said, I am not opposed to new game modes – as happens in HSR (which… I also enjoy – mostly for story/lore, but am occasionally stressed by the fact that new story and lore tends to be gate-kept by strong boss enemies, but then the challenge that I enjoy is figuring out the best strategy to beat the mechanics more than anything else) – especially since I'd want EVERYONE else to still enjoy the game as they want to. However, I'd never want to give up the open world explorability and the richness of character and story development in Genshin for that, but again – am as casual as casual can be most likely. (Only recently finished all the SU worlds at level 1! Tbh, of all the end modes available, I probably enjoy the Simulated Universe the most – and that's in LARGE part due to the attached lore with the Aeons and curios, so maybe that's why. LOL)

  27. If characters are "content" in this game it's super over for a lot of people. we have a point of reference in Neuvilette and Arlecchino. If your favorite character doesn't turn out as strong as them, and they're an on-field dps, can you be fully satisfied? Knowing that they gave someone from just one patch ago an immense amount of power in comparison?
    Three weeks in levels, talents, and mora, just for a character with version 2.x strength. Not really appealing is it? God forbid you need a new artifact set too.

    I just don't know what they could do to make the game feel fresh for people who enjoy the combat. Clearly neither do they, since they haven't bothered doing anything for anyone that isn't a brand new player in the past 3+ years.
    And yet a ton of us still play without a monetary incentive. FOMO induced addiction is powerful, man.


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