The Pity System in Honkai: Star Rail MIGHT be a Problem

The Pity System in Honkai: Star Rail MIGHT be a problem. I say this not specifically in comparison to Genshin Impact, but the fact that Honkai: Star Rail is less lenient in regards to having amazing 4 star characters. Allow me to explain.
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27 thoughts on “The Pity System in Honkai: Star Rail MIGHT be a Problem”

  1. Did you guys notice the video was in an ultrawide 4k format? Thoughts on that? Would you care if more content was created in this Ultrawide format or do you prefer the standard 1080p dimensions?

  2. It's kind of funny I will not be playing StarRail, but this sounds like FateGO, although Fate Grando Order is way less forgiving currently.

    Honestly, the advice you gave in this video and thoughts you've given me honestly helped me better understand FGO.

    We need to get together to talk about this!

  3. you do make a good point however you skipped over the fact that most enemies are weak to 3 elements so the need to pull imho isnt as high as you make it out to be

  4. So I think the issue is that your putting to much weight on 5 star's being the only viable option in harder content.

    The games center is mostly buffs and debuffs and every element except imaginary has a free equivalent for player's to use

    If your f2p your waiting a few months to pull if your a whale then this is less of an issue.

    Gerard is just a better Shielder then March 13 but you also get The MC who is still not as powerful but is a tank plus adds a shield on all your units

    Seele is fast powerful and can sneak in extra damage but Astra can also just buff your parties speed and attack(added benefits at C6)

    The big difference with Hoyoverse game's is you are always given enough tools even with just 4 star's

    The biggest difference is you at the minimum need to build One of each element which means early on you have to be Very careful who you invest

    So if you need to heal there are two one is free(and she's pretty good) but If you grab the 5 star unless you want one for each team leveling up the 5 Star is a better investment

    But 90 being the hard pity is irrelevant to that at worse you just don't get the 5 star it doesn't wont lock you out of content

    So maybe you need to imprison to slow down an enemy who one shots. You can freeze buff your characters speed utilize artifacts that also increase speed use talents or techniques to buff or debuff

    TLDR the game has enough complexity where 5 stars aren't the only option honestly the biggest warning would be don't over invest that's the trap like Genshin Each 5 star has a 4 star equivalent but who you get and how your team works is Extremely important

  5. A gatcha turn base game is the kind of game that rerolling matter a lot , basically what i get early game decide if i struggle to clear content or just casually speed run though it . Some game knowing that , even let player option to reroll until they get they desired characters like epic7 . It probably won't be a big problem for player playing since the game came out but i think it would be later on

  6. Great video. Thanks for addressing this, Iyo. With a turn based game like this, characters are definitely going to split into specific roles. I can only imagine how frustrating it would be if the pity is too high, and you need a meta tank to survive in some content, then you're out of luck. So the game has a decision to make: You make all the bosses and challenges vanilla or generic, so that they all can be beaten by basic starter teams/skills (but the game would get old very fast). Or you make interesting bosses and challenging mechanics that require certain setups, and this is where the generosity of the game will be put to question.

  7. Imo I think the 90 pity is fine, the problem is that it's 50 50 for me. Because then, the actual pity isn't 90, it's at least 180, and I'm unlucky so I can't guarantee that I will be able to hit that 50 50 at any given point, especially as f2P. In a good world, 50 50 would be gone, but at the very least I think a compromise with us being able to build up premium &/ summon currency easily would be fair…. And it's not like such a scenario doesn't exist. In epic 7, the official RGB 5* pity is 120, much higher than 90, yes, but there was only one 5* per banner and currency accumulation was pretty good, u could at the very least hit every other banner with then some left over for the next. Ofc it could be said since it is a pvp focused game, the devs want the hero pool to be easily available as to allow for a proper competitive atmosphere but I digress 🤷🏽‍♀️

  8. if you do the math from all the chests the game gives more currency than genshin did when it launched as MANY chests in genshin for mondstat and liyue gave 0 primogems while everything in star rail gives 5 or more and the first world has around the same amount of chests mondstat had

  9. Good take on how difference in game genre makes the same pity number much more punishing.

    Reaching 90 pity is extremely rare, as in you only here someone reached it once or something but never see pull videos or yourself experience it, so it shouldn't be used as an estimate for pulls. If the soft pity is same as genshin I feel 80 pulls is a good number (70 for weapon banner) for it as you usually get it between 75-80 but it does happen that you go above it. Personally 85 is the unluckiest pull I've had in the over 2years of the game.

  10. I’m not quite sure about this video. I think most people would of guessed it was similar to Genshin in pulled rates. So far it’s just a beta, nobody can predict what currency we will get on full release but assumption is it will be similar again to Genshin. I think the point here is building your characters and taking your time is a nicer concept than completing everything and questioning there’s nothing to do. Let’s be honest, they aren’t going to change it and I think I’d be 99.9% sure of that. Getting the 5 star on beginner banner and a guaranteed on the standard at 300 is actually a step up. I think once it’s released the F2p characters will be fine, maybe a little tougher but fine, let’s try and flip this in reverse and look at it as it’s going to be more challenging than Genshin instead of making changes to simplify the end goal of clearing some harder content.

  11. Appreciate your insight, and I do agree. Having played Genshin in the past, I know the resources they give you to pull is pretty scarce . You have to skip a few banners in order to even get to pity for one. But what really disappointed me is the dupe system, i hate the fact that there are skill/buffs for each unit but you’ll need multiple dupes of said unit to enjoy the buff. It’s such a cash grab system.

    If HSR has a similar system, it’s a big no for me.

  12. Some of this will be valid for free to play. But there will be an even larger bottle neck that all but leviathans who buy every item in the game will be hit by. And even the won't be totally spared. Level up resources are the real bottleneck of an account's power. I own every character in Genshin aside from Tighnari and Yelan, but various leveling restrictions due to resin distribution, artifact hunting, and boss drops means that while I have the freedom to focus who I want (which is great) I can't just randomly level everybody. The focus here is going to be even tighter at launch. As a long time Genshin player I was able to breeze through triple crowning my Wanderer at the end of last year when I got him. But at the start people will be building the foundation of their accounts, and with the randomization of the gacha–including the generous wild card of a 50 pull 5 star–it will be interesting to see how people handle things.

  13. I mean I expect it to be about the same as Genshin, which is why I kind of stopped playing that. Maybe a bit more generous with their events or other game modes but the chance of non pity 5 stars is so low already.

  14. I guess lose 50/50 will be not that bad in the first year, a lot of standart chars are really good. Would be nice to have honkai system – 100 pulls = guarantee, obviously people get it in less multi, overall 70, sometimes even less, or even 1-2 multi. We'll see

  15. I'm glad to see a video talking about this since it's been on my mind for a quite bit. Ultimately I'm still going to play HSR regardless, but it is concerning that the (honestly somewhat daunting for f2p players) pity system wasn't made even somewhat kinder. Granted I haven't played the beta, but the most changes I've heard of are the weapon banners being nicer and only maybe 70 jade a day instead of 60 primos (which I'm not sure I believe to be true anyway.) And like, even if those changes are real in the official version, that's still…not really enough? The weapon banner is a significant improvement, but like, it only really matters for people who even bother to go after in the first place. Maybe I'm being biased as I never have and never will tho lmao
    And like– I have also heard that they tried to make the free characters even better to make up for this, which I sure hope is true, but then it still goes back to the problem of team customization being even more rough in this game.
    Not sure if any of this is coherent, but tldr I Agree and hopefully they'll learn from genshin and honkai and be better with their balancing. But we'll just have to wait and see :/

    edit: okay i shouldve watched the full video before commenting, sorry for repeating some of what you said lmao

  16. For me this game is just going to be a time-killer until Wuthering Waves arrive, which is going to be a long time from now… so maybe I'll be playing this game for a long time…. so all these things from the video matter to me? 🤔. Now I'm confused.

  17. Im fine with the 90 pity banner but what i am worried about is that the standard characters are really good but there is no way to guarantee light cones for them. It is also sad that those characters are basically exclusive to standard banner and u need 300 pulls which is an absurd amount on standard banner to guarantee one of them and even then having no way to obtain their BiS lightcones

  18. (I agree with your take on the pity so imma go off topic a bit) Something I wished they did is a 1 turn stun on break so your enemy doesnt recover immediately and take its turn and get its full bar back. It discourages you from breaking with a character when its turn is right after. Id like to be rewarded for breaking tbh.


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