The Origin of the Lanterns Genshin Impact (Lantern Rite)

The Origin of the Lanterns Genshin Impact (Lantern Rite). How to do The Origin of the Lanterns Genshin Impact quest. You can complete Lantern Rite Genshin Impact The Origin of the Lanterns mission following this video guide. Genshin Impact is a free-to-play action role-playing game developed by miHoYo.


12 thoughts on “The Origin of the Lanterns Genshin Impact (Lantern Rite)”

  1. For those who can't find the quest, you have to play more of the game's story and be at Advanture Rank 23 or higher.
    The quest won't appear until you finish the game's prologue (dragon story quest) and started the first chapter (archon story quest). You then play The Land Amidst Monoliths quest until you unlock Xiao's story quest called: Alatus Chapter: Butterfly's Dream. Then just finish Xiao's story for the event quest to be available.

  2. Wanna play the event?
    Heres how you do it. (Spoiler alert)

    You have to complete the mission about rex lapis assasination (the one you have to meet the 3 adepti). After that check your mission list and there it is in ar 24 btw

  3. Ok, here’s my problem, I’m at 29, and on Farewell, Archaic Lord. It says, A character is currently involved in other quests, do I have to finish fal and finish the daily comms or no?


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