The Nicest Mains in Genshin | Genshin Impact

#genshin #genshinimpact #albedo

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22 thoughts on “The Nicest Mains in Genshin | Genshin Impact”

  1. Sorry for the late upload ran into a ton of issues with Vegas, but new series I'm going to get rolling where I make a video on every main to mix things up, gonna keep trying new things with how stales things are looking to be until sumeru drops.

  2. I am a Jean main on coop. Glad to help some friends on their coop when slapped with Physical DPS artifacts or go full support when they just want a healer and resistance shred, hehehehehe

  3. I remember when I was a new player Ar 20 and had this Albedo main join my world nicest person but also the laziest they made me do all the work while giving me tips to improve and when their flower got destroyed new one placed then back to giving tips over and over and they stayed with me the whole time til I finished the domain and was Satisfied with the artifacts or weapon material drops

  4. I remember when I said that I wasn't a fan of Cinnabar spindle has it was only good on one character and it being a free weapon makes its useless for everyone without Albedo.

    Boy did ppl not like my opinion. The Albedo mains were literally attacking me.

  5. Kinda scared @Ayato Mains. But hey, at least we're patient /waiting for Ayato for a year with no face and only bare minimum story crumbs πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ Only bunch more patient rn is Scara Mains tbh.

  6. As an Albedo main I love helping my friends/randoms improve at the game. It's also really fun to see everyone congregate as soon as you place the flower like moths to a flame. XD One of the best parts though is impressing people by sniping cranes out of the air with the flower as they fly away. I rolled Albedo by accident when I pressed the wish button on my phone by mistake, but I have no regrets.

  7. we albedo mains are chill in the simplest sense.

    DMG numbers ??? who cares

    Easily replaceable in many team comps ???? Hold my biscuit

    Split scaling yadda yadda yadda ??? check out my art.

    Optimal combos ??? check out my deployable E skill

    On a serious note I cant take him off my team. I love him so much. I have videos too of me doing hard content with him like the amplifier event


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