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Today in Genshin Impact we’re doing the new abyss.
0:00 Intro F9, F10
0:24 F11
3:53 F12 Intro
5:01 A lil off topic
6:21 F12
11:08 Thoughts on New Abyss
The one shot atk of enemies in chamber 2 is a direct attack on mobile players and I will not accept the disrespect. They increase thier hp and all this bullshit. I Kill that scorpion in 10 seconds in teyvet but in abyss he's x10 stroger than childe, signora, jadeplum. Gtfoh the game is losing continuity consistently with each patch update
i can assure you f2ps and low sperders never forget to claim their abyss rewards
Moga needs to look up how to make an actual hyperbloom team because that team was something else 💀
Plzzzz try kuki with full em, preferably 1000 for hyperbloom.
Kuki, Nahida, Yelan/Xq/ayato, Flex slot(Zhongli or second hydro)
For the love of god please stop calling Al haitham “Alt”
Why would you want paradise lost set on Nahida? She is not the one who procs the hyperbloom or burgeon dmg.
build yaoyao next episode..?
5:53 Seriously?
5:19 bess you
bless you 5:19
Floor 12 Chamber 2 was really hell for me to clear. The bird and scorpion enemies are way too aggressive and it got to a point where it was frustrating to be pushed around, beating stuck into a corner. I haven't explored the new dessert area, as I'm still exploring Inazuma, so I don't know their attack pattern.
But man… it took me HOURS to get 3 stars on chamber 2, meanwhile chamber 1 and 3 were a breeze. This is only my 2nd time 36 starring the Abyss, I often forget about it and when I started playing I didn't care much of it.
Moga i have a challenge for u for next abyss
Put all 5 STAR characters to a wheel, roll it and if its exemple Hu Tao, make random number generator with the numbers of how many banners they have had, like Hu tao has had 3 rn, if it Lands on 3 u can choose 1 character from the banner, Either Hu tao or 1 of the 4 stars like Xinqiu ect
i think this would make a good random abyss video who knows
Floor 9 for me is just putting the fun teams together
From floor 11 and up its META me
I genuinely found this abyss harder than the last one, I can't 36 star it 😭 while last abyss was an easy 36 star
3:00 yes so weird tho
Like crystalized or energy particles stay on the floor for a few seconds
But my long lasting skills like Kokomi’s E or Yae’s dissapear
I know why hut still
Moga just completed floor 11 with ease? With no build artifatcs!!??
max stress for stupid reward
I find it funny that you're still struggling with floor 12 with THAT much 5-stars
As someone who has like 3 5-stars, i think I'm staying at floor 11 for the foreseeable future
Most of us don’t forget to check our abyss rewards because we’re scarce on primos😭
At 6:45 you didn’t do 769 damage, that was shinobu’s skill. You did about 288283 from what I see
Can you just fucking hold nahida’s E my guy?????? Fkn hell mate
Floor 12 chamber 2 phase 1 was hilarious , those two new boss were terrifying . Other than that others were very easy . This time abyss was easy but those two boss were scary and tanky 😂
ayato is a good hyperbloom driver – you can use him with kuki and nahida, the last slot is basically anyone you want – as long as they dont mess up the reaction
I seriously believe you should research a bit about team rotations and synergies before atleast the abyss videos. It is a pain to watch
Well this abyss was my first 36 star abyss without any acc review with raiden on vv set and kazuha on crit set at c0 😒😒(F2P btw)
I’ve been playing for 145 days, have 40 characters, two 5*s that aren’t standard banner, lvl 70 both of them and I’m on floor 10.. is that good?
My two 5* dendro mains are on lvl80 now but I haven’t been back to the abyss yet
Well good if it's easy ! I have never been able to 36 star the abyss because of how hard it is for f2p players now !
Scamble to clear Abyss 5 days before it refresh – pretty much me lol
glad im not the only one in pain over the kuki/raiden hyperbloom team lol i've seen someone say it's hard to mess up hyperbloom team but this would be the way, but the power of money is strong enough to overcome