The most OVERRATED character | Genshin Impact

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27 thoughts on “The most OVERRATED character | Genshin Impact”

  1. …mona produces more damage in freeze? No, just no. Kokomi makes the rotation smoother wnd offers better uptime on freeze, while also allowing your second cryo to be an offensive rather than defensive option (Diona or Charlotte are our 2 cryo healers, plus Qiqi, but none of them are that great compared to Koko) and Mona won't add more damage than Kaeya, Rosaria or Shenhe would.

  2. Valid arguments I would say. However, they do not make her useless. Yeah, she might be not the best option to get lowest time in abyss, but she removes almost all risk in it. I think one attempt that takes 2-3 minutes is better than resetting several times just so your characters won't die but get a 1 minute run in the end. I am not min max player, I ain't going for highest numbers and lowest time. And also, now, her heal is also useful thanks to Furina. She is literally one of the best teammates for Furina just slightly below Baizhu, but that doesn't mean she is worthless or anything. Just cuz she is not the best doesn't mean she is worthless. She is still very useful for any team just because hydro is needed everywhere. And don't you tell me that the fact she is busted in bloom teams doesn't make her useful when it is an entire big archetype that can easily beat abyss. In my opinion though, she is not entirely needed. Just like heal, shields and food in this game are not needed to beat anything, just dodge lol. Kokomi is better than Zhongli. That was until Furina dropped, made Zhongli almost useless for me and made Kokomi op. Speaking of Furina, try using them both with Yelan and Kazuha and tell me how difficult it is to beat abyss.

  3. Kokomi isn’t over rated she’s one of the best healers if not best, she does the job & I think some people who don’t have her just say that to fill the void of not getting her. If you haven’t experienced how good of a healer she is I wouldn’t say anything until you get her. Great for freeze hyper bloom and bloom teams as well.

  4. Mona's taunt has standard icd and a short duration, kokomi's jellyfish has no icd and almost infinite duration when refreshed with her ult. Therefore kokomi > mona in freeze teams except with single wave content

  5. She is in top 10 in abyss for very long time lol
    Water boys is reserved to 2nd team
    Most ppl dont play mona because most abyss doesnt care about supports doing dmg
    She counters the wolves and alot of enemies that deals chip dmg lol
    Mona barly existing abyss tho

  6. It’s crazy how Kokomi went from being regarded as useless and a blunder by Hoyoverse’s team to now being called overrated. Maybe just maybe every character brings something to the team and trying to decide if a character is overhyped or underhyped is ridiculous.


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