After getting Ganyu first day on the banner, I did a 3AM 10-wish and got two more Ganyus and a Xinqiu! I feel like Genshin's RNG is busted at times, especially after seeing someone get three Ganyu's in a row. Not complaining!
luckiest 10 pull for me was prob keqing. after that yesterday a terrible thing happened. getting albedo on not even pity (68 wish) when rolling for benny wasnt sad enough for me, mihiyo wanted me to get hurt more. i was wishing to loose the 50 50 but i did not. i had lost my hopes for ganyu then i did achievements (alot of em) and got enough primos from events and quests to hit pity. AND when i finally did it i got mona…., i literally have a skyward harp as f2p and my parents wont let me spend a 100. this is so sad, hopefully i can get this luck and roll ganyu in my next pulls QwQ
Dang that is crazy. I've literally never pulled a 5 star that wasn't on pity, never pulled multiple 5 star in a single multi, and never got a featured unit one after another. And this is one pull showing off all of those things. Jealousy wells up within me lol
I don't know what my luck was this event period. I was lucky like that too to some extent. Although I did waste 130 fates across 3 banners. My luck was higher than most.
Let me know what's the luckiest 10-pull you've ever gotten! | |
Why does your wife sound like u with a female voice changer
Give me the address
(Ar 42) btw 2 5 stars 🤕😑☻😢
Make a whole video with ur wife and u plaiyng!
Imagine getting that luck, that once in ten lifetimes miracle, and its on a stupid mobile game
say what
Bruh her voice it’s…
What? Yesterday was the day of the glad feather? I got one with all those stats as well wtf
After getting Ganyu first day on the banner, I did a 3AM 10-wish and got two more Ganyus and a Xinqiu! I feel like Genshin's RNG is busted at times, especially after seeing someone get three Ganyu's in a row. Not complaining!
Fishy’s the best.
the rate of getting def stat during upgrade is 37%++. crits only around 15% per stat. double crit double def/hp stats are traps
Envi is married?
how bout use those characters forever and spend your intertwined on weapon banners? sounds good?
she said that's really sad 5x in a row. absolutely savage.
Which account is better for Xiao??
Account 1: Qiqi+Skyward blade+Diluc
Account 2: Jean+Keqing+Klee+Skyward Atlas
7:10 lol Ganyu is sub dps lololol
luckiest 10 pull for me was prob keqing. after that yesterday a terrible thing happened. getting albedo on not even pity (68 wish) when rolling for benny wasnt sad enough for me, mihiyo wanted me to get hurt more. i was wishing to loose the 50 50 but i did not. i had lost my hopes for ganyu then i did achievements (alot of em) and got enough primos from events and quests to hit pity. AND when i finally did it i got mona…., i literally have a skyward harp as f2p and my parents wont let me spend a 100. this is so sad, hopefully i can get this luck and roll ganyu in my next pulls QwQ
who the fuck would want to suffer lol
can you show me your noelle build please the f2p account i wana copy your build
Bro what are the odds for thatcto happen 😂😂💔
Bro this man was choking irl
Envy has a wife? Damn didnt know that
Ppl be like Diluc still better, Fischl best machine gunner
Here we have Ganyu, our first 6* character, her ultimate talent, infinite spamming tier 2 charge shot(ignores charging)
C6 effect pfttt, 6* ultimate talent is where its at
mario kart
Wait you are married
1:20 lmao my dude is drowning in rl too
show ur face
8:40 it is c6 ganyu dude
Why are you married to a little girl? jk she adorable
Right before he randomly teleported it had the pop up to enter the hidden palace of lianshan formula 8:04
SoFt PiTy DoEsNt ExIsT.
Guy who just pulled 5 5*'s: Hi…
Dang that is crazy. I've literally never pulled a 5 star that wasn't on pity, never pulled multiple 5 star in a single multi, and never got a featured unit one after another. And this is one pull showing off all of those things. Jealousy wells up within me lol
Fuck this I’m so jealous
I’m tired of having constellations and weapons
I just want something new ;-;
Waifu?! Does she stream too? I'd like to see more co-op with her xD
This guy:gets lucky
Me who had to hit pity for the 174947 time: ;-;
He just has Dream luck stat
So this is where all my luck went-
I don't know what my luck was this event period. I was lucky like that too to some extent. Although I did waste 130 fates across 3 banners. My luck was higher than most.
Tht dude prolly hacked the system or someshit, tht shit aint fking possible…
hope his shit gets hacked or taken lol
Sorry im just being salty and jealous lmao xD
The guy who took our whole luck 😂💔
This is the worst video you just click bated and then put a b7nch of stream clips