The Most BEAUTIFUL Lantern Rite In Genshin Impact

The Most BEAUTIFUL Lantern Rite In Genshin Impact




Edited by: Bob

#GenshinImpact #ylyl #BranOnline


45 thoughts on “The Most BEAUTIFUL Lantern Rite In Genshin Impact”

  1. As shitty as it is, a lot of asians parents are like that. Mine included. I'm just lucky that I got to convince my parents to let me go through with what I want to do. Also, everything is better than the rap lmao

  2. As someone who hasn't had the chance to play since 4.4 came out but has kept track of playthroughs, Im a little confused about the continuity surrounding cloud retainer – usually the character quests are more or less detached from the archon quests but this years lantern rite not only already has cloud retainer established as having moved to liyue harbor, but also shuyu being her disciple meaning her story would have to have occurred in the mainline story, does that mean lantern rite is blocked until you complete her story quest or is this just a sort of glossed over continuity error?

  3. 1. They're not planning to make mount carver and and mountain shaper a playable characters since the beginning, thats why they used npc model
    2. maybe they're planning to make them playable, but it's not the right time cause they want to make xianyun playable first. And since they've showed us Streetward Rambler young form, maybe they're planning to make her playable next. (Maybe guizhong too?)
    3. There weren't that many people want them both to be playable until now, or it's just people aren't loud enough for mihoyo to hear them. And It takes time and money to create a new model.

  4. This story is straight up from the Asian parenting playbook. I know Western culture sees parenting in a different light, but hear me out:

    When a parent wants their child to be something (doctor, lawyer, businessman, etc.) it's usually because they wanted their children to be financially successful in the family, and something to be proud of in family gatherings with your other relatives. Comparisons tend to arise from these occasions, and you wouldn't want to be compared to your cousin who fares better in life.

    That's where resentment usually kicks in. If the child wants to be something else and rebels to the parent's wishes, you'd better believe the lengths that the parents will do to NOT TALK WITH YOU. It usually stems from pride, but more often than not, it comes from a sense of worrying that what you chose in life will lead you to poverty, not happiness. They won't admit that in your face though and will act tough.

    It's rare to have a happy ending in this kinds of stories. I'm glad Genshin did something nice here.

  5. 0:44 lol I support u in bringing lanterns back but ONLY cause I always want to get another chance to obtain that Stove Furnishing I missed out on from the BP when the sereniatea pot was added first added.. 😂 only thing I missed out on since day 1 😭

  6. I swear that this is the only quest that I cried so hard(I did not do xianyun story quest yet but I will)in the cutscene when after gaming do the wushu dance then he run forward to his father after that thay have a chat and gaming hug his dad and that is the only thing I cried bc me and my father have the similar asian family thing….My father is very very stritch so like everywhere I go my father has to know that where I'm going,what time will I get back,what transport do I go,ect.The thing that I "annoying" about my dad is he always compare my study,activities to other child.For gaming he has the talent that he can do the wushu dance and many more thing to help out everyone but for me I just feel like I'm a useless person and that is true bc I can't do sh*t,I stupid,weak asf**k and almost ranked last at class(I know this is very excessive so I'm sorry)but I continue living with the feeling of hating myself for being so useless and I kept it inside of me to wait the opportunity to share it with someone but this quest just hit me different with the relationship between father and son so I share my little story to u guys so yeah thanks for reading my very very long comment and also english is not my first language so if I did a mistake u can fix me and thanks again for reading this comment(damn I'm yapping so long for this sh*t)


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