The massive flaw in Genshin Impact

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28 thoughts on “The massive flaw in Genshin Impact”

  1. I agree with tygo and teccy, the story quests definitely need to be condensed- its really annoying how we have to sit there spamming left click or f and just listening to them talk about stuff, I hope they can take a note of this in the future

  2. To be honest genshin has the worst quest design i have ever seen in an open world video game. The dialogues are so uninteresting with nothing happening that most of the people i know just skip everything. Once the dialogue is over you have to do some stupid puzzle and fetch something and then talk to someone again. Do this 5 times and you get more dialogue and then the quest is over. This is bad, honestly saying that this is bad is an understatement. I have played alot of games and i have never been so uninterested in a story of a game as much as i have in genshin. The problem is not that they dont have good characters or a compelling sotry to tell, its just the way they tell the story and design their quests is so boring. You can select any option and it would not matter because you will get the same result so why include those options ? Just give us the "skip cutscene option". The core gameplay of the game is amazing, how you build your characters and how all of them are so unique makes for a fun gameplay and its probably why me and a lot of other people still stick around. I went to the forums and saw people defending the game when someone was complaining about the horrible quest design of the game. Some of the quests dont even tell you what to do, you literally have to guess or watch a video, best example is the Konda village quest. How can people be so blind to defend the quests in this game ? When i saw the fans defending the horrible system and basically telling anyone who was complaining to uninstall the game was so stupid. Just because you like it and settle for mediocrity does not mean others cannot voice their opinion on the game. There is so much more wrong with this game that i can go on and on but i genuinely think it has potential if they fix these issues because the core gameplay and concept is really good.

  3. the actual important parts of raiden quest ii can take around 7:47:57 minutes if you can read at a moderate pace. but the quest took around 30-40 minutes for useless garbage. like, I don't care that raiden is gonna get attacked by some rifthounds. point being: time wasted. and the fact that there are so many quests and hangouts is infuriating. I don't wanna find ingredients to make some god damn drink. I wanna spend minimal time on content that can be done in 20 minutes at most. and the archon quests.. fucking garbage. they're not interesting [except if you enjoy lore ofc] and the content takes at least more than 2hours and 90% is dialogue, 7% is battle, 2.8% is something you can use for deeper understanding of lore, it doesn't even makes sense most of the time and you gotta be a bit more 'wise' per say, to understand AND 0.2% IS JUST INFO ABOUT THE NEXT STORY QUEST. thank you for reading.

  4. I feel like the branching Story Quests with multiple endings are significantly better than the linear ones where the dialogue is thoroughly arbitrary and drawn out.
    I did like the Hu tao arc but because her character's ironic tone and dark humour is hilarious to me.
    This one had a decent plot but a lot of filler, certainly. I studied writing and it wouldn't take much to improve it especially if you can afford to hire an entire team of professionals.

  5. I feel like the branching Story Quests with multiple endings are significantly better than the linear ones where the dialogue is thoroughly arbitrary and drawn out.
    They offer more content but in a way that is engaging; you can revisit it at your leisure for a broader take on potential outcomes which is how a game(interactive content) should differ from a static narrative(eg books or films). The main plot is seriously lacking in this regard where you are often given multiple dialogue inputs that result in the same generic response or even a split sentence where picking either option is equivalent to the entire phrase regardless, all of which is designed to simulate the experience of any sort of decision making and dupe the audience.

    The only time I can think of making an actual choice while adventuring was killing a duck Timmy asked me to feed and I was strangely thrilled there was an actual consequence; not because this is a surprising twist but because I literally expected Mihoyo to neglect any such repercussions. In another similar quest the little girl from the library takes you to speak with a Hillichurl and you can callously massacre that same Hillichurls family while they continue dancing in joy after your conversation.

    Personally I did like the Hu Tao arc but largely because her character's ironic tone and dark humour is hilarious to me while fitting completely with her occupation and personal history.
    This one had a decent plot but a lot of filler, certainly. I studied writing and it wouldn't take much to improve it especially if you can afford to hire an entire team of professionals.

  6. The story is incredibly watered down but I'm still not over the jank glider mechanics. It's boring because you are unable to do anything in the air and it's unsatisfying when ever you get thrust straight downwards after you stop gliding mid air.
    Sense it's a piece of one of the chore parts of the gameplay loop (exploring) it proceeds to lower the quality of the entire game just by being like that.

  7. "Oh I liked it" and they think it's good enough.

    Wasn't that the basis of your opinion with the second part of the archon quest in Inazuma?

  8. This is why I always put off doing new quests for so long. It's the feeling of dread that comes with knowing I will spam click through all the boring parts until I get to the last good five minutes.
    Last update I literally left the quests I needed to complete until the day before the 2.4 event ended just so I could get the event prizes. And for most of it I was losing my mind until the glimmer of hope of an interesting scene happened. My younger sister did the same – except she literally waited until the day of when the event would end.
    I want to be invested in the story and lore so much but I am literally only now starting raidens second quest despite it being out for a while now.
    I haven't even started most of the hangout events. And I probably never will despite me being f2p and needing those goddam couple primos.

  9. Honestly, all the info gets repeated so much and are so basic, that despite me trying to speedrun any dialogue, I still get all the info about the characters and the story

  10. I agree when he said that the dialogue and writing is catered for pre-pubescent kids. It's redundant and doesn't respect our intelligence.

    Funny thing is, this game is business-wise catered for paying adults but the writing, dialogue and other content, at least on some cases, are catered for kids, or specifically those who's having a hard time to understand nuance.

    I hope it'll get better.

  11. I understand where Tectone and his editor are coming from because I also agree/feel that the dialogue is catered more towards a younger audience and that overall the story quests can and should be improved upon, but let me play devil's advocate for a second. For Mihoyo, all they see is a player base rushing through quests and constantly complaining about how there isn't enough content in the game. So it makes sense why they might think that more is better even if they have to drag it out and fill it with basic dialogue; because for them, it doesn't make sense to come out with shorter higher quality content if players are going to just finish it in record time and go back to complaining about there being no content. For them, they probably want to come out with as much content as possible as soon as possible without it being complete garbage, but satisfying the player base enough.

  12. The story pacing in this game is so bad. In the chasm story, i had to discuss for like 4 minutes with a random NPC that she should go back to the camp and rest up, it's ridiculous how bad it is.

  13. Paimon at the start of the game was cool. She had a soft, calm voice. And she helped us get a grip on teyvat. Now, she never shuts up, her voice is so high pitched an annoying, and she just doesn’t seem to even help us anymore, she’s basically an annoying pet that we’re forced to take care of. Not even lying, removing paimon from the game would improve it about 50% for me.

  14. I liked the story quests but actually not. Because i did zhongli quest recently i enjoyed it but not really because something i like i would like to do something like it AGAIN but i don't because it's long and just pure dialogue it's not an animation or an illustration it's just annoying to see characters talking between them selfs

  15. Mihoyo, get your Head out of your ass, and just make the game R16 or r18 age rating, because I'm Pretty sure 95% of players playing this game are not children but actually have common sense, trust me mihoyo, you're gonna be thanking me later, and about the other children who cannot be playing this game anymore, just give them a refund or something nman, it would solve a lot of problems, so much

    The game would be realistic and engaging for the audience, because animations, aesthetics, combat design, music, cutscenes, are good, but the rest like the storytelling of quests, censorship, and goofy sh* are bad, but I'm pretty sure it would be way better by a MASSIVE percent, if these changes are implemented,

    Also the subtitles, imo are bad, because there not in sync with how their talking, but they just load in, so fast, it's unacceptable, and lazy coding by some of your team members staff from organizing that type of situation, from a billion dollar company like mihoyo, who players payed so much money to witness that, and this basic dialog mania. Because I just think, they could do more better if they add more emotion to it, because right now it's lacking.

    The last time mihoyo address concerns for the community about complaits was way back, and this was the Zhongli drama, from 1.1, holy sh* and that was unnecessary. But the other major problems, mihoyo just doesn't care anymore….


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