The Loom Of Fate & The 5 Sinners Of Khaenri'ah Explained! Genshin Impact 4.7 Archon Quest Breakdown

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The Loom Of Fate & The 5 Sinners Of Khaenri’ah Explained! Genshin Impact 4.7 Archon Quest Breakdown


48 thoughts on “The Loom Of Fate & The 5 Sinners Of Khaenri'ah Explained! Genshin Impact 4.7 Archon Quest Breakdown”

  1. Who really told u that Celestia is the Ennemy ? Yall will be chocked in the futur.

    Sinners doesnt have world shattering power. They each have a fragment of that world shattering fragment. They divided it into themselves !

    Dainsleif doesnt have that. He refused.

    Ans yeah, now it seems like the Pale Princess is about the 5 sinners + Dain.

    Pale Princess = abyss twin
    Prince = King Irmin
    Night mother = Abyss (the power they succombed too)

    The de deformed pygmy that didnt do treason = Dainsleif

  2. Idk everyone is getting mad at the fact that we didn't see Lumine vs Dain fight. Dain is one of the Final Bosses of Genshin so why will they put him on screen rn?

    The fact that Lumine says she is no match for Dainsleif who is well past his prime goes to show how powerful these 6 Pillars of the Eclipse Dynasty were 500 years ago.

  3. 6:42 not sure about that. To me, celestia is absolutely not the enemy, I think they are simply protecting teyvat trough coleteral casualties. Like, those sinners didnt hesitate to betray their own nation to the abyss, and one of them the foul, literally went crazy by nurturing a narwhal that can destroy a whole nation by absorbing primordial water, same goes for rhinedottir with durin, those guys are crazy.
    Yes celestia isnt saint, and privating khaenrihah people from their existence is harsh, but to me those sinners are far evil antagonist than the rest

  4. Does this "world shattering power" that was split work individually (per fragment) or as one? Is it possible that it was split between the 5 (or 6 if it includes dain) of them is because they are avoiding to "shatter the world"? I am confused.

  5. So… Am i the only one that didn't like the quest that much? It felt rushed (short) and incomplete? We once again got a lot of questions and no good answers… The sibling doesn't even know what they want to do with the loom of fate so… Did they just lie to us or do they actually don't know how to give it an use even though now it's done? Yes, we got who the sinners are… But to me it feels once again like too much npc and too little actual things that matter… And we as the player do know about everything the siblings told us but the traveler doesn't, so… What was even the point… Idk maybe i was just expecting too much from this mission but it feels they've cut it short, and they skipped too much stuff maybe?

  6. About the unanswered questions, I’ve just accepted before now that there’s not going to be any major revealing lore drops on the main story until after or maybe during Snezhnaya.

    And I feel impatient and mad about that sometimes too, but I can wait! I can always try whatever other games I feel like in the meantime, but I always keep up with Genshin because nothing else hits me right in the heart like Genshin’s stories.

  7. Not to spoil anything but the new archon quest is absolute shit, isn’t Genshin supposed to be a story game, and the story sucks now, just go do the quest and tell me that you didn’t just waste your time. It felt very much like a fuck you from hoyo.

  8. You have spoiled me even only because of the thumbnail and because YouTube videos are playing automatically second after you see the thumbnail on mobile devices you spoiled me even more. 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩. I didn’t even click on your video but still you spoiled me 😩😩😩😩. Why I’m even complaining, it was not your fault. But still I’m mad because I was spoiled.

  9. I dont understand if the sinners and the abyss order are allies or not. If the sinners have world-shattering Powers, why they dont help the abyss order?

  10. Regarding the debate about the Dainsleif vs Abyss Sibling fight, the writers aren't dumb for one. They know that if they show the fight and how it exactly unfolded, it would take away the focus of this short but loaded interlude quest. Not only because they still wanna save the proper reveal of their combat capabilities for the future of Genshin, they also know it would just be pointless to show. So yeah, I do agree that they never showed it, it helps us focus on the more important bits of the lore, the Loom of Fate and how it is supposed to create new memories that may not be able to be altered by the Ley Lines and Irminsul in which a way for the Abyss to challenge the reign of Celestia and the Heavenly Principles, and the as to why the sibling went the path they took.

    And I am also sure, that a good majority of people would disagree with this take but then again, I don't really care, stay mad for such people lol. But this is for the better.

  11. I think that the Abyss, Harbingers, the MC, and all archons (and maybe all elemental dragons?) will unite against Celestia. At least, the Harbingers, Abyss (and elemental dragons) all have the same target: Celestia. Archons seem to be afraid to go against Celestia (well, all but Focalors and Tsaritsa, of course), so they just need a little push to declare war against Celestia as well. I think that Natlan will slightly convince the MC to rebel, and afterward, the Tsaritsa and/or the Harbingers will definitively convince the MC to fight against Celestia too.

  12. We’ve heard nothing of the sustainer for ages now. Paimon being the primordial one better come true! The lack of Paimon lore or questions surrounding her is just so suspicious and also telling. There’s nothing else like her in Teyvat and no one seems to be curious about her! Everyone can tell the Traveller isn’t from Teyvat but no one questions Paimon. We get a smidgen of lore but we’re still no closer to understanding the bigger picture, so I feel Snezhnaya aught to be a holy shit lore dump, along with Natlan, unless they’re doing Genshin part 2 which I’d fight people to have.

  13. SO SHORT!!!. Holy shit balls I wanted more! I did love the quest but the shortness of it, I did not. I’ve waited a month for one days worth of stories, including Clorinde’s SQ

  14. Wandering is a terrible sin seeking for answers were talking to Dutch blind yet you clearly she is you serious praying that she will rise up wake up and face reality not only the sky is fake butt on YouTube everything is deep within your mind you could do whatever you want just witness my eyes everything you want to be I can do it without even a voice while you mine and your fellows will will end this world ahaha

  15. I always thought, ever since Sumeru, that the loom of fate was being made to undo the Khaenri'ah's curse. As in they were cursed so that they could not pass and return to the leylines so the loom of fate is to be used to re-weave the people of Khaenri'ah back into teyvats roots. And if Shneznya IS working with the Abyss, then perhaps the loom of fate was made to be a clone of the irminsul tree but not under the control of the heavenly principles so when Dotorre burns irminsul, teyvat will be safe and free.

  16. Nope, you misread the part about Teyvat being a planet. It didn't say that. Teyvat is a continent. We don't even know what the name of the planet Teyvat's fake sky is hiding is.

  17. Hear me out, the 5 siblings all are working towards the same goal, sister is under vens influence, gold wanted to know if they could create new humans, surtalogi working behind the scenes with other wordly beasts.. they’re all working together to bring down teyvat in one way or another. The fatuiis goal might just be to destroy irminsul which will be catastrophic! Who knows if it’ll kill everyone connected to it or if they’ll just lose their memories it wont matter cause they can now weave new leylines….it’s all connected

  18. personally i felt like we really didn’t learn anything. i mean the sinners have been guessed by a lot of theory cc’s, and the HP being asleep isn’t really new information since Nahida told us that.
    i was so disappointed about the twin convo bc they just dodged our question. i just really wish they would’ve went all out right before natlan, because beforehand, i thought it’d be something they do. idk it killed a lot of the hype i had left. we waited 9 months of filler and they lowkey missed me.
    i will say, rhindottir being mentioned along with the new abyss, makes me think hexenzirkel info is coming soon which im excited for.

  19. Wait a minute. Aether player's got their picture flipped too from the actual positions? Wtf? I just thought Hoyoverse was being lazy with Lumine players again and just did a recolor on the models. 😂 That actually could be lore related then. 🤔

    I guess one perspective could be that Caribert could have created a temporary mirror reality in which the twins did take a picture before they got their memory erased when Caribert's realm was erased. 🤔

    Well regardless, this makes me feel better now that it wasn't only us Lumine players again, and there's potentially a lore reason behind how Caribert took a picture.

    It also might also be hinting finally, that Hoyoverse's blatant refusal to advertise Lumine alongside Aether as a playable traveler, could be lore related as well. Since now we got mirror universes basically confirmed with that picture.

    It's possible Hoyoverse is just focusing on one specific timeline, and that's what they meant by not wanting to get players confused, because we might get a reversal at some point with the other traveler. Just a thought.

  20. After this lore drop I'm convinced that the cryo archon is from Khaenri'ah.
    Now let me cook, in the quest Dain refers to the king as the "Vinster" king. The word Vinster in Norwegian means winter and the Cryo archon is the only Archon referred to as royalty. Now I could go deeper by saying Pierro if he is one of the sinners would be Rerir


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