The Genshin Impact Anniversary Rewards Are Once Again Trash

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48 thoughts on “The Genshin Impact Anniversary Rewards Are Once Again Trash”

  1. We have come full circle, my first video was shitting on anniversary rewards and now here we are a year later doing the same thing . . .

    Also this video was recorded the day of the genshin lievstream so if some things seem wrong like the background footage statement in the beginning, that's why

  2. in my opinion(key word: opinion), the majority of the genshin community is being just a teeny bit ungrateful. like, at least we're getting rewards. again this is *my opinion*. im just taking what's given to me and not complaining.

  3. One thing I always see these days about the anniversary is that "oh they made like animation and they announced an anime which is hard work and thats enough" and I just think that of a side project is limiting the amount players are gonna get at the ANNIVERSARY then it should be changed

  4. I think unless an actual competitor for Genshin comes out they won't change. ToF is fun and I like it but let's be real, the production value is not on Genshin's level. Before somebody calls me a whiteknight let me just say am not defending HoYo just trying to make people understand why they do this. Genshin has had no competition since launch and 2 years later still nothing. They gave us crappy rewards because they know no matter how much we complain people will still play the game because they have no competitor.

  5. Coming back from gray raven over a year and I can say kuro games kicks the shit out of myho for how to do an anniversary. They even went as far to do a stream for the global players with a ton of black cards across the stream. They also made every s rank character 100% rate available for all to pull. At the point, I come back to Genshin to see what going on and sadly myho are still at it again being greedy.

  6. I love watching greedy and petty youtubers who don’t understand that Mihoyo is giving out free rewards in general. They have every right to give us absolutely nothing but they don’t. Be grateful for what you get.

    Another thing is Mihoyo is one of the few game developers who actually give out free rewards on holidays and anniversary. Think about that why don’t you

  7. genshin literally made 3 billion dollars in profit and they cant afford to give more than 20 wishes which will give nothing but like 18 fodder weapons, a flute and a barbara. its actually fucking insane how stingy they can be

  8. Hahahahaha…… HAHAHAHA……. told you genshin is a greedy pig, why i can bad mouth mihoyo? Because i dont give a shit about genshin and i quit playing that shit 1 years ago because of their greedy lust for money(and also im not very lucky to pull good shit in it) anyway its a shame that even if the anniversary reward is bad the gameplay and story is quiet good and adictive and the character in game is cute ETC, that is the only thing that why this game keep going on.

  9. i‘m almost more upset by all the fanboys and girls defending hoyoverse because wE‘rE gETtiNg aN AnIMe aS a REwArD. so basically any content from now on can be seen as an anniversary reward got it. not like they were planning to do the anime anyway and just decided to announce it alongside the anni rewards to taunt people.

  10. the genesis crystal top up thingy, they actually trynna force new f2p players to spend money.who spends they are gonna spend oviously but for f2p players its just too tempting to let go.and when u start spending,ur account details in there u can't really stop(not for everyone but for most of the people).they are just trynna trick players to spend more money and they don't wanna give decent rewards? Its hilarious.

  11. "Our expectations were low, but HOLY FUCK!" – some meme on the internet.
    But seriously, my expectations were low, but i'm still disappointed with the rewards. I should have set the bar lower i guess. 🤷🏻‍♀️😕

  12. Hoyoverse truly hit hard to the people that was waiting for the second world war aniversary, last year was fun even when the majority didn't care about the rewards it was very fun to draw bad art and spam Qiqi but all turned for the worst when content creators started to pretend to represent all and milk the sh*t out if that and that was the main reason why after a while all the boycott movement died fast and this year Hoyoverse really came as the winner saying that they are not scared of influencers because they just need to continue making high quality content.

  13. But isn't the anime series announcement the greatest anniversary gift hoyo could have given us? like many players are asking for an anime and now here we are. And it's made by ufotable which is one of the best animation studio in japan. Hiring ufotable to animate a genshin anime is not cheap btw.

  14. Ratheil made a Stupid Video on how "OK" the rewards and how "Cynical" you are if the Anime announcement was just smokescreen (because it was)

    We the Players should demand more. Mihoyo should meet our expectations. Not us should meet there's.

  15. I swear back in 2022 January I was able to get like 60-80 fates in like less than a month with a welkin moon. It’s like hoyoverse stop giving primogems less and less each month..

  16. A good anniversary event for genshin would be making a 50% off in all banners making 1600 primo into 800 for a ten pull instead, it will make players happy and genshin happy too since more players will make use of this event

  17. Yo I’m gonna put some more fuel into the fire

    So as mentioned in the video, honkai impact is mihoyo’s other game. So their anniversary is also coming up and here are some of the rewards they are getting.
    – You get to choose between two S rank battlesuits (technical the 5 star of honkai)
    – Ten free pulls on the new characters supply (banner)
    – Spending event (so you spend you crystals and stuff on supply and then you get these token things where you are able to exchange for things like characters fragments, elf fragments, a skin, and/or another s rank valk)
    – also pretty sure they are giving out those boxes where you can choose between 5 pulls on character supply, 5 pulls on weapon supply, or crystals

    Anyway that’s just the things I remember. I think there was still more so yea 🙂

  18. ok lemme just tell it to you, for all of you complaining for aniversary the events exist and they give you a total around 12k primos which is alot in my opinion and lets just enjoy the anime and stop saying its a cover up like something is better than nothing, no one asked you to get your hopes high up

  19. That lbare minimum, that eventually become rewards we'll get from now on is the reason I'll never play this game. If this is how Mihoyo treat their players then it's better to not put any efforts in playing their game.

  20. My problem with hoyo is that they seem to think that additional consumable content like music, the new anime, and tcg are "gifts" to us when its really just to make their own brand stronger and to bring in more people to spend money. That shit is not tangible for us lmao they're MAKING an anime not GIFTING us one. No clue why its so hard for them to just give us 90 pulls they know thats what people want. They aren't gonna listen until the majority of us speak up with our wallets. I won't be buying Welkin or BP anymore after this I already have everything I want anyway

  21. I agree 10000000% with everything you said. Im tired of all the fan boys being happy with the scraps that Hoyo gives them. When friends ask me about Genshin I allways say the same thing. " Great game! Sh*ty company. "

  22. The only way to change HoYo's shitty attitude for the players is to vote with your wallet. But let's be honest, the majority of the playerbase is casual players and they don't give a damn about quality of rewards, they just happy to get free stuff, they don't play other gachas and genuinelly think that this kind of treatment is okay. Hell, they may not even know that anniversary is something special for the game, because giving out free stuff on anniversaries is practiced pretty much only in gacha games.

  23. Funny how you talk all this shit, but you still going to play and support the game because it's the only content people watch from you. if you don't enjoy or support the company, you could always swap to something else like others.

  24. As I always say, mihoyo could spit in the F2Ps mouths and they would thank them for it. I’ll never understand why they defend mihoyo like it’s their own flesh and blood.

  25. Honestly I’m in love with this years anniversary rewards and in the end, if it means I still get to play the game I care so much about, I’m happy either way. Even if all they gave us was a sack of potatoes, I’d still play the game because yes, Genshin is about getting new characters and stuff, but if that’s all your focused on, you miss a lot of amazing other things like scenery and story line and other amazing aspects of the game! Anyway that was kind of a rant but the moral of this, no matter what we get, As long as Genshin as a whole dosnt change, I’m happy.

    And I stg if I get one reply telling me how I shouldnt feel this way and that I’m eating the scraps mihoyo is giving me,suck my big toe bc I am eating the scraps and I’m savoring every last drop. If ppl wanna throw crap on my opinion that’s fine but as soon as I throw crap on theirs “UH OH SPAGHETTIOS IM A TERRIBLE PERSON” suck it up buttercup and deal with my opinion ❤❤❤

  26. if you are someone who has been whaling since before the previous anni disaster and experienced trash rewards and still continue to spend i dont know what to say. You should have realized the trap when u saw the weapon banner's outrageous 270 pity. Don't feel bad for any of you lmao


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