The Four Winds and a Map Theory (Part 1) | Genshin Impact Lore

The four winds point us in the right direction. Patreon: Playlist Genshin Impact Lore: …


40 thoughts on “The Four Winds and a Map Theory (Part 1) | Genshin Impact Lore”

  1. I’m pretty sure Zhongli’s story quest makes this a little muddy, since part of unlocking Sal Tarrea relies on cardinal directions
    There are other treasure based things that rely on the use of these directions but neat theory, I do wonder why the map doesn’t line up in Monstandt

  2. I don’t know if the wolfs gravestone is borias’ gravestone, it belonged the the wolf knight/knight of boreas, who is confirmed to be Varka, unless he is an elf too, I doubt that boreas is the wolf mentioned in the wolfs gravestone’s description

  3. Mondstadt is repeatedly called a Northern Country tho. The "Pride of the North" was something that was regularly said in Dainslief's Character files.
    Would that make Liyue a Norther Country?

  4. I thought the location was based on their Temples you first visit with the free 4 Stars. Andrius actually died and his Noble Soul hangs around Wolvendom.
    His Temple is in the North above Cryo Revisvine.
    The Temple of the Falcon is above Windrise in the West. The description of the Temple said the Falcon watch over the Windrise meaning the Giant Tree there.
    The Temple of the Lion is in the south under Falcon Coast. It has no description tho.

    The Story we had before was Dvalin didnt live in Stormterror's lair until he got corrupted by Durin the Black Dragon.
    My guess is that the Temple of Dvalin used to be in Musk Reef which used to be a large mountain called Pilos Peak in the East. He probably live there until Durin attacked him and Venti blowing it out of the sea. My guess is after Durin died, Venti used the mountain to bury its body in Dragonspine.

  5. I believe Jean is just an acting grand master, The lion of the south is passed on to the grand masters and it should belong to varka. He is still the current grand master of ordo favonious even if he's on expedition.

  6. Maybe the 4 winds are described by where they came from.

    Wolf came from Sneznaya (north)

    Dragon came from the ocean/whatever nation East that didn't sink yet back then

    Falcon came from Natlan (west)

    Lion from the south idk why

  7. It is interesting. Vanessa is the falcon and has red hair similar to Diluc. Does it mean that Vanessa one of greatest defender of Mondstat is related to Diluc? Is Diluc's mother, Vanessa?

    Interesting also to note that Diluc summon falcon as pet on its idle animatio and resemblance of Phoenix bird in his Ult.

    Did something happen to Vanessa and Knights of Favonious and as to why Diluc detest the Knights? Maybe he was mad because Vanessa may not be caring or Diluc haven't got any attention from Vanessa if they are related at all…

  8. "Wanderer in the North settled with wolven race" does NOT in fact mean that he settled in the North. Andrias/Boreas NEW home doesn't mean that it should be in the North. Dvalin didn't lived in ruins before fight with other dragon too so wrong direction pointer again.

    Now gates in Mond are much better marker. Andrius living "above" Decarabians Old Mond and migrating south after he mellowed out makes sense for example.

  9. they're current locations are not accurate because they are not the four winds anymore. Only their title remains and jean the only one left because her position is passed through generation. 500 years ago during catalycsm, the four winds ended but at that time their locations are accurate as they reside to the temples we currently know as Domains. Just check the locations of the domains that says, temple of the lion, temple of the falcon and temple of the wolf. only Dvalin doesn't have his own temple but he was born in eastern skies earning his title. ^^

  10. i like that its just like a parallel universe, where they put the south as the preferred upright position, like how we count 10 as a whole because we have 10 fingers and other outer civilization may not if theirs have different fingers or other counting system

  11. In my Humble opinion I feel the Current Living Four winds are as follows
    Dvalin – The Dragon of the East once corrupted now Cleansed
    Andrius – Wolf of the North Territorial but Peaceful
    Jean – The Lion of the South aka The Lionfang /Dandelion Knight Protecting the city
    And Finally
    Diluc – Falcon of the West True Descendent of Vanessa who was the Previous Falcon before she flew to celestia

    All of them Protect Mondstad in their own special way along with their Archon Barbatos/Venti

  12. its not Jean tho… the title is passed on the current Grand Master so it supposed to be Varka the Lion… but you could say that Jea is the Acting Lion of the South

  13. Had a commission in Qingce village and was told an NPC went north while the quest marker was, in the traditional sense, south. So I'm pretty sure the orientation is up-side down.
    "There's only one place he'll have gone. Wuwang hill, north of here."


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