Kokomi is becoming a more popular choice in the abyss? Do you think kokomi players are inflating the numbers? Or something more hidden going on underneath the surface. Let me know in the comments section below.
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Thank you to spiralabyss.org for compiling data in this manner for the genshin population to use.
You have to be capping by 65k infusion window homa hu tao right?
But other than that, yeah kokomi does have her uses where she works really well in
Forced meta.
looks at KOKOMIS 24k passive dmg “Ehe”
Maybe this was my favorite video you ever made. I really like the long format and deep analysis. I would love to se more like this one in the future!
i've mained her since release and my love for her as a dps has only grown. I've never gotten under 31* in the abyss since then, and now I got 33* for the first time since eula came out in 1.5. sukokomon and taser comps are both fun to play and shred through enemies. I'm proud to say I main kokomi
I accidently got Everlasting Moonglow on my friend acc whose no longer play, so i have to sacrifice that account pity, thank god on the 50/50, she's came home. As the time progress, Kokomi is show value and felt like comfort character in that account to the point i kinda wish it was on my main account.
Kokomi is great, and i want to believe her value only to keep increasing.
My kokopium is my first triple crown
27 dmg Clam set is … worthless.
Lets say you have 80% uptime and hit max every time, and it only translares to around 7k dmg per second, that not good enough for maxed out 5 star. And if you dong hit the heal cap? Thn you max do as little as 3k a second.The set only works on lower levels, but since its capped it quickly becomes irrelevant.
can you provide the database you used to collect this stats? how does every 4th player according to the numbers you provided have Kokomi? or are you basing it on your friends ownership rate and play rate?
everything you said is otherwise wrong and random if you don't have a reliable sources
once i got kokomi, it's been hard to NOT put her in my team. Yoimiya-Xingqiu-Kokomi-Bennet has been pretty fun, i'll go wild on an enemy with xingqiu's burst and yoimiya, and once yoimiya's skill run's out, i'll use her burst, swap to kokomi, and use kokomi to dps for a shortwhile with her own burst. Another team i've been running is Ayaka-Shenhe-Kokomi-Bennet, i'll drop kokomi's skill and use it to keep enemies frozen while i go wild with shenhe and ayaka, and i'll follow up Ayaka's Burst (similar to what i do with Yoimiya's Burst) by switching to kokomi, using her burst, and just letting loose on whoever is trapped in ayakas icestorm. i've found, even with subpar artifacts, kokomi has been able to out-dps ayaka and yoimiya in those short bursts. Oh, and she also heals my party very rapidly, and that's nice. she does not work well with hu tao, since Hu Tao relies on maintaining low hp in battle. either way, i feel kinda sorry for anyone who didn't pick her up when they had the chance.
I have something to share my poorly built yoimiya can deal 14-15k per n1 in her burst while being supported by Yunjin alone . I don’t know if I can stretch her damage even more with archaic Petra set in Yunjin to get that extra hydro damage
@7:20 OHC is actually every 3 seconds, not 3.5. The half second is only applicable to the first bubbles time it takes to detonate, but after that (assuming 100% uptime) the damage is applied every 3 seconds because of animation/effect time. Once the damage is being applied, a new bubble has already spawned, further cutting the time down to that 3 seconds. It may not seem relevant at first, but when it comes to calculating dps, it matters more.
This is all news to me whats with all the kokomi hate, I love her, I skipped raiden to get enough wishes that there was NO CHANCE id miss, my team was in desperate need of healer and she fit nicely. I dont dodge stuff, I dont avoid anything I fight on top of her jellyfish and pew pew
All I'm saying is Shenhe doesn't have an artifact set…yet.
Also people called Bennett useless, xq only plays with cryo boi, xl a budget physical dps, GANYU A CRYO AMBER/DIES IN ONE HIT, kazuha budget venti, and Shenhe not worth pulling…. Xp
It's gonna be interesting seeing your perspective about yoimiya one day
I like how this is different from other videos with the title: Fall & Rise instead of Rise & Fall.
Sincerely, a proud Kokomi main.
Kokomi is a Wine Catalyst. Because she ages like one. Fine.
I’ve always known she had her own way of being good. I hope to pull her on soft pity.
First zhongli, now kokomi. I've watched two of my favourite characters get flamed to hell and back, when they weren't even that bad in the first place. The amount of pain I felt when I held back from defending them bcs I didn't wanna start unnecessary arguments.

I love everything about kokomi (except her writing, I hope MHY fixes that soon) her design, her animations, her voice and lore. Nice to see her getting recognition now!
I just clear 12, 3 with xingqui.. No kokomi needed
I go for looks>meta so I pulled on her banner and got her on my first 10 pull lmao
She was my first 5* and she’s on my team 24/7
10/10, do not regret getting her
I do agree with your vid tho
Kokomi main.