SHOULD YOU PULL? Cyno & Ayato Banner Review | Genshin Impact 4.2

Welcome back to another discussion in our “To Pull or Not to Pull” series! Tell us what you think about these upcoming banners and whether or not you will be pulling for the characters and/or weapons.

What have you enjoyed most about Fontaine so far? Story? Characters? Exploration? Let us know in the comments! Good luck wishing for the character(s) you desire, and we hope you win your 50/50’s!

Intro 00:00
Cyno Discussion 00:32
Ayato Discussion 03:36
Staff of the Scarlet Sands Discussion 07:18
Haran Geppaku Futsu Discussion 08:36
Evaluating Your Account 09:40
Elements/Roles To Fill 11:42
Upgrade Materials? 13:08
Team Building 14:19
Player Perspectives [F2P, Veteran, Whale] 15:30
Weapon Banner Worth? 18:11
Outro 21:33

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23 thoughts on “SHOULD YOU PULL? Cyno & Ayato Banner Review | Genshin Impact 4.2”

  1. F2P, new and old players just straight up DON’T PULL, a Primo is a primo. Cyno has the best burst animation and cool as hell but u need dendro w him basically just straight up not worth. Ayato if u want a hydro applicator Xingqiu is better by leaps and bounds people say his burst has utility but seriously? U can have better hydro for any reaction. This is a chance to skip and save primos with no regret.

  2. as a very recent f2p player, i managed to pull Baizhu. due to that, im going to actually be saving up to pull on Cyno. i need a carry electro and his synergy with Baizhu is amazing. maybe later on if i manage to remain playing long enough for Raiden to pop up, she will take Cyno's place. but, for now, he is looking very good for my current party. i "might" try for Ayato later on, just to have him for the sake of collecting. very dependant on what i can work with as a full f2p player.

  3. i do really like cyno but furina is a must pull for my acct because i need her in my team i already got cyno stick and xiangling using it. but still imgoing to pull for cyno i do hope i got him low pity

  4. And your thoughts on this aren’t necessary either! Either ways, CHOOSE TO PULL FOR THE CHARACTER you are interested in and would love to play to. The meta is just second. It’s always depends on how you build your character and how you play them.

    CAN’T WAIT FOR AYATO. He’s so cool, FUN TO PLAY WITH (Unlike that watergun old uncle from fontaine -definitely boring), he’s HANDSOME, STYLISH, JUST SIMPLY LOVED HIM!! 🤍🤍🩵🩵🩵🤍🤍🤍

  5. When we get to inazuma,my second dps was Ayato.
    He push my account until this day…..but yeah he isnt that strong as before but I never as F2P had any issue with him to clear floor 12
    Now with Furina he is also stronger;)

  6. I already have the hydro dragon and I have very good dps teams like xaio, alhaitham, wanderer, childe, but I want ayato cause I love his looks his gameplay and that’s the only reason I want to get him and so I can build him up to

  7. i am sure xiao banner will take time and i want ayato amd kuki cons have already lost my 5050 on rizzly banner to jean and i am at 57 pity ig idk if i can get ayato tho but need kuki cons for sure i want xiao and chlorinde i need to save a lot as an F2p


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