The best Diluc combo (with F2P builds) – Genshin Impact

In this video i show how much damage the best Diluc combo does as a F2P Player
The best weapon to use with Diluc:


46 thoughts on “The best Diluc combo (with F2P builds) – Genshin Impact”

  1. I’ve been using Lavawalker set on my XQ just cause it’s really resin efficient since I’m already farming Burning Witch for Diluc. How does it compare to Hydro/Noblesse?

  2. If you do diluc’s E set with XQ ult or E and then do ult the diluc Q does more damage but your combo might be better. It’s a dps problem that I don’t feel like solving.

  3. I just got Diluc in Xiao's banner hoping that it will be Qiqi(which is not huhuhu)… but that aside I plan on using him in a party that consists of Razor, Diona and Bennett. Do you think it's fine? Or should I change someone?

  4. I use this with bennet and venti
    Venti Q> Bennet E+Q> Xingqiu E+Q+E (doing 10-25K each hit on vaporize) > Diluc Q +E+atack+E+atack…. u can do a full combo inside Bennet's Q and after that just auto atack with Diluc until the fire infused claymore and Xingqiu Q is over. Now u should have all ur ults ready again (if u have enough ER) and u can repeat forever, even on bosses. o/

  5. I use Mona over Xingqiu cuz I don’t have sacr sword. Her E applies hydro just as well as xingqiu when you do the E-atk-E combo
    For double dmg, use bennet and sucrose (with VV set). I really do mean x2-3 dmg. F2p diluc would’ve been doing around 60k with ult, and around 25k-35k with E’s if he had used Bennett and sucrose

  6. this looks great, i never think use xinqiu was a great idea on my team with diluc, but actually, can be the crit dmg Q be higher? i didnt use Bennet on my team yet and the highest crit hit that i get with my Diluc not full was 56k with melt


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