The Best Banner Yet? | Genshin Impact

#Genshin #GenshinImpact #aratakiitto

LUL no.

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41 thoughts on “The Best Banner Yet? | Genshin Impact”

    The weapon banner is just, so, so, so bad but I predicted it months ago and had time to cope. Memory of Dust might be bad, but my best bio deserves it.
    165 wishes, 12 pity, everything prepped for the sword to come home, and I won’t stop til I get it.
    If I have anything left over, I’m going for 1 Shinobu or c4 Gorou. I am THIS CLOSE.
    Will weapon banner be worth it? Probably not. While I go broke? Probably. But will Itto, by the end of my suffering, have his shiny BiS? Hell yea.

  2. I have a guarantee for Kazuha, but I also want gorou and Shinobu 😭😭😭😭 like when I pulled for itto, I didn't get gorou and mostly got xiangling. Now I kinda have to hold off building Itto until I get Gorou, and that lowkey sucks 😭😭😭. At least I'll get Heizou when he comes out. Kinda makes me a lil bit better.

  3. Chongyun is good lol. Not to hate but you show one example for his team's comps. And be like " trust me bro". Chongyun might as well be up there as one of worst 4 stars by huge margin.
    To the peaple who think CD and atk speed is amazing,
    Lisa has def down and never gets used. And will also outdamage Chongyun.

  4. hmmm this is a good but bad banner for me rip. I dont have chongyun, nor gorou, nor kuki (obviously) so naturally I would want to atleast get a copy for em all, but I dont want Itto at all and am saving for kazuha. At 25 pity with 50 wishes saved up, no 50/50 guarantee. Think I will try my luck at 30-40 pulls, my worst case is winning the 50/50 early and having to pay for kazuha later, best case I get a copy of each in 30 pulls and no 5 star.

    Alternatively, if I lose the 50/50 i might spend all my saved wishes for chongyun constellations

  5. I maxed itto and his weapon… tbh compared to other elements and their reactions itto comes short….
    Best thing about him is the english VA he is outdoing himself in recent events

  6. I would like Kuki on at least one of my accounts but it's not going to happen from this banner. I prefer Noelle over Itto, I see zero value in Gorou (Noelle is self-sufficient, that's why I like her. She doesn't need a dedicated support. And Gorou can't support anyone else but these two.) and while Chongyun is okay, my "2 units per element" quota is already filled on all my accounts with either Ayaka or Ganyu as DPS and either Qiqi or Diona as supports. I do have one account where I built Chongyun and he is good, I don't regret it, but I also don't feel the need to have more than one.

  7. I noticed some ppl complaining abt gorou being on itto's banner, let's be real here folks he's most likely going to be only on itto's banner and only itto's banner like kujou sara, they don't follow the standard 3-4 banner appearance like other 4 stars do as far as i know gorou will only appear on itto reruns.

  8. Hmmm I have my heart set on kazuha…and I will probably try to get C6 since he seems to be used everywhere. So I am already over budget and have to give some serious thought ti Itto. Klee is coming up soon but she just seems too fussy to use. Yoimiya, though, I wouldn’t mind adding her to the team.

  9. I wanted to try for the redhorn for itto, but seeing the memory dust is very demotivating. Why hoyo give us catalyst weapon with no catalyst user on the character banner to go with.

  10. My Chongster is c6 so that means I'll get 4 of him but other than that, I really like this banner and I'm about to be an idiot and pull for the 4* characters. My Gorou is c4 and I really want to get him to c6 for my mono geo team. I actually think Shinobu will be dope for comfier taser comps so I'd love to get at least one of her. Now my pity is 0 and I'll have around 50 pulls, but in the case a cheeky 5* comes, I won't be mad. A 50/50 loss is a guaranteed. A c1 Itto is a great QOL, you even made a video about it. So yeah, I'll be stupid and see what I get

  11. To me the best banner so far (in my experience) was Ayato's banner with Xiangling, Yun Jin, and Sucrose along with the rock solid weapon banner where I got Elegy for the End and Haran Geppaku Futsu. The banner did WONDERS for my account. Not to say Itto's banner can't beat it but I've no way of knowing since I'm skipping it in hopes of getting Kazuha.

  12. I'm actually looking forward to this banner, hoping for one, early copy of Kuki, and then a Gorou sweep. I do use an all-Geo combo, Itto, Albedo, Zhongli, and C6 Noelle. The only time I'd probably swap out of Zhongli is if I had a C6 Gorou, as his C6 is a major boost of Crit DMG on Geo attacks on top of everything else. But really, I like my Chongyun too, and he's not C6 either… so I'm down to have copies of all the 4-Stars on this one. I've been known to use Chongyun with Diluc… it's a dance of ice and fire.

  13. i got C2 itto with R1 redhorn… he’s been my go to DPS for any floor (outside of lector shields) but i love him so much. even though he requires 3 geo, i will consider his team somewhat flexible too. your 3rd geo can be pretty much anyone (zhongli for defense, albedo for more dmg, ning/geo trav for more damage) and last slot can be any character (i like raiden occasionally since the rotations are quite smooth and energy means gorou and itto always has ult up. But chongyun is really slept on as the 4th slot too for his CDR and energy generation

  14. I completely skipped Itto's banner before for Zhongli so I was thinking of dropping 10-20 pulls to try and get Gorou and Shinobu since I'm not guaranteed anyways and on 10 pity, but a reliable leaker on twitter just said yesterday that 2.8 first half would be Klee, Kazuha with Heizou. Well, that changed my mind. I don't wanna risk getting Itto and would rather have as many Heizou cons as possible while sniping Kazuha.

    This banner is really good for those who wants Itto, getting more Gorou cons for his support and even the new character Shinobu is a huge bonus but I must say the 4* aren't really worth it to risk your pity if you don't/plan to main Itto.

  15. Regarding Chongyun, I put him in a team with Ayato, C2 Shenhe, and C6 Yunjin with a R1 SoBP (for atk spd and atk +20% buff). It makes Ayato's atk spd go brrrrr and can hit hard with cryo thanks to Shenhe's hold E and her cryo dmg boost and Chongyun's cryo field. This rotation is weird to pull off, but fun.

    Unfortunately, that's all I use him for these days.

  16. Off topic : I need to double check something, is sumeru will be based on Egypt or India, or a mix between South Asian and middle Eastern?

    Also I just realized the gender ratio … HOLY

  17. Kuki Shinobu’s main premise is to be a good flex healer for a Dendro dps, since intensified scales off EM, when electro triggered on dendro aura increases Dendro dmg. Her 100% skill uptime does that perfectly.

    Sanctifying Ring’s abilities will be boosted based on Shinobu’s elemental mastery:

    • Healing amount will be increased by 75% of Em.

    • DMG dealt is increased by 25% of Em.

    The Dendro Electro reaction scales with the Em formula; BaseDamageIncrease = LevelMultiplier × [1+(5 × EM)/(EM + 1200)]


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