The BEST 4* Spear for Xiao? Blackcliff vs. Deathmatch vs. ??? | Genshin Impact

Xiao is right around the corner, so I wanted to talk about the 4 star polearms that will perform the best with him for various purposes. Keep in mind Xiao’s stats are not finalized, so some of these could go up or down in usefulness upon his official release.


#Xiao #Battlepass #GenshinImpact


20 thoughts on “The BEST 4* Spear for Xiao? Blackcliff vs. Deathmatch vs. ??? | Genshin Impact”

  1. Loved the vid, keep up the good work!
    Concerning the lithic spear, it might be good in a very specific team comp but I intend using xiao with zhongli, albedo and jean so it’s a no go for me
    Cool way of pronouncing his name aswell B)

  2. Xiao without healer do be looking kinda oof.

    Bahaha anyways nice video!
    I'm hoping to pull for hu tao, since I need a fire unit and I want to replace zhongli since I feel like he isn't contributing much to my team, other than giving me shields and a ton of meteors..

    (My team if keqing, mona, qiqi, and ofc zhongli. Sorry im getting off topic-)

    Either way, good luck to everyone pulling for hu tao or xiao!

  3. I got ganyu , but i didn't want her i wanted to play xiao , i got ganyu but it was not on pitty , it reset my pitty and it destroyed the chances of me getting xiao , now what should i do 🥺


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