Testing Out C6 Noelle! Team Building Help! Q&A! AR 55 | Genshin Impact

Oni Z

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!whale – don’t ask

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Have a blessed day!


1 thought on “Testing Out C6 Noelle! Team Building Help! Q&A! AR 55 | Genshin Impact”

  1. It takes a couple tries, but bennett, keqing, any pyro and thrilling tales of dragon slayers will work quite well. Its not too hard to just swap electro out for physical, just aquila favonia, and if you can't swap the goblet. Wait for a longer damage cycle and save your Bennett q for that. Also, since your crit rate gets decreased it's literally needed to have a crit rate helmet, plus the 20% crit rate food, damage% food isn't worth it, because keqing's ascension stat is crit damage you're losing out on at least 120% damage just because you aren't critting. You should be able to deal enough damage. Fischl, albedo, those are just bait characters, and at the end of the day the dmg bonus doesn't matter if your main dps does more damage. I don't watch you much, so if your keqing isn't your main dps I wouldn't bother using her. All the modifers is kind of difficult, but your build just has to be correct.


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