Targeting system is absurd | Genshin Impact

#shorts #genshinimpact #hoyocreators

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29 thoughts on “Targeting system is absurd | Genshin Impact”

  1. sadly that is would probably have to come after the story is done when they get the chance to fix minor details, as they would have to change targeting priority for every entity in the game and every skill in the game rather than just setting it so that it hits the closest entity

  2. With Amber as the first character in the video, I thought you'd talk about the actually broken targetting system. aimed shots are broken in their current state. I can understand machines not having weakspots sure, but weakspots on dvalin and all other world bosses are missing even if that dragon has a giant red "hit me for damage" zone. If that was not enough, quick aiming is completely unhealthy for the player as any boss will mess with the camera so much that your mouse pad will be on fire by the end of a 5 minute fight. I just want the boss camera to have like a 1 second delay before it completely demolishes my entire skill expression with the bow…

  3. They won't fix it because their money givers will always come back so there's no need but if all genshin players mainly whales go to star rail they might do it because they won't get any money unless they do maybe

  4. I really like exploring with Xiao, exept when there are enemies nearby….
    When I try to run with his skill, he fights them, but when I am in a fight, he never hits them, like wtf?! What is this sh*t?


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