STRONGEST WEAPON in the Lore of Genshin Impact

#genshinimpact #genshin #shorts #genshinlore #hoyocreators

⟡ I’m your leify lore streamer Minsleif
⟡ “I read the Genshin Impact lore so that you don’t have to”


45 thoughts on “STRONGEST WEAPON in the Lore of Genshin Impact”

  1. Heh I use the jade spear on Zhongli (I use him as a nuke and shielder with 30k hp and 180 cdmg and 60 crate)
    My Xiao uses homa because of the the cdmg and passive that gives extra atk. I used to use my other jade spear on Xiao but my build becomes better with homa so it’s on Cyno now.

  2. I think one of the strongest weapons would be the traveler's sword from the battle with the Unknown God. Also, if you can consider lyra as a weapon, Barbatos’s lyra is also a very strong weapon. At a minimum, it is able to cause destructive winds and remove barriers. Oh and also Makoto’s sword

  3. Ei has used a sword and a polearm in the past and Venti has used a catalyst and a bow in the past.Zhongli is the only character to have used/owned all of the 6 different weapons in the past.

    For polearm he has used PJWS and VV,for sword he has used Summit Shaper and Jade Cutter,for Claymore he has used Unforged and for Catalyst he has used Memory of Dust..

  4. not mentioned in the video but Ei has another weapon which is as you guessed it "Musou no Hitotachi" current Musou no Hitotachi is probably stronger than prime Jade Spear because it's power is over time and space and even when it was wielded by Makoto which she is nowhere near as strong as Ei, Makoto was able to re-create the entire nation of Inazuma with the power of Musou no Hitotachi and now currently prime Ei wields it and she has unlocked full potential of it.


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