Stop Saying Genshin is Dying | Genshin Impact

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49 thoughts on “Stop Saying Genshin is Dying | Genshin Impact”

  1. Well, Mihoyo is playing it like big capitalist, they dont care much about keeping the community, they just attract more new players then they lose. Which is bad way in my opinion. TCG isnt much fun for me so yeah.

  2. Genshin has 65M+ monthly active players that is still growing and earned $2 billions every years on mobile alone, won PlayStation partner grand award alongside Elden Ring(Basically an award for games that made most money on PlayStation), won TGA Player Voice award(basically a popularity award) beating multiple popular games in 2022, being the most talked about game on Twitter in 2022. It is obviously dying

  3. Genshin isn't dying anytime soon, however I still can't comprehend how it is still making so MUCH money, as we know, the game currently doesn't have any p2w aspect or motivation to spend, abyss can be cleared with C0 units and 4*. They have this formula which has been working for 2 years and I wounder when it will stop working.

  4. Even though I play other gacha games Genshin is the one I stick with. Been playing since launch and I use welkin to get characters I want. The characters and exploration appeals to me.

    Also a big fan of the lore.

    Genshin is not dying unless there is competition.

  5. I think it’s just lacking the challenge and meaningful growth of early/mid game once you hit late game. With these types of games, it’s the journey that is the best part and the story is still pretty solid but not really challenging. I think you should be able to scale the world bosses to be 4 player strength just to make them last longer if you like the combat and since weekly boss mats are sort of capped to 3 a week anyways. I don’t really like multi player, but I wouldn’t mind having the levels scale to make mobs have higher hp for solo players. Same thing with bounties.

  6. Genshin is Mihoyo's Golden Goose, there is no way they are letting the game die anytime soon or honestly ever. If they have close to another decade of content planned for Honkai, Genshin isn't going anywhere.

  7. I don't think anybody actually thinks genshin is dying. It's just wanting to cope for the fact that it's gonna stay a casual mobile game forever (even though playing genshin on mobile is top 10 worst things you could do to yourself) when it could be drastically improved with some additions or QOL endgame tweaks.

    TL;DR let a brother cope

  8. Hoyoverse has been hustling recently. They’re making partnerships with Pizza Hut and are getting an ANIME. we’ve been complaining for the past like year but i think hoyoverse doesn’t care besides how much money we’re giving them. Hoyoverse is unstoppable now and they have bigger plans than endgame content.

  9. I agree with everything you said. And I love Genshin for the exact reasons you said. It's casual, an experience for me. Collect some awesome characters that I like, do rotations of fun activities on the regular, which burn off some free time, and mind you, I've stopped drinking coffee in the morning before work. Doing my commissions/dailies in the morning actually gets me out of "sleep inertia" as good as coffee! And get a serialized story that I'm genuinely interested in knowing where it's going. That's a core of what I would call "an experience". I'm fine dropping $20 a month for welkin/hymn to keep my experience going.

    But ey… clickbaiters will clickbait. How else are they going to stay relevant? I swear those who shout about Genshin dying the loudest- it feels like a psychological tell, THEY want that to happen so they can quit guilt free, without tanking their views. Because odds are, if they quit without the "oh the game died" excuse… they WILL lose a whole bunch of their audience. And they can't cope with that.

  10. Genshin Dying? From twitter likes, instragram likes, youtube views bruh Genshin isn't normal compare to other mobile games….. this not even talking about active players and revenue total LOL, and still have longterm project anime with big anime studio, yall clearly haters if think Genshin is dying anytime soon LMAO

  11. Genshin players isn't just male but a lot female too, not just kids but a lot adult too, Genshin direction for family friendly game is real, with TCG coming this game slowly become 2-in-1 game, maybe will become 3-in-1 game in their 3rd anniversary if the adding new game again inside Genshin, and even can be 5-in-1 in future?, i think Mihoyo really smart about targeting casual market that's why Genshin isn't gonna dying just because simple reason this game is casual

  12. Valk you gotta remember that a lot of the 2020 players did leave. So then there was 2.0 players and now 3.0 players. It's rare to have players like us here since the beginning. the 2.0 players are just at that point in the cycle bc at that point it does feel like it's dead. What genshin does so well is bring in new players to replace the older players so any talk of genshin being dead are just newer players at that part of the Genshin cycle. In reality what they don't realize is when they quit two more new players will join and hoyo doesn't care

  13. People who say genshin is dying probably are those people who play a game that they love so much but lose popularity and eventually dead because of genshin impact, especially that ONE game that rumored to be genshin killer but instead, its slowly dying lol. FYI, the game i mean is one specific game launched a year ago

  14. the game is fantastic, and it's not dying anytime soon if you wanna see a dead game go check TOF global, a fucking MMO that has 0 fucking content hopefully when we reach the CN they'll release some content.

  15. My biggest issue with Genshin is needing a break from it. Playing everyday for two years straight doing the same routine will tear anyone down mentally. Any new story content I often find myself reading more than playing because its 85% dialogue boxes with some small gameplay bits in between boxes then a fancy animation at the end for the wrap up. Can't skip boring dialogue and its always needlessly long. The only time I get to actively play Genshin is when im doing the same routine of stuff i've been doing for 800+ days. Would love to see the end of this game's journey but at this point im going to see it on a youtube video over my own saved file now.

  16. Imagine ppl saying Genshin is dying while the game just got the highest ever banner sales =))))))))))))
    Seriously ppl are dumb,if the already too many "Genshin killers" didn't manage to end Genshin then nothing will until MHY themselves stop updating the game,basically Genshin will not die until the game itself is over story and everything like all nations being released and the story of our journey(the players) is 100% concluded.

  17. Is genshin dying ? No. Is it popular ? Yes. But is it a good game ? No. It's not gonna die or even lose popularity but in the aspect of being a "game", I don't see it as such, bad gameplay loop, bad progression system, character design is getting weird lately, they only make the character good ONLY, if it has no hype so they can't rely on hype to sell, if it's hyped, then just throw in random bs kit. So of all the 4 metric of being a game, let alone a good one, it lost on 3 of them, and the 4th one is story, luckily they're picking back up a bit, though me personally don't care about it but you gotta be fair, they did ok, at least in sumeru story. Right now genshin is a pretty looking girl on the outside, easily to attract people but she has nothing else aside from that, everything else is either fucked, or not existed.
    This is a simp simulation , with a bit of other stuffs revolving around that. It's fair to say you love the game with art design and it has done that one alone spectacularly , but professionally speaking, it's not good enough of a game. Great art ? Yes, great game? nah.
    It's not dying not because it can retain player because it's a great game, it's not dying because new clueless bastards keep getting in, the first cycle in 1.0 is already gone, probably a few left, 2nd cycle is around 2.0, and they're realizing what this is and starting to do the same, it's repeating the same thing in 3.0 now and the cycle keep going. It's just the matter of time before they HAS TO add some combat end game because it is inevitable once you can't get new cycle anymore, and they're milking the the cycling as much as they can, until it's not able anymore then they will change tactics to keep players. This is them making genshin known to most people at least, so then when they add the "end game" they will have people that left, might comeback, they're playing a really long game here.

  18. It shouldn't be in my honest opinion. Recently played through the pyramid questlines and the desert area as a whole including the underground stuff is easily one of the best open world areas ever made. The quality that the new areas have is astounding.


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