Spoiler!!! Genshin Impact Kazuha Story Cutscene | Electro Archon Baal First Look

Early Preview of Electro Archon Story credit to Dimbreath!!!

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31 thoughts on “Spoiler!!! Genshin Impact Kazuha Story Cutscene | Electro Archon Baal First Look”

  1. Traveler: "Hey wanna see something cool!?"
    Vision Hunters: "Okay…?"
    Cue the Traveler switching from Electro, to Anemo, then Geo on the fly
    Vision Hunter: "Oh crap…"

  2. There is only one way this end. Gear up your weapon. Sharpen your sword. Arm your Dynamite. And get me a canon. We have a statue to topple, a castle to hannonjied, a nation to liberate and a goddess to beat into a mountian. I am going to repeat what the American did to Bafuku.

    Screw the simp. The vision hunter better start phoning Hu Toa for major funeral because I don't mind making a mass grave when I march to boot Baal of her stupid chair. I going to drop so many meteor on the stupid palace, Xinyan will get to make a rock on it. Now is anyone ready to march to Inazuma and blow a certian egotistical goddess from her 5 minute blissful eternity in the name of Tone Deaft Bard and Freedom,

    And If I don't see you on the battlefield, I am offing you myself. Remember. discount HoT don't have a Divine power over life. She can't bring the troop back if you butcher all of them.

  3. Maybe Kazuha's friend is still alive, and the Raiden Shogun just took away the light from the Vision. If she can gift them, she can take them away, right? Kazuha didn't see him die, only hear his sentence and see his severed blade.

  4. considering that most archon trailers are over exaggeration of what they are. im guessing the real Baal is just a shy introvert who wants to collect all visions because she`s afraid that everybody will use it to kill each other or something.

  5. I feel like instead of making Baal a playable character they might make her a boss since she is represented as cold hearted or they might do both similarly to what they did with childe


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