Someone Stole Furina Music! – Genshin Impact

Bad news, the cutscene music “La vaguelette” from Furina’s story quest has been hit with a copyright claim by a music company that is neither the producer nor the rightful owner of the music. This music is part of the cutscene in the game and is an original soundtrack from Genshin Impact. However, the company has falsely claimed ownership of the copyright. This situation has caused significant harm to all Genshin content creators who uploaded Furina’s story quest or used the music in their videos.

#genshinimpact #hoyocreators #furina


20 thoughts on “Someone Stole Furina Music! – Genshin Impact”

  1. I am also affected by copyright. I have tried to appeal to YouTube and explain the situation to them, but they rejected it. I am currently trying to email Genshin about this, but I haven't received a response yet.

    6-8 months ago, something similar happened with the music in the character demo for Furina, "All the World's a Stage (Furina Theme)," which was claimed by WAMI_CS and MUST_CS. This caused all YouTubers who reacted to the video to be forced to mute the part affected by copyright and prevented them from monetizing their videos.

  2. a reason i hate yt copyright claim right now
    there were some many false claims and takedowns, be malicious or not, hurts content creators and if reversed, yt doesnt do anything to compensate the victim, or punish false claimers
    need to be revised similar to how “adult content vs ads vs yt kids” works

  3. Youtube copyright needs to ban, its' broken system that hurts many channel. I had my voice in gameplay over the game music their claim my voice didn't belong to me. WTF you aren't taking rights over my voice fuck that.

  4. Great analysis, thank you! Could you help me with something unrelated: I have a SafePal wallet with USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (behave today finger ski upon boy assault summer exhaust beauty stereo over). How should I go about transferring them to Binance?

  5. People do this to stuff (on purpose) all the time. Even when the affected uploader is the owner. And for vtubers, they can’t do anything really cos they would have to dox their name and address to some random hobos (//∇//)

  6. What the hell is happening? How in the World is possible that there isn't a single social which has a decent customer service? Is it so hard to let humans do customer service instead of bots?


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