Genshin Impact 3.3 – Genius Invokation TCG – Jadeplume Terrorshroom’s Display (Serious Showdown).
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#genshin #genshinimpact #genshintcg #genshinimpacttcg #tcg ==========================================
Outro Music:
Ascence – Konnichiwa [NCS Release]
God bennett😱
Even in tcg bennet is op
Bennett DPS is a lifestyle
Bennett, the true pyro archon
bennet is the Nagito Komaeda of genshin, and this is proof.
of course its Bennett…
I like to nuke the chicken with Diluc and Mona 🤡
The roll at the beginning is so relatable
And here I was having difficulty beating it
wait how do you get to re roll instantly at the beginning? is that a modifier with SS?
Just normal attacking your way through life
I dunno which card u used to be healed like that in each trun
lol i took the thumbnail too seriously
Can you share your deck? I'd love to do solo Bennett shenanigans too!
I haven't gotten to Jadeploom Terrorshroom but why does he have 48hp?!?!
do i think i can do this? no. am i gonna try anyway? yeah 🧘🏻♂️
njir sokes bennett solo
This, this is why i get scared every time the opponent has bennet
Im sorry Bennet main but I'll have to nuke this chimken with Mona Bennet burst then Diluc nuke cuz i dont like replaying it for the 10 times in a row
Gg gonna try bannet soon solo this boss serius mood i still can't defeat this green chicken
Idk how people cannot get bored to death playing this minigame. I'm not talking about the gameplay itself, cuz I know card games exists, but I'm talking about the song!!! It's so SOOTHING, IT MAKES ME SLEEPY!!! 😅😅😅
inmortal bennet 😁
Bennet: Always heal!! And bonus physical Bennet?
Getting the weapon early helped a lot
Aquila son, they heal in response to physical trauma.
Wow you play so smart!