So you want to main Ningguang | Genshin Impact Guide

Finally, the Goddess is here.
All hail Ningguang.

Hope you enjoy the Guide!

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1. Xenoblade Chronicles Medley | Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
2. Groose’s Theme – The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword
3. 일만엔 짜리 반지 – 무지개 여신
4. Tifgy – Tilted [XimerTracks]
5. Amazing Plan – Silent Film Dark – Kevin MacLeod
6. Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney OST – Trial
7. Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney OST – Phoenix Wright ~ Objection! 2001
8. Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney OST – Questioning ~ Moderato 2001
9. Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney OST – Victory! ~ The First Victory
10. Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (by Mozart) – Mozart
11. When I Was A Boy – Tokyo Music Walker


50 thoughts on “So you want to main Ningguang | Genshin Impact Guide”

  1. that charge attack animation cancel is a pain in the ass, really. no one understands how it works but from what i've heard it casts quicker if ning's last auto attack was cast with her right hand or when she's spinning around. and even with that it doesn't proc every time

  2. "Ningguang is best girl fite me"…. i saw that.. and it really made my day since i am ningguang main …..i will kneel down if lady ningguang told me to do so <3

  3. I was watching happily, until the Royal weapon bit. It is not pretty amazing. Not at R1, not at R3, not at R5. The proc, unfortunately, is weak sauce. The reason why is the golden ratio coupled with the average crit value the Royal line provides. If you have lots of crit damage, then your best way to increase your overall damage is to have a higher crit rate. A decent crit damage boost, say 100%, means you already need a bunch of crit from gear, because the average amount of crit rate an R5 royal weapon would provide for a character with the base 5% crit rate, its maximum effectiveness, isn't near enough. And, unfortunately, as your crit rate outside of the proc increases, the average crit rate provided by the proc plummets quickly. By the time you have 50% crit rate, it has dropped down to under a third of what it was with a 5% crit rate. And that's the problem. Any damage dealer is going to want lots of crit damage, which in turn means it is best to get crit rate, and that makes the proc weak sauce. Ning is no exception to this.

    They're pretty much a placeholder weapon. You use it until you get something better. Nothing wrong with that (it just shouldn't be called "pretty amazing"), except, unfortunately for it, it is a weapon you are paying a limited currency for. So if you find yourself thinking about getting one, you're probably better off just using whatever you have for now, and waiting until the shop has the Blackcliffs. Better weapon, and one that doesn't get worse as your stats get better.

    They do look cool, though.

  4. shakes fist
    HOW in the world you can get 25-30k per charge attack like that?? I have like 1.6-1.8k atk, 70% Cr, 167% Cdmg, C6 with lost prayer and crowned AA, SCREAMS

  5. The jade screen instantly deconstructing can be seen as a benefit imo, because the game will give you a second chance the first time it happens, instead of putting you into cooldown. And considering how much damage it does when it is summoned, being able to double summon it is super useful

  6. Li Yue Qi Xing, Literally means The 7 Stars of Li Yue. so there should be 7 of them, so far i only know Ke Qing and Ning Guang as members of the organization.. Gan Yu isnt really a member, but she is like a assistant to Ning Guang.

  7. I really wanted to level her
    But then I got my lovely Zhongli, then I want Noelle for shield and heal, and I have MC as my main boy who can go Geo, I would love an Albedo too one lucky day, who do I level now? Too many Geos, I need other elements too, I am a weak player!
    Your video is great thogh and also funny af

  8. Wait so she gets info from children and bribes them with candy? started from the bottom now she's one of the most influential people in the world? She's just Varys from Game of Thrones


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