Albedo has one of the best summoning illustration
Enjoy the guide!
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1. Groose’s Theme – The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword
2. Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire – Battle! Zinnia Music (HQ)
3. 일만엔 짜리 반지 – 무지개 여신
4. Some vintage mood – BGM President
5. Some Vintage Mood 2 – BGM President
6. Some Vintage Mood 3 – BGM President
7. Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (by Mozart) – Mozart
8. when I Was A Boy – Tokyo Music Walker
0:00 – Intro
1:15 – quick review
1:38 – Elemental Skill
2:08 – Elemental Burst
2:44 – Story Time
3:30 – Passive Talents
4:05 – Constellations
5:03 – Artifact Piece Sets
5:54 – Artifact Build
6:57 – Weapons
8:43 – Teams
9:27 – Tips
I actually did timestamps are you guys proud of me
Glad to know that the best weapon for albedo is the weapon that only works on albedo. And it's free :)))))
Fun fact if u use him with cryo infusion the bloom on his last auto is also cryo
I got him on ny alt account and i just wanna watch vids abt him lol
it's always who's the real albedo and not how's the real albedo
73 pity so far for garentied, trying to scrap together a few more pulls😩
I hope you can make an updated version of maining healers cuz the ocean hued clam is pretty good.
Def Circlet if Harbinger of Dawn is equipped. It is almost on par with Cinnabar but Cinnabar is more future proof and corrosion proof.
i just got qiqi.
fun fact: albedo story quest is better than the archon quest =_=
As much as I want to pull for Albedo, but my Oni Himbo is calling me, so I have to wait for his 3rd re-run. I'm sorry Albedo… But dont worry, I will have everything ready by the time you come home!
I have Cinnabar Spindel, just don't have Albedo yet. The sword is just sitting there in my bag, waiting for me to roll Albedo banner instead of Eula's
Sadge I wanted Albedo but get Qiqi and I have no primogems now
Please make sandstorm reaction with anemo nintendo.
holt shit that 23m mora
or are my eyes failing me and i read it wrong
Yo what about Kokomi?, she got that indirect buff with her new set
don’t have the crit rate to afford using cinabar
Just wondering how much time do you spend doing the intro?
i got albedo's constellation but for some reason he makes wine, not alchemy potions
i just got him AAA
I think a good idea for Mihoyo to do would be to put past event weapons and their refinement materials (if they are unique in a sense) in the Starglitter Exchange section, just so those who missed out on the past events could still have a chance to get the related weapons.
I know this'll likely never happen, though it's an idea nonetheless.
Why didn’t i see your channel before? I enjoy your videos!
I love the Intro 🙂
8 seconds Bennet video:
Weapons : Any weapons with big pp Base atk
How the f*ck do you play Bennet?
Press Q and change character
please make a mona guide as well. i lost 50/50 to her when I was pulling for eula. yeah no need to thank me 🙁
Albedo ult bitch slaps anyone and everyone who sipped his first banner
Why did you put a pokemon theme on his demo trailer ?
i think i did something wrong my albedo is doing more damage than my dps
am I the only one who built Albedo with a mixed Def and Atk% build?
Atk% sands
Geo goblet
Crit rate circlet
2p Husk of Opulent Dreams
2p Gladiators
Cinnibar spindle
Crazy Def% sub stats
IMO, even if newer players can't get the Cinnabar Spindle for Albedo, another alternative is the Traveler's Handy Sword as it also has the Def% sub stat.
0:50 damn though, this music fuccin slaps
3:33 i was laughing at the reference and then somehow you surprised me more
i really want him,,,,i lost the 50/50 and got keqing instead 🙁
Most accurate pronounciation of Kreideprinz by a non-german I have heard in my whole life.
hu tao banner fuked me big time.
1st i lost 5050 and got mona.
2nd i again lost 50-50 (i know its not 5050 but i call it that anyways basically a cuck mechanic) or whatever in weapon banner.
3rd to actually get hu tao i had to use welkin (the free one yeah i got lucky there) and farm a lot of primogems that i had saved in the form of quests and chests etc, i also dont claim achievements so there was those.
and then put albedo banner RIGHT AFTER THAT LIKE WHAT. now i am sad that i cant get albedo. guess i will pull kazuha and then wait for albedo AGAIN. FUK MY LYF
lol u are funny xD^^ nice Guide btw
there is 100cm in a meter
Will I do video about Itto mains? I can't wait for his banner !! >w<
Albedo is so cracked that if you invest in him that if you just normal attack on your dps and do 3000 damage he will inflict triple that damage.
69 cm in one meter?
Can you make jean build next, please
That ryhme……damn even you agree with the hair buff
"Albedo's burst, Zoom Cut Chalk Stick Flower Smash also known as the Money Shot."
This gotta be one of the best descriptions I've ever heard from the Genshin community.
I pulled him on my alt account today so now here I am