So You Didn't Pull Ayaka… (Genshin Impact Kaeya Showcase)

No Ayaka? No Ganyu? No Shenhe? Well, ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to build Kaeya (and also Rosaria – definitely build Rosaria).

In this video, I showcase my Kaeya’s build and damage whilst being confused because I have no clue what I’m doing at this point please help.

Anyway, OnlyClaymores is returning next week hopefully, and I should in theory have enough time to make 2 videos a week since it’s finally nearly the summer holidays… and I also happen to be really busy during the summer holidays, so on weeks where I have nothing to do, I’m probably going to be making more videos than others… I plan to make one OnlyClaymores video per week, and then the other video will be something else. I also might stream a bit of OnlyClaymores or just Genshin in general over the summer, and I’ll make a poll on where to do it on.

I hope you enjoyed the video! I did remind myself that although I’m striving to push this channel as high as possible, I am ultimately here to make videos for fun, so honestly if this video doesn’t get as many views, I won’t mind (though obviously the bigger the number the bigger ego). Those of you who do watch this video though, just know that I really appreciate you spending your time on my videos and have a nice day 🙂

Inspired by @Ha1se (get pinged, maybe you’ll notice me)

0:00 Intro
0:42 Bullying Masanori
1:19 Attack on Primo Geovishap
2:07 Highly Realistic Kaeya Nuke
2:42 Floor 12 Abyss except…
4:39 Builds
5:55 Outro

So You Didn’t Pull Ayaka… (Genshin Impact Kaeya Showcase)
So You Didn’t Pull Ayaka… (Genshin Impact Kaeya Showcase)
So You Didn’t Pull Ayaka… (Genshin Impact Kaeya Showcase)


14 thoughts on “So You Didn't Pull Ayaka… (Genshin Impact Kaeya Showcase)”

  1. i have forgotten what i was going to say in the pinned commnet… but hope you enjoyed the video!
    also, how is the quality? hopefully its not too bad

    (only claymore coming back next week btw!)

  2. Fun fact I was gonna finally caved and level Kaeya to enable freeze Rosaria (cause she is my girl) but I got Ganyu after I lost the 50:50 on her re run banner and thus my C2 Kaeya still at level 48

  3. i understand not wanting to invest into kaeyas normal atk talent, but i kinda wish you used him as the on field cryo dps with chongyun. now that would be the ayaka at home xD fun video regardless!


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