So, About Those Yoimiya Leaks | Genshin Impact

Take it all with a Grain of salt.

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31 thoughts on “So, About Those Yoimiya Leaks | Genshin Impact”

  1. charged-shot playstyle is not for me so no matter how op she is shes a skip for me. honestly yeah, people should always look at leaks as a beta/unfinished kind of thing and not gospel. personally i only pull for characters i like aesthetically or personality wise, so kits and changes to them rarely matter to me. (though of course, i also take how much fun the unit would be into consideration. i dislike bows and claymores so i rarely bother with those). i guess if people want to pull for whats "meta" they will be disappointed by leaks, but its always better to maybe hold onto your primos if you like the general idea of the character, and not bother with how "op" they are.

  2. I just need a male dps sword user. Theres a great chance that the character might be from inazuma (Ayato) or from fontaine or If mihoyo could, maybe from mondstadt. But I hope that character's gonna be from inazuma. For kazuha, he is more of a sub dps and Im still pissed off that mihoyo locked his dps potential at C6. I may be a whale but thats just utter bullshit in my opinion. I'll still pull for my canadian fuhua though

  3. A character that can trigger their own reactions. I don't know man. Sounds kinda sus.

    I know of a case where a cn leaker intentionally put fake info in their leaks so mihoyo wouldn't hunt them down. Kequing mains also had a fake leaks contest at one point. So at this point I don't trust anything until video forage of moveset and animations comes out.

    I don't know where this came from since most leakers I've seen talking about Yoimiya have been pretty vage even about her appearance.

  4. Leaks are going to continue to happen in this game popular or not that's how the world works. i spent so much time with the 4 stars in this game that i like the 4 stars more then the 5 stars but hey that's just me keep up the good work man

  5. Hey valk! Long time! I'm back in the game. After I failed to get C1 xiao, I quit :/ and my inactivity cost me venti. I missed him again 😞

  6. Road map for characters will be usefull, yet i think showing materals for those character will cause more harm.
    Imo prefarming is very bad advice in general. It's gacha, there is no guarantee to get anything, so you shouldn't prefrarm. Unless it's guaranteed 5-star character pull, i guess. I get it, content creators and whales want to lvl up those new characters asap, but for f2p and low spend players prefarming is bad.

  7. i don’t even care for looking at the 1.6 mobs/boss leaks, let alone entire region leaks. people should be able to respect the devs and their own luck as a beta tester. just leave the leaks to the characters and characters alone, the one thing that actually requires currency management and/or real life money. so that it keeps the bulk of the update content a surprise. what is the benefit of knowing the mobs before the livestream lmao


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