Today in Genshin Impact we’re checking out the Genshin Impact Special Program for Version 4.7 featuring the new heros Clorinde, Sigewinne, and Sethos.
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#genshinimpact #clorinde #sigewinne
0:00 Intro, Story ACTUALLY Continuing…
0:46 Clorinde
2:51 Sigewinne
5:17 Sethos
6:57 Banners
7:21 Genshin Impact Anime?
7:52 New PERMANENT Content?
8:32 Events
9:20 QoL
9:33 200 Resin
10:28 Misc. QoL
10:48 Teaser for V5?
We have known about Natlan since before 1.0, bruh..
Also clickbait why?
I see very few people realizing that the 800 primos for abyss is actually less since it won't reset twice a month anymore (which ended up being 1200 primos a month) so the new game mode needs to reward at least 400 for it to be the same. As of yet I don't think we really know what the total rewards for that will be (unless it's in leaks or something). So waiting with baited breath.
The source water by sigeweine probably due to her dragon lineage
the change to 200 resin is better than nothing, but woulda preferred 240 if they won't change the timer. would rather have hsr resin at once if I'm gonna have to wait
Baizhu: That's a bitter pill to swallow
Sigewinne: He said swallow the pill!!
Can't wait to get Sigewinne.
My opinions:
1. The abyss will offer less primos per month but it will balance out with the new Theater.
2. The new theater is a great way to force everyone to use all the characters in their team as opposed to be being bennet, zhongli, Neuvillette, Kazuha and Furina scrubs.
3. The animated clip was the greatest thing ever and we need more of it.
4. Clorinde looks awesome and will be pulling only if Chevruse is there.
5. Sigewinne is the character I was saving for. I hope she sucks so nobody pulls for her and I can be the only person in NA that owns her. Sigewinne is mine and only mine.
6. Natlan looks fun, Hoyo has been lilling it lately
If I’m excited for any of these characters. It’ll be because of their passive abilities on an active team. I am more curious about the four stars that will be featured on their banners.
Bro her ULT looks AMAZING!! damn!!
We need another great gacha game release to make them do 1 resin @ 7 minutes
afraid to say natlan cuz who knows what hoyoverse will do to your account
i hate sidewinne. why does she look like that? it makes me ask questions that i dont want to think about the answers to. i wish she looked like the rest of the melusine. they already have the model in the game. just make her a unique character. shed be so much better if she wasn't a freaky mutant.
Ig so? She's kinda all over the place. Does she want to be a healer, a dmg dealer or an off field dmg dealer and buffer? I mean sounds cool but she's like so lost rn
ive been asking for a resin cap increase everytime there is a satisfaction servey for as long as i can remember… now they just need to fix aloy and all my wishes will comes tru
Pull Sigewinne not because she is cute, but to give HYDRO ABYSS MAGES THEIR PERMANENT DOSE OF MEDICINE 😈😈😈
Hey this has nothing to do with the video but can u revisit hyperbloom kuki.for team do kuki,nahida,snake guy(I can’t spell his name), and water dude. Kuki needs as much em as possible (freedom sworn is better then key unless key is R5) and the bloom set is best, nahida stats don’t matter but she will need deep wood and building her with er is good for snake guy, snake guy want 50k hp and enough er to burst every rotation, wader dude is normal just er. Rotation is kuki skill, nahida skill+burst,water dude burst + skill, snake guy burst (u can skill but unless you need healing or energy it’s pointless, kuki will now just normal attack spam on field and reset skill when needed.for those who read this (thank you) and are like “but kuki c6” shut up, that for one is only active 1/3 of the time and the em and hyperbloom damage she gets from nahida and snake guy magerly out way it in numbers and up time.(I will keep commenting his on videos untill it happens)
i knew it the moment we met her, but Sigewiene is legit just a magical girl. Shame she's a bow user instead of like a claymore user though, they could've made a big o'l Hammer Claymore weapon and given it to Sigewiene to really complete the "Magical Girl" stereotype.
crazy how genshin is doing a lot of things they wouldn't normally RIGHT AFTER wuthring waves drops. It's like theyre trying to tell us something
she’s mid af
Now genshinstans have no more excuses. They are on dual banners like HSR, with a worse weapon banner and less primogems earned per patch.
I'm at 72 pity and have guaranteed and I really wanted to build a dps Sigwinne because why not BUT I WANT SETHOS SO BAD 😭😭😭
Sigewinne burst is neuvilette charge attack.
Concerning Sigewinne convalescence stacks. She gains the stacks when she does her skill. And each time an offield unit deals dmg with Elemental Skill, that dmg is increased. Think maybe like Yunjin buffing the current character Normal Attack, but instead it's for offield Elemental Skill. So similar to Golden Troupe.
Hoyo out here ruining everyone with the banners like clorind first phase and furina second phase
(by that i mean ahem swipe swipe card)
“ rarely “ is an understatement theyve never done that for like 4 years or 3 💀
Superconduct clorinde
Graphics is way different in the teaser.
The game going gorgeous.
I roll cause cute n funny. Tbh, I was hoping she'll be the 5 star version of Diona that's I'm waiting for.
Sigewinne is glorified Dr. Mario…
Must pull my ass
Im not sure i think she might has the klee issue of being stiff and easily interouptet and just claped around like a ball 😅 simply becouse of how slow her attscks are and the pill throwing seams as stiff as the humoty dumpty i honestly think i pass for this reason i wantet to wait in puling furina till i knew siguwinnes kit but now i think even thoufg i really dont like her furina it is another option would be konomi but dunno i just eed a good off field hydro aplicstio suport aside of water boy
I BEG that Chevreuse is on the banner with Clorinde
No she's not
Why is your comment section always so ass. People are so rude to you for no reason
I'll keep waiting the skip story button… Next patch probably or someday
why did you put in the video title sigewinne's a must pull if you said in the video both she and her kit are weird?
the teaser is for natlan
even if got baizu kokomi qiqi furinia yoa yoa noelle and bennette and barbera?
Moga butchering characters names is godly
3charging speed is
Fastest used energy
Not as fast didn’t have enough energy
Slow didn’t use energy
i might use her for neuv team
Oh damn unlike arle, clorinde can work with furina, thats good.
Only MHY manages to add 3 whole characters and make all of them bad XD
Chlorinde seems decent and interesting but my guess is she won't be top in terms of dmg, Sigwinne is adorable but everything else is shit, her kit seems more useless than Barbara's and i never believed they can make a kit clunkier than Barbara's but hey there it is as for the new 4*. . . . . .well it's a 4* somewhat DPS which is already spelling doom but even if he's a support of any kind he's probably not enough to dethrone anyone so. . . . . .
As for the update, it's a let down, small resin increase, abyss rewards nerf but new endgame content which is meh,a pile of trash events.
Bro how is sigewinne a 5 star the goofy ass giant syringe 😭
I’m saving for arlechino